
Chapter 1746 Beast King Den 7 Mutations

Chapter 1746 Seven Mutations in the Beast King's Cave
After sorting through the library, Yi Tian finally came to a closed door on the third floor, and looked up to see that it said 'Dynasty History Room'.After pushing open the door, he walked in, scanned with his spiritual sense, and found that the room was not big, only less than three feet in radius, and there were many jade slips on the four walls in front of him.It's just that after more than ten thousand years of erosion, most of the jade slips that are not protected by prohibition have been weathered.

Unlike the "Hundred Instruments of the Spiritual World" that I found before, there are high-level prohibition maintenance and preservation around it. The jade slips placed on the bookshelf here were instantly shattered into slag under the breeze.It is really heartbreaking for Yi Tian to see it like this, and the great historical materials are just like this.

Later, he glanced over again and found that there was a restriction on the wall next to the bookshelf in the middle that gave off a little inspiration.Go forward, lightly raise your hand and raise Dao Lingguang to hit the restriction.After three breaths, the restriction was immediately released, and then a series of 'click click' sounds came from inside the wall.

After the sound stopped, there was a "click" on the wall, and a hidden door was exposed on the wall, inside which was a jade box wrapped by the spiritual light restraint.Seeing Lie Xinxi hurried forward, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to break the restriction, and then took it out.He glanced over and looked at the jade box, which was sealed with wax paint.

After peeling off the sealing seal, he opened the jade box and found that there was a golden jade slip inside, and on the cover was written "Hundred Officials of the Yuanhao Dynasty" in the characters of the demon world.

After gently opening the jade slip, what came into view was a demon cultivator wearing a dragon robe, who looked no different from a spiritual cultivator.Next to it is the mark of Emperor Yuanhao. In fact, Yi Tian can guess his identity since he saw his appearance.

Turning over the first page and the back is the biography of Emperor Yuanhao. Yi Tian read it quickly to understand Emperor Yuanhao's experience.On the second page is a woman wearing a phoenix robe, but the name marked is Empress Huofeng.

After turning to the notes at the back, I realized that this Empress Huofeng should be the ancestor of the Huofeng clan.As for the pages from the third to the sixth, it contains the annotations of the four great guardians of the country, and the hydra is ranked fifth.The latter ones are all the ministers in the original dynasty, but from the four great protectors of the country, it can be seen that most of these demon cultivators have incomplete transformations, and more or less have the characteristics of the demon clan on their bodies.

It's not like Emperor Yuanhao and Empress Huofeng are completely human spiritual cultivators.But it seems that it is not unreasonable for the Huofeng clan and Huojiao clan to become the two major clans of the demon world.

Seeing that all the major clans in the demon world are serving in the Yuanhao dynasty, I think that the ancestor of the iron-eating beast clan where Xiong Erbao belongs was originally the commander of the Imperial City Guard.

And the Lion Clan and the Tiger Clan even served in the real power department in the Yuanhao Emperor's capital.

After reading the entire "Hundred Officials of the Yuanhao Dynasty", Yi Tian suddenly had a lot of questions in his heart. Logically speaking, how did the Lord Demon God destroy the Yuanhao Dynasty when it was so powerful.Also, looking at the introduction of Empress Huofeng, she might have a lot to do with the demon god, or she might be the demon god himself.

Only in this way can it make sense, otherwise the four great masters can only and may not be the opponent of Emperor Yuanhao.As for the senior red-bearded spirit ape, it should be related to the spirit ape protector, but in terms of his cultivation level and age, he should not be himself. It is estimated that most of them are nephews and nephews in the clan.

The reason for the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty seems to be more interesting than before. This time I found this "Hundred Official Records of the Yuanhao Dynasty" so that I have a preliminary understanding of the Yuanhao Dynasty.But some of the details still need to be verified by yourself.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the wild laughter of Zang Shanhu came from the fourth floor, it seems that he probably succeeded.After putting away the jade slips in his hand, Yi Tian didn't stop, he turned around and walked into the lobby on the third floor, and then went up the stairs to the fourth floor.

Later, I saw Zhan Shanhu walking out from the depths of the fourth floor with a full face of excitement. After looking at him, his appearance should have fulfilled his wish.After seeing him, Zhan Shanhu said with a smile, "Okay, I will remember the kindness of having fellow Daoist Yi help me."

Yi Tianshen scanned the four floors and found that the place had already been ransacked by the mountain tiger, but fortunately he had no appeal.Immediately, he replied with a smile: "Fellow Daoist is too polite, now we have achieved our goal. Why don't we go to the outside world to find the trace of Yan Peigong, this is a big problem in the demon world, we should deal with it as soon as possible."

Shan Shanhu nodded in agreement when he heard the words, and then the two walked out of the Taixue Hall together.After coming to the outside world, the two flew into the air, Yi Tian turned on his divine sense and scanned for thousands of miles, but he did not find any trace of Yan Peigong.

In his heart, he was full of doubts about the trip to the Beast King's Cave. Logically speaking, with Yan Peigong's thinking, it was absolutely impossible to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Just as he was thinking, suddenly a beam of light soaring into the sky lit up in the distance, and the beam of light shot straight into the sky and activated all the restrictions in the beast king's cave.

Then the chaotic spiritual power in the air blew up and hit Yi Tian and Zhan Shanhu. After trying his best to stabilize his figure in the air, Yi Tian stared at the position of the beam of light for a while.Immediately he blurted out: "I'm in trouble." I could feel a lot of chaotic demonic aura emanating from that direction, many of which had the aura of ninth-level high-level demon cultivators.

It's just that those auras were restrained after being exposed for a while, and then the golden light that fell after the beam of light was retracted covered all the demonic aura that came out.

"That's the direction of the 'Shen Corpse Prison'. It seems that Qilinzi was attacked by Yan Peigong. Let's go and have a look," Shanhu hurriedly shouted after seeing it.

"It was certain in the past, but I am worried that this matter is by no means as simple as it seems," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.After saying that, the figure flashed in the air and flew towards the direction of the beam of light.

Presumably, other people would have noticed such a big commotion. After flying for a while, they sensed three auras coming from the east, and the leader should be Meng Luan of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

After the five people got together, they rushed towards the 'Shen Corpse Prison', but they didn't find Huolian, Xuanjizi and others on the way.

Yi Tian's heart sank and he suddenly felt bad, and when he flew four or five hundred miles away, he suddenly found that there was a thunderous sound coming from the direction of Shen Corpse Prison.

Then the spiritual sense could feel a huge spiritual pressure fluctuation there, which seemed to be the result of the violent attack of the supernatural power.

At the same time, you can see the phantoms of Huojiao and Nine-Headed Insect rising in the void at the same time. Needless to say, it must be Huolian and Yan Peibus who got their hands on it.

After everyone arrived later, there were five people standing in a three-on-two stalemate at the gate of the 'Shen Corpse Prison'.In front of the chain of fire is Yan Peigong, while Xuanjizi and Zeng Shun are facing Qilinzi Guo Rui.

As for the person that Guo Rui had brought with him, he was already lying in a pool of blood at this time, showing his original form.The forehead was sunken deeply, as if the demon spirit had also been hollowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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