
Chapter 1750 Operation Beast King's Den

Chapter 1750 Ten Actions in the Beast King's Den
When I mentioned Meng Xin's name, I didn't expect Meng Luan's reaction to be neither cold nor cold, but from her words, I found that she seemed to know all the secrets, but she didn't seem to be too interested in spiritual monks. look.

Suddenly Meng Luan said: "Eldest sister is recuperating in the ancestral land now, but I would like to advise Fellow Daoist Yi, don't involve my monster clan in the clan disputes in the spiritual world."

Unexpectedly, her reaction would be so contradictory, Yi Tian immediately noticed that Meng Luan seemed to be quite prejudiced against him.After thinking about it, he smiled lightly, nodded slightly, and walked away.

It didn't take long for Xuanjizi and Zeng Shun to sacrifice the re-refined spirit weapon and re-insert it in the missing position of the Zhenlongling.After connecting the broken chain again, the five-clawed golden dragon statue in front of it turned into a dead thing again as if its life had been drawn out.

After finishing all this, Xuanjizi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go out first, and seal the entrance to the sinking corpse prison together later."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then exited the cave hall one by one.After a while, everyone returned to the ground and saw the chain of fire sitting cross-legged on one side of the cave entrance.Xuanjizi, who was the leader, stepped forward and explained the situation inside in detail. After hearing this, the latter also had an uncertain expression on his face.

In the end, after deliberation, several people decided to temporarily maintain the original status of this place, and set up a blockade to seal the Shenshi Prison.Later, Xuanjizi took out the formation plate and the six formation bases and handed them to everyone present, briefly explained the six-yang blocking formation he was going to arrange, and then gathered seven people to start arranging the sealing formation.

When the six people pushed the formation foundations in their hands into the surrounding land respectively, Shaoqing had six red beams of light rushing from the ground to the air, and Xuanjizi manipulated the formation plate to connect the formation foundations and then laid down the large formation.

After a while, waited until the formation and restraints were properly arranged, then turned around and cupped hands with everyone present: "Thank you for your help this time, it's almost midnight on the second day, I don't know what you are going to do next. How?"

After the quarrel between Yan Peigong and Qilinzi this time, most of the monks present no longer had any interest in investigating further.Later, only Xuanjizi and Yi Tian stayed, and the rest left directly with Mengluan.

Speaking of which, they also had no choice but to go to the Beast King's Den. Now that Yan Peigong and others have disappeared, they naturally don't want to waste time here.

Everyone also discussed that after going out, Qilinzi and Yan Peigong would be wanted directly, and as for the Qilin clan, Meng Luan would come to visit in person.This time Yan Peigong was able to succeed to a large extent because the Qilin son Guo Rui helped secretly, so the Qilin clan could hardly absolve themselves of the blame this time.

Of course, Huolian and others accompanied her. These are the real witnesses who have met Yan Peigong and Guo Rui face to face.The most ferocious jump is the Mountain Tiger, who is also a beast clan. If the Qilin clan is weak, the rise of the Tiger clan is obvious to all, and he has fought against Guo Rui, which is the most obvious.

After sending everyone away, Xuanjizi turned his head and said, "You Daoist Yi didn't expect such a big thing to happen this time, it's really unexpected."

"Fortunately, the first half of the trip to the Beast King's Cave has finally passed without any danger," Yi Tian pouted and said, "Where is our next destination?"

"Although I was delayed by Yan Peigong's affairs this time, I shouldn't be disturbed again," Xuanjizi said.

"I hope so," Yi Tian sighed.

"Next, fellow Daoist Yi, please follow me to the 'Tianjingsha' party, which was originally the private spiritual plant garden of Emperor Yuanhao. Even after ten thousand years, many of the spiritual plants in the garden have already matured and can be directly used as medicine Used it," Xuanjizi explained.

But Yi Tian was not so calm. After hearing this, his face showed a little strangeness and said: "Fellow Daoist is right, but tens of thousands of years have passed, and many of those spiritual plants have grown into tree elves, I'm afraid We have to be careful this time around.”

"That's natural," Xuanjizi replied hastily: "I just need to go inside to get the 1-year-old 'Samsara Grass', and I will ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help me then."

"That's not a problem, but I don't know what anti-natural effect does the 'Samsara Grass' have?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"To be honest, there is a couple who fell into a coma after practicing kung fu in the early years and fell into a coma. So I read the ancient books and found that I can make her drink the 'samsara grass' to keep the heroic spirit alive, and then cast the secret method before entering the reincarnation. Keep most of the memories of the previous life, and when the time is ripe to retrieve them, you can open the memory shackles and retrieve the memories of the previous life," Xuanjizi explained, and then there was infinite sadness in his eyes.

Yi Tian heard the words and replied quickly: "Okay, if that's the case, let's meet with Taoist Xuanjizi Zou Yiyu, and if I find other spiritual plants in the 'Tianjingsha', I will collect them as well." .”

"Of course it's no problem," Xuanjizi said, choosing a direction in the air and flying straight there.There was a distance of twenty feet between Yi Tian and him, and the two of them flew all the way, and within a short while, they left the imperial capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty and came to a valley thirty miles away from the city.

Entering the valley along the path of the valley, Yi Tian glanced over and found a three-foot-high stone tablet beside the road, on which was written the seven characters 'Tianjing Shadidu Garden' in the characters of the demon world.

When they came to the inside, they found a half-open stone door covered with moss, and hundreds of weathered skeletons were scattered around.From the ruins of the Shimen, it can be seen that this place was heavily guarded back then, not just for some reason, but the army that stayed behind was almost wiped out.

Xuanjizi stepped forward to look at it before saying: "It should be here, friend Yi Daoist, please come with me," and walked towards the stone door in front of him immediately after speaking.

After passing through the stone gate, Yi Tian found that the surrounding scenes changed again. Unlike the outside world at night, the sky here seemed to be daytime.Standing at the door, I found that there are two completely different worlds inside and outside. After the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty 6 years ago, there was no damage here.

But the spiritual plants in the garden grew wildly without any supervision, almost turning into a primitive jungle.

Stretching out his spiritual thoughts, he found that the spiritual power in the surrounding air was twice as strong as that in the outside world, and the spiritual plants growing in such an environment would naturally mature soon.Along the way, Yi Tian's eyes swept across the ground and a few fist-sized red fruits appeared on the side of the road. Although they were only ordinary earth-level treasures, they had long since grown out of their original category, and their level had also broken through the limit and reached the sky. level look.

 Thank you Daoyou Donghua for your support
(End of this chapter)

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