
Chapter 1749

Chapter 1749
Seeing the mirror image in front of him, Yi Tian was quite moved. It seemed that this statue was the body of Emperor Yuanhao.And the seventeen or eighteen chains around him are all array symbols inscribed with 'golden seal script'.Needless to say, these must be formation barriers set up to suppress Emperor Yuanhao.

Suddenly Xuanjizi shouted with embarrassment: "These two goddamn bastards forcibly destroyed the Dragon Suppressing Order, so the power of chain suppression is bound to weaken year by year, and it will definitely make Emperor Yuanhao's Yuanshen escape in 5000 years." Out."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the monster races around all showed horror. Such a big thing would probably cause shocks in the monster world.If what Xuanjizi said is true, then the demon world is bound to usher in a catastrophe.

As the backbone of these people, Meng Luan is also the one who speaks on the bright side of the Huofeng clan. Naturally, he has a duty to do so. He walked up to him with his divine sense and quickly checked it. I don't know if senior disciples under the red beard have a solution?"

Xuanjizi sighed and said: "This dragon-binding rope was sacrificed by the master himself, and it can be used with the dragon-suppressing order to complement each other to maximize its power. The destroyed Yuanling of Emperor Yuanhao is the escape Enter this spare body, with the cooperation of the dragon-binding rope and the dragon-suppressing order, gradually wear down its spirit and soul, and it will be completely wiped out in less than 10 years."

"The demon spirit of Yan Peigong who absorbed the demon dragon before must know the Tao. It is not surprising that he joined forces with Qilinzi, but we don't know their main purpose for the time being. It's not in their interest to release Emperor Hao's soul," Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, explained.

"Yi Daoyou's words are true," Xuanjizi said, his eyes lit up when he heard the words: "If they really wanted to restore the Yuanhao Dynasty, they wouldn't just take away the Dragon-Restraining Token so simply, and they couldn't even connect to the surrounding area. All the dragon-binding ropes were destroyed together."

"These two guys seem to have come here for their own self-interest, but why did these two guys just take the Dragon Restraining Order?" Meng Luan's face was full of doubts.

"The Suppressing Dragon Order is only useful to dragons, so these two people must be using it to deal with a certain dragon, but the dragon clan has long since disappeared in the demon world, and even the Huojiao clan has not seen a real one for tens of thousands of years." It's a dragon," Xuanjizi said.

"These things can be put aside for now, how should we deal with the matter in front of us? Without the Zhenlong Order, how can we clean up the mess here?" Meng Luan said.

Xuanjizi turned around and looked around, his eyes stayed on Zeng Shun, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, there is a fellow Taoist from Lihuo Palace, so please ask fellow Taoist Zeng Shun to help me refine the trapped dragon box. Although the effect is not up to the mark The Dragon Token is so strong, but it can last for a long time. I will find a way to strengthen it again when I come in next time.”

"Dayi is my duty now," Zeng Shun walked up and said, "I ask fellow Taoist Xuanjizi to show me how to deal with it."

Afterwards, the two went directly to the stone sculpture, took out a large amount of precious materials and began to be refined by Zeng Shun.The rest and the others stood in charge of guarding in the distance, while Yi Tian inadvertently glanced at the ignorant flame in Zeng Shun's hand, and found that the power of the white flame at his fingertips was not much different from his own cultivation.The only difference is that he has been immersed in this way for many years and is much more mature than the one he just cultivated.

There are six or seven monks at the stage of integration on the scene. Naturally, there is no need to worry about what will happen. However, after walking around, Yi Tian found that there are many statues trapped by chains on the walls around the corpse prison here. .As Xuanjizi mentioned before, many of these statues are ancient alien monsters.But after Yi Tian walked around, he found that there were still many half-human and half-beast beings, and many of them seemed to have clear human characteristics after showing their original shape.

His face was full of uneasiness, and he turned around to look at Xuanjizi and Zeng Shun, only to see that the two seemed to have no time to separate themselves at this time.But it is definitely not a good time to disturb them at this time, but Meng Luan who is on the side seems to understand the situation here without any surprise.

Slowly walked forward, bowed his head and asked via voice transmission: "I don't know if senior Mengxin ever came home?"

Meng Luan didn't change at all when he heard the words, but stared at Yi Tian with a hint of surprise in his eyes before replying: "Eldest sister is recuperating at home now, but Daoist Yi has improved so much after a thousand years of cultivation. I didn't recognize you the first time."

What he didn't recognize was completely Meng Luan's one-sided opinion.Yi Tian is also well aware that with the innate magical powers of the Fire Phoenix Clan, he can naturally sense the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan made from the tail feathers Mengxin left for him.

It's just that Mengluan seems to be a bit displeased with him, but who told him to ask for help from others, thinking of this, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and ask: "Daoist Mengluan, do you know what kind of existence these powerful half-human and half-beast statues look like?" ? It seems that these monsters have already appeared in their original bodies, but why are they in such a strange state?"

After hearing this, Meng Luan sighed, then moved his lips a few times and replied through voice transmission: "This is also the root cause of the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty. Back then, Emperor Yuanhao set up an experiment to study cross-racial demon cultivators. The cultivation speed of the human race's spiritual cultivation and the original supernatural powers of the monster race, I want to combine these to form a guard that obeys his orders."

"So these trapped half-human, half-beast monsters are all experimental subjects from back then?" Yi Tian replied in surprise.

"These are relatively successful, and they have been planted by Emperor Yuan Hao in the mind of the gods. They will unconditionally obey the orders and assignments, and over time they have become exclusive killing machines," Meng Luan said with disdain. the way.

"It seems that the actions of Emperor Yuanhao back then must have aroused opposition from some people in the court. Such behavior against the sky will naturally be punished by heaven," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"That is inevitable. If an army formed by a ninth-level demon cultivator appears out of thin air in a short period of time, it will not be a good thing for the rest of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. Once the balance is broken, they will be besieged," Mengluan explained. road.

"It seems that the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty and the collapse of the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world are necessarily related," Yi Tian asked with a faint smile on his face.

After hearing the name Luo Tianxian Palace, Meng Luan's complexion changed slightly, and then he stared at Yi Tian for a long time before replying: "I don't know anything about it, but the eldest sister knows about it." Very detailed."

"It seems that it is necessary for me to go to the Fire Phoenix Clan to visit Senior Mengxin," Yi Tian said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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