
Chapter 1747 Beast King's Cave 8 Stalemate

Chapter 1747
Yi Tian didn't expect the sudden change in the forbidden area of ​​the Beast King's Cave. He didn't expect that someone had been killed in just a short moment.Seeing the situation, Yi Tian immediately understood something, no wonder he didn't find any trace of Yan Peigong before.It turned out that he had secretly contacted Guo Rui long ago, so he could cleverly avoid everyone's surveillance.

On the other hand, after the cold sweat broke out on the forehead of Shanhu who was behind him, he looked at him and said, "It's a good luck not to be with Guo Rui, otherwise I don't know how I was plotted against."

Seeing the follow-up reinforcements, Xuanjizi didn't show any joy on his face. Instead, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Yi Daoyou and Zhanshanhu, you two deal with Guo Rui, and Zeng Daoyou goes to help Senior Fire Chain. The rest of you and I go down to repair the 'Shen The seal of Corpse Prison' must be fast, otherwise this world will face another catastrophe."

Anyone with a discerning eye could understand at a glance that it was Guo Rui who lured the wolf into the house this time, and actually found Yan Peigong to cooperate and kill the tribe.Meng Luan nodded and replied: "Go down quickly, otherwise there will be a change if it is too late." After saying this, he took the two people behind him and teleported to Xuanjizi, and the four of them fell into the deep pit in front of him.

The Shanshan Tiger behind him slapped his hands on his chest to form a seal, and then revealed that it was a white-haired tiger, which seemed to be in the same line as the white tiger among the four great guardians of the country that he had seen before.

Yi Tian reached out and took out the Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice in his hand, and at the same time looked at Guo Rui who was in front of him and saw that he was not timid at all.Secretly marveling in his heart that they are now surrounded by heavy siege but they don't see the slightest sign of panic on the other side. Could it be that they still have a backup.

From time to time, chills passed through Yi Tian's heart, and he didn't dare to think about it any more. He took out the spirit sword and turned it into a sword thread, and greeted Guo Rui.

After the red aura flashed, a layer of foul-smelling blood appeared on Guo Rui's body to protect him.Seeing this, Shan Shanhu was startled and said: "You actually practice the Dao of Blood technique and specialize in absorbing the flesh and blood of creatures of the same race. No wonder your strength has improved so quickly."

"Hmph, some sacrifices are just for the final victory. I think those old stubborn unicorns of my Qilin clan who don't know the current affairs and stick to the rules will surely be able to reproduce the glory of the Yuanhao Dynasty under my guidance," Guo Rui said casually.

Hearing the words, Huo Lian in the distance shook his head and shouted: "The ignorant junior naturally had an inevitable reason for the collapse of the Yuan Hao Dynasty. If it wasn't for Emperor Yuan Hao who made all living beings in the demon world angry and angry, how could they be reversed by the closest people."

"In the final analysis, it is because you conservatives are incompetent. If Emperor Yuan Hao was still there, he would have unified the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm," Yan Pei, who was on the side, shouted openly: "If the four great guardians of the country can really unite If we work together, I am afraid that the dynasty will not fall apart."

"You people will only blindly use force to conquer the four directions. Don't forget that there are many capable people in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and there are also many people whose talents surpass Emperor Yuanhao. Blindly using military force can only lead to self-destruction in the end." Zeng Shun said disdainfully: "Just like today's game Yan Peigong, your fate is counted. My Taiqing Pavilion master in the spiritual world has already counted your death under the fire of ignorance. Today is your death date."

As soon as this remark came out, Yan Peigong's face on the opposite side showed some surprise. Since Zeng Shun was able to say it with such certainty, he had done enough work.But Yan Peigong showed a ferocious face and sneered coldly: "It's up to people. Only I can decide my destiny. After I break out of the siege today, I will definitely keep you in my heart."

After a cold drink, the Nine-Headed Insect's true form appeared, but the two heads in the middle showed a red and blue ice and fire two-color dragon head.And the other seven on the neck are all green snake heads.

Yi Tian could see clearly and compared him with the protector of the country in the previous trial of the Taixuedian library, and found that the difference between the two was not one or two points.But since Zeng Shun mentioned Qin Huaige's divination that the Yan Pei Guild was killed under the ignorance, it seems that there is no need to help him, not to mention that there is a chain of fire to help in the battle, so there is no need to worry.

After sending out the blue sword silk in his hand, it turned into a thin thread in the air and moved towards Guo Rui's surroundings, but the opponent didn't pay attention to it at all.After the cyan sword thread hit the red aura, it was resisted by the bloody aura above, and only a few broke through the defense of the bloody aura.But when it hit Guo Rui's skin, there was a 'jingling' sound, leaving only some scratches, and the coefficients were all bounced away.

The Mountain Tiger then followed up and directly waved its palms towards Guo Rui. 'Bang Bang' Guo Rui's unicorn claws greeted the tiger's claws. After the fierce confrontation between the two beasts in the air, the Mountain Tiger instantly was suppressed by the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the two monsters will be divided as soon as they get started. Guo Rui is worthy of being a master of the Qilin clan. Tiger has been defeated.

Immediately, a red and black blood rushed to Qilinzi's body, and within three breaths, his strength increased by one to reach the peak of the ninth-level intermediate.Although it was only a temporary improvement in skill, the next move would be extremely powerful. Yi Tian and Zhan Shanhu looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Such a strong will definitely not last long, thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and manipulated the Taiyuan sword threads to interweave into a sword net in front of him for defense.At the same time, there was a flash of light on his body, and the corona behind him showed a short-term radiance, illuminating the night sky.This sudden move surprised Huo Lian and the others on the side. He is an old man, so he naturally recognized this exercise and blurted out: "Buddha sect's corona exercise."

At the same time, there was a crisp bell ringing in the golden light, and the spell words mixed with the eight sounds of thunder flew out and formed a huge ten thousand-character Buddha seal in the air to block Yi Tian.Then the Wanzi Buddha Seal was pushed down on Qilinzi.

Guo Rui's complexion changed slightly, and after three breaths, his figure turned into a red aura and rushed towards the center of the Buddha seal. The blood-colored aura exploded in the golden ten thousand-character Buddha seal.It's just that the hostility in the red aura seems to be completely restrained by the golden Buddha's light, even if it is slightly stronger, it can only compete with each other.

On the other side, Huo Lian and Zeng Shun were not idle. The two of them cooperated very tacitly. The Huo Lian who showed his real body was a ten-foot-long Huo Jiao, with two horns growing out of his forehead, which seemed to be able to melt soon. dragon.

As for Zeng Shun, he took out a palm-sized token to sacrifice, and in his hand, two white flames protruded from it, mixed with white arcs.The surrounding area was completely illuminated by Yi Tian's corona, so Zeng Shun didn't pay much attention when he cast the ignorant flame.

But Yi Tian was taken aback, he wanted to see how strong Zeng Shun's ignorance was.The mountain tiger next to him saw the opportunity and yanked the tiger tail behind the buttocks of the one in front of him, turned into a long whip, and slapped Qilinzi's buttocks fiercely.

The sound of "pa" hit Guo Rui's hind hoof, and Guo Rui's unicorn body trembled slightly under such a sneak attack.Yi Tian, ​​taking advantage of the other party's slack, shook the Brahma Golden Bell in his hand rapidly, and the Tianlei octave in his mouth became more anxious, and he broke the balance instantly and pushed the Wanzi Buddha Seal over.

(End of this chapter)

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