
Chapter 1755 Beast King Den 4 Annihilation

Chapter 1755 Annihilation of Beast King's Den Fourteen
The white flames burned fiercely in the air, and after three breaths, it did not fly back to the Leiyang Order until Qilinzi's severed left leg was burned to ashes.

Yi Tian looked at the situation in front of him. After being recruited by Qilinzi Guo Rui, he can afford to let go of a strong man's broken leg. Although the ninth-level monster can be reborn indefinitely as long as the monster spirit is not destroyed, every time his severed finger regenerates, it will cost a lot of money. Less spiritual power.

At this time, Guo Rui's figure was stable in the air, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were much weaker than before, and he was panting heavily, and after sweeping around with his spiritual thoughts, he didn't know what he was thinking.

So Yi Tian shouted: "Guo Rui, if you can come to Baihuajian today, don't think about going out so easily."

"That's right, I have only one of the three talismans that go out now, and you must be staring at this thing," Guo Rui said with a sneer: "It's a pity that the moment of Sanyue Tonghui only lasted for a while. It’s just time, it seems that you and I will definitely stay here for 5000 years. I’m naturally not afraid of being a unicorn, and it’s up to you to see who can live longer.”

After speaking, he actually took out the talisman and crushed it in his hand, then turned around with a sneer on his face and flew towards the direction he came from.

It seems that he wants to avoid the edge first and make plans after he has cultivated, but Yi Tian is not prepared to let him slip away so easily.After stretching out his hands and making seals, he pointed at him and said silently: "Wrap it up."

Thousands of arm-thin vines crazily grew from the ancient pagoda trees in the surrounding ground, interweaving into a net in the air.Guo Rui suddenly loaded his head into it and was caught, and the surrounding vines rushed up and wrapped themselves around the net bag, wrapping Guo Rui in an instant.The scattered vines grew more and more, and soon formed a three-foot-sized tree cocoon in the air.

But he was not so easy to get along with, and the red fire light on his body appeared again, and then the unicorn fire appeared, which ignited the surrounding vines.Immediately, he swung the double-edged ax in his hand and slashed in one direction, quickly breaking a hole in the tree cocoon that was just big enough for one person to get through.

It's just that before he could get out of the tens of thousands of blue sword threads, he attacked directly, and when the scattered sword threads were all concentrated in the narrow hole, Guo Rui's face showed a look of determination.

Under such circumstances, it was like catching a turtle in a urn and had to forcefully accept a move, and suddenly the red fire in the cocoon ignited violently.In the light of the fire, the appearance of Qilin's real body faintly appeared, and then there was only a "crackling" sound, which was the sound made by Lingyao Huaqian's sword silk hitting Qilin Ziyao's body.

Thousands of blue lights swarmed in such a small space, and the sharp sword thread directly pierced the tree cocoon, and many of them were reflected off Qilinzi's body.

A mass of red karmic fire exploded in the tree cocoon, and with the continuous "bang" sound, it exploded the tree cocoon surrounded by ghost-faced flower vines.

A mass of red unicorn Karma burst out from inside, and Yi Tian saw clearly that Guo Rui had detonated the Karmic Fire Pyro-Explosion Technique directly beside him, and blasted Lingyao Huaqian's sword silk and vines alive.

It's just that the aura on the body like this has been weakened again, and only [-]% of the whole body is left.At this point, Yi Tian's figure flashed and a solar crown appeared behind him. At the same time, after taking out the Leiyang Token in his hand, he made a seal with his hands in front of him and pointed at Guo Rui.

A purple thunder flashed in the sky during the daytime, and the white ignorance flames were mixed in the thunder and attacked Guo Rui's demon body.Wherever the lightning went, the sky was cut in half, and the surrounding space seemed to be affected, and everything within it became a bit slower.

Yi Tian never thought that the Thunder Yang Token he cast would have some effect of the law of space, which is clearly a fusion of his magical powers that he cultivated in Taiqing Pavilion.

After the purple light flashed, the thunder light directly reached Guo Rui's monster body, and at the same time, the red unicorn raged and wanted to make a final resistance.It's just that Wuminghuo's power is obviously stronger, and it soon began to devour Qilin's karmic fire.Under the ebb and flow, it will naturally be surrounded and eroded quickly.After a scream came out of Guo Rui's mouth, he turned his head and opened his big mouth, spitting out a red fireball.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and immediately realized that something was wrong, and saw that there was a unicorn-like demon hidden in the red fireball.The unicorn karmic fire forcibly broke through the siege of the ignorant fire and then flew towards an ancient locust tree below.

With a sound of 'coax', the kylin hit the body of the ancient locust tree and ignited it, while the red unicorn demon spirit sank into the trunk of the locust tree in an instant.

Yi Tian was not surprised but happy when he saw it, there was a way to heaven and he didn't go, he got into a dead end.Originally, he wanted to use the ancient locust tree to escape, but what he didn't expect was that he had already made preparations.Originally, he wanted to use the spiritual power of these treants to plant ghost faces, but it happened that the tree he escaped through the fire was planted by himself.

Separate the left and right hands to form seals, and at the same time retract the ignorance fire into the Leiyang order.That Qilinzi's monster was full of treasures, so it would be a pity to burn it like this.On one side, Jieyin controlled the tree species below, and immediately grew countless vines on the ancient pagoda tree man to extinguish all the places on his body that were originally ignited by the Qilin fire.At the same time, several flower buds grew out of the tree trunk, one of which swelled to the size of a fist, and there was a flash of red light inside.

Yi Tian took a closer look and was overjoyed, the bud was wrapped in Guo Rui's demon spirit.At this time, he was trapped by the acid in the ghost-faced bud and could only rely on the remaining Qilin karma on the demon spirit to support him.

Fly forward to gather the Leiyang Ling in his hand and click again, and the white ignorance flame flew out instantly and surrounded the bud.

In less than ten breaths, the ghost face buds inside were burned up, leaving only the Qilin Yehuo that was constantly being eaten away.At this time, Guo Rui had long since lost his previous arrogance, and the demon spirit's face was full of loneliness, and he begged for mercy with a drooping face: "You Daoist Yi, show mercy to spare my life, and I can take care of Yan Peigong's matter." Let me tell you everything, as well as the secrets of the demon world and the secrets of Jiuxian Mountain can be told in detail."

Yi Tian didn't want to talk too much with him at first, after all, he almost killed himself back then.But when he heard the rumors of Jiuxian Mountain, he suppressed his thoughts alive. After looking at it, he stretched out his hand with a little ignorant fire to speed up and swallowed the Qilin karmic fire without hurting Guo Rui's demon spirit.At the same time, a green light flashed and shot directly into the demon spirit's forehead to restrain him, took out a jade bottle to put the demon spirit in it, sealed the seal and pasted the talisman before he was finally determined.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, a low voice came from my ear: "You borrowed our hands to deal with a powerful enemy, shouldn't you be rewarded?"

Needless to say, the one who spoke was the leader of the ancient tree, and Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Then what do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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