
Chapter 1754 Beast King's Cave 4 Calculations

Chapter 1754
A ray of light flashed in the air, and Yi Tian's divine sense extended out, and he realized that Guo Rui was biting him tightly behind him, and he was still shortening the distance between the two.

Yi Tian quickly found the entrance of Baihuajian according to the location in his previous memory, and after quickly falling the cloud head, Yi Tian penetrated into it and suddenly found a strong aura rushing towards him.After the divine sense was extended, he inspected the terrain here and found that it had returned to its original state, and the ancient locust trees had returned to their original positions.

Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then flew towards the location of the reincarnation grass in the depths of Baihuajian.It didn't take a moment for him to sense the aura of the unicorn Guo Rui at the entrance behind him.I applauded secretly in my heart, and I was afraid that he would not take the bait, since he came in, I couldn't let him.

After flying hundreds of miles forward, he took out several seeds in his hand, activated them, and bounced them towards those ancient locust trees.After the tree seeds landed and embed themselves in the trunk of the ancient locust tree, they took root firmly and then crazily grew emerald green branches.It didn't take long for the ancient pagoda trees around to shake violently, and then returned to normal.

In the blink of an eye, Guo Rui's figure had appeared not far behind him, and his shadow could already be seen with the naked eye.Yi Tian lowered his head into the air and waited behind two ancient locust trees.

The red light flashed across the sky and fell not far in front of Yi Tian in an instant, and Guo Rui's figure was revealed after the halo faded. At this time, he looked suspiciously and then called out: "Boy, why don't you go away?" Are you trying to ambush me here?"

Yi Tian didn't talk too much, just raised the Taiyuan sword in his hand, and then turned into thousands of filaments and attacked the opponent.It's just that Yi Tian dispersed his divine sense and carefully controlled his sword silk to avoid the branches and leaves of the ancient locust tree when he shot.Guo Rui snorted coldly and swung the double-edged battle ax in his hand to form a bright protective shield in front of him.

After the sound of 'ding ding dong dong', all the Taiyuan sword silks were bounced away, and Yi Tian was not annoyed to control the Lingjian silk to synthesize the sword shape again and fly back to his hand.At the same time, he took out the Brahma Golden Bell and shook it quickly in his hand, but he was muttering words.After the golden characters blurted out, they gathered in the air and formed a hurricane of runes, covering Guo Rui's body.

Seeing the hot move coming, Guo Rui didn't show any signs of timidity. After forming seals with both hands, he cast a huge fireball and pressed it down on the rune hurricane in front of him.It's just that the Qilin industry fireball fell straight down after encountering weak resistance as soon as it touched the rune hurricane. Guo Rui saw the corner of Yi Tian's mouth below him and smiled inadvertently.

With a 'coax' sound, the Qilin industry fireball passed through the hurricane and hit the ancient locust tree in front of Yi Tian.Unexpectedly, the trunk of the locust tree was not pierced, and the Qilin Yehuo ignited it directly on the trunk, and after a deep roar, he shouted: "Who dares to trespass in Emperor Yuanhao's garden? "

Many branches grew around the locust tree and took pictures of the burning places on the body.It's just that the branch burned even more vigorously after it was touched by the unicorn fire.

Yi Tian said with his hands in seals: "Get up." The ghost-faced flower vines that were originally wrapped around the ancient locust tree opened their buds, and the green juice with big mouths protruding from it hit the Qilin Yehuo and extinguished it directly.

A wrinkled face appeared on the trunk of the ancient locust tree again, and after staring at Yi Tian, ​​he said, "It's you again, but this time you saved me, it doesn't mean I will let you go."

"Just listen to me, I don't expect you to repay me," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Guo Rui who was in the air didn't care and said, "Boy, could this be your rescuer? Such tree spirits and wood monsters can also be regarded as the guards of Emperor Yuanhao's garden."

But before he finished speaking, he heard the ancient pagoda tree standing up again and moaning with his head raised. Hundreds of echoes sounded again within a hundred miles around Baihuajian, as if replying to him.A locust tree on the other side also stood up, and the branch in its hand flew out and swept towards Guo Rui who was in the air.

Seeing this, Guo Rui swung the double-edged ax in his hand and slashed at the surrounding branches. Broken trees fell in the air, but the branches of the locust tree were not afraid to shoot out again, and then shot towards Guo Rui. One side rolled up, and on the other side, several treants who came from a distance had surrounded Guo Rui in a space about three miles in the middle.

The branches protruding from their bodies formed a tree net and sealed their retreat, and then the dense tree net fell from the sky and covered the space of about a mile.

Guo Rui, who was surrounded in the middle, also changed his expression drastically at this time, swiping the double-edged ax in his hand and slashing around, as if trying to cut a path.But no matter how fast his speed is, it is not as strong as the combination of these ancient locust trees around him.

Not long after, the crazily growing branches around completely suppressed Guo Rui and suppressed him from the air.After reaching the ground, the branches took root and firmly locked the ground, no matter how Guo Rui tried, he couldn't get out easily.

At this time, Yi Tian turned around and flew to the sky, looked down and looked at him, but there was no joy on his face. It is reasonable to say that although such an attack is strong, it will not cause substantial damage to Guo Rui, at most, it can only be sleepy for a while.Just thinking about it, a red flame lit up in the middle of the tree net, and then it burned more and more vigorously. The fire ball broke through the blockade of the tree prison from bottom to top, and rushed straight up.

Seeing this, Yi Tian snorted and took out the Thunder Sun Token. Under the seal of his hands, a white flame mixed with purple thunder and lightning appeared from the Thunder Sun Token, then circled in the air and rushed out according to the fire ball below. The direction fell straight down.The ignorant flame in the air just condensed into a fist-sized appearance, which seemed to be no different from ordinary fireball.

It's just that as soon as the two flames came into contact, there was a flash of lightning, and the white ignorance flame, driven by the power of thunder and lightning, crazily devoured the Qilin Yehuo on Guo Rui's body.

Yi Tian took a closer look at Guo Rui at this time, showing the prototype of a demon body, no different from a normal unicorn.It's just that the left hind hoof seems to have suffered a very serious injury and has a hidden disease, which is different from the normal state of the right hind hoof. No wonder it is called a lame unicorn.

At this time, the flame of ignorance had already ignited on Guo Rui's body in reverse, and Guo Rui's scream came from the invading fire mixed with the power of thunder and lightning: "You actually secretly learned the unique skill of Lihuo Palace, no wonder you hid it so deeply .”

Yi Tian interrupted his words with a cold drink: "Guo Daoyou, don't talk nonsense that I am a disciple of Lihuo Palace, it's just that you have eyes but don't know my real body."

Enduring the pain in his body, Qilinzi rushed out of the encirclement, only to see a white fire shining on his left leg.After struggling in the flames for a few times, Guo Rui appeared in a human form, took the double-edged ax in his hand, and shot it at the base of his thigh, cutting off the part lit by the ignorant fire, and his breath was also weakened.Stretching out his hand to touch a few acupuncture points on his body to stop the bleeding, at the same time he muttered "Long," and the left leg that had been severed by the root grew out again.

After three breaths, he was a complete human figure again, but the breath was much weaker than before.

 Thanks to friends 141112113156493 and Liu Tao for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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