
Chapter 1751 Beast King's Cave 1 Treasure Retrieval

Chapter 1751
After entering Emperor Yuanhao's private garden, Yi Tian finally opened his eyes. The private garden of the lord of this world is really powerful, completely overturning his imagination.At first, I thought that the garden was just a little bigger, and at most it looked like a thousand miles around.

But when he came here, he discovered that Emperor Yuanhao had opened up a private Sumeru space in the valley, and transplanted many spiritual plants in it.Along the way, apart from fist-sized red fruits on both sides of the road, there are also ginseng essences running around.

A large number of ancient locust trees were planted all over the mountains and fields, and they looked like three feet thick and one hundred feet high every moment, and there were many vine-like spiritual plants growing along the ancient trees at their roots.Many ancient locust trees are hung with strings of yellow pears or jasper gourds.In terms of size, it must be as thick as a bucket.

Shaoqing and the two of them had already flown hundreds of miles away in the air, Xuanjizi took out a map and looked for it carefully before pointing to the valley in front of him and saying: "It should be in this Baihuajian, friend Daoist Yi, let us Go down, but always pay attention to your surroundings. I don't think people can come in and out at will, at least for the time being, it's a bit inappropriate to not even see half of the guards."

"That's true," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression: "The world here is full of aura, and it may be possible to breed some ancient tree monsters. It's better to be careful."

After speaking, the two of them fell down to a distance of [-] feet above the ground, then carefully passed through the air and entered the Baihuajian.

After searching in the air for a while, Xuanjizi said with joy on his face: "I found it there." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the square ground in the middle of the two ancient locust trees, and saw a blue spiritual plant about half a foot high. Inserted alone in the soil.

Seeing this, Xuanjizi shouted again: "I didn't expect to be so lucky, and I asked Daoist Yi to sweep the formation for me and wait for me to go down and take it away."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to ask Da to take out the Taiyuan Sword and sacrifice it in his hand, and at the same time secretly raised his guard in the air.This time the luck of the two seemed to be a little too good, and they found their target not long after they came in.

There was a 'huhu' wind around him, and Xuanjizi swooped down and cast his escape technique towards the location of the 'Samsara Grass'.Seeing that it was about to fly over the head of the 'Samsara Grass', dozens of green vines suddenly broke out from the soil with a radius of one foot around it, and rolled towards Xuanjizi.

Seeing the treasure material Xuanji that is about to be obtained, then he will give up.Stretching out his hand to sacrifice the spirit sword in his hand, he slashed at these vines.

There was a loud '呲呵' sound, and the vines fell down, but more branches stretched out from the ground and rolled towards Xuanjizi.

Thousands of cyan filaments cut through the void and accurately shot down those vines one after another.Xuanjizi didn't know that it was Yi Tian who was helping him at this time. After concentrating his mind, he pointed out the spirit sword and passed over the 'Samsara Grass'. The soil was scooped up together.

At the same time, Xuanjizi took out a jade box, caught the 'Samsara Grass' and put it directly in it. After closing the lid, he took out the talisman and pasted it on, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

But at this time, two deep growls sounded from there, and the ancient locust trees standing on both sides of the 'Samsara Grass' actually moved by themselves, and the surrounding branches fell from the dense canopy and shot towards Xuanjizi. .

At the same time, a dry face appeared on the trunk of the ancient locust tree on the right, opened its mouth and shouted: "Young man He Fang, dare to peep at Emperor Yuanhao's spiritual plant fairy grass."

Xuanjizi heard the words and didn't care about answering, and hurriedly dodged in the air again and again. The fallen pagoda tree branches were like hard steel, and instantly sieved the dirt area within a hundred feet on the ground.

This is not to mention that the entire locust tree shook violently and then turned into a tree figure and stood up. The two tree figures together with the crown above their heads were about seventy or eighty feet high.Yi Tian and Xuanjizi looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes, and said in unison: "Run."

Then relying on the speed advantage and the flexibility in the air, he turned around and flew towards the way he came.

Suddenly there was a deep roar, and the locust trees that had been seen before all moved, and many treants poked their heads out to set up defenses on the only way the two had to go back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuanjizi had to fly and split the flying branches one by one.But it didn't take long to realize that although these treants blocking the way were not an all-in-one enemy, they could win in large numbers.

Even if the two of them are in one place and take turns to shoot, they can't increase the flying speed. If they continue like this, it will be difficult to wait until the other trees in the garden are surrounded by them.

"Is there any way that Fellow Daoist Yi can quickly break through the siege?" Xuanjizi asked anxiously.

In fact, Yi Tian was also quite anxious. Although the Taiyuan sword silk in his hand could split the attacks of these treants, the faster he chopped, the faster the opponents would grow.If he wanted to get out once and for all, he really had to think of a way, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a few seeds, and then shouted: "I want to cast a spell, give me some time." After finishing speaking, regardless of Xuanjizi's answer, he sacrificed the tree seeds in his hands after making seals with both hands, and at the same time put A lot of spiritual power was poured into it, and there were words in his mouth.

Seeing this, Xuanjizi knew that this was not the time to make more judgments. He could only hope that Yi Tian's method would be effective. The mana injected into the spirit sword in his hand immediately grabbed three points, and he controlled the spirit sword to block the ancient Huai in front of him. The tree man chopped down two or three in one go.

'Puff puff puff' four or five streaks of spiritual light flew out of the air and flew towards the acquaintance in front of him.After the blue spiritual light flew out, it directly took root and sprouted on the surface of the layman as soon as it touched it.

After the sound of '嗖嗖嗖' sounded out of thin air, many arm-thick ghost-faced flower vines quickly grew out in a way that could be seen with the naked eye. After growing wildly on the ancient locust tree, they absorbed its spiritual power, and then directly entangled the nearby treant.

As a result, the tree man blocking the way in front of him was restrained by the ghost face flower, and the two suddenly felt less pressure.Although there are still many ancient pagoda tree people chasing behind and around, Xuanjizi said with a relaxed look on his face at this time: "You still have the means, Daoist Yi, so we can work together to break through Bar."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian didn't stop, raised the Taiyuan sword in his hand, and chopped up the remaining branches in front of him one after another. The escape lights of the two flashed through the encirclement one after another, and then flew straight towards the entrance of Baihuajian.

Half a day later, Yi Tian and Xuan Jizi in the air of the Beast King's Cave walked together and flew towards the nearest exit.

(End of this chapter)

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