
Chapter 1756 Beast King Den 5 Agreement

Chapter 1756
Flying alone in Baihuajian, at this time, I think that the entire Beast King's Den secret realm has gone out except Yi Tian.The request made by the ancient locust tree people also surprised me. They didn't want anything else, but they wanted to transplant the Shura blood vine into Baihuajian.

For me, this was all a matter of little effort, and then I read the mantra and manipulated the ghost face flowers to be stripped from the ancient locust trees and planted directly in the soil.

After dealing with these matters, Yi Tian bid farewell to these treants before leaving quietly. After flying in the air for a short time, he found a few mountains with strong spiritual power, and there were no tree spirits and monsters taking root around them.At this point, he took out the Taiyuan sword and dug a hole in the mountainside, and then set up a defensive formation, and then he descended the cloud head and drilled into it.

What Guo Rui said before was correct. He had already missed the time of Tonghui in March. It would not be wise to forcefully go out to find an exit at this time.It would be better to take advantage of the deep blessed land and concentrate on cultivating for a while, and it will not be too late to sort out the harvest of this battle and then find a way to escape.

After taking out the jade bottle that imprisoned Guo Rui, Yi Tian looked at it and uncovered the sealing talisman with a thought, and then took out the rune pen and ink, quickly added a few strokes on the jade bottle, and laid out the rune spirit array.In this way, his aura can be isolated, and even if someone uses divination techniques, they will not be able to predict where Guo Rui is.

After finishing the preparatory work, Yi Tian stretched out a ray of divine sense to go in to investigate, and later sacrificed a spiritual light to take out the demon spirit, and then used a rune pen to draw layers of restrictions on him.After finishing the last stroke, Yi Tiancai shouted in a deep voice, "How long will it be before Guo Rui wakes up?"

The young demon spirit heard the words for a long time before reacting. After Guo Rui opened his eyes and looked around, his face turned pale for a moment, and when he looked at Yi Tian in front of him, he sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist really said that." Youxin did not extract the soul to refine the marrow."

"Wo Ye doesn't bother to use such indecent tricks," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "But don't be happy, I have set a soul restraint on you. In the end, I will ask you what to answer, so it will be more enjoyable."

"It seems that Taoist friends are also quite interested in things in the demon world." Guo Rui came back to his senses and said, "It's just that I didn't expect you to be from Lihuo Palace, and your strength is not inferior to Lihuo's second elder Zeng Shun."

"You seem to talk too much. It might be better if you keep many things in your heart," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

"If it's a normal situation, then I'd rather let the words linger in my stomach, at least I don't need to be involved in the disputes in Lihuo Palace," Guo Rui said as if thinking of something.

"Oh, it seems that you have been in the spirit world for a long time, and you seem to know a little about what happened in the spirit world," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"Fellow Daoists don't need to try this way. I think that when my branch was expelled from the clan, there was no place to settle down. Fortunately, there was a turmoil in the spirit world. I also assisted the three spirit world sects in the battle to eliminate demons, so I came here. Make an exception and be accepted to recuperate in the spirit world," Guo Rui said proudly.

"It turns out that you were also a meritorious minister in the war against demons back then. Could it be that you want to use this to persuade me to let you go?" Yi Tian snorted coldly.

"Of course not," Guo Rui restrained the arrogance on his face and said, "I can still vividly remember the situation of that powerful monk from the Lihuo Palace back then. Huo Erlao will also participate in the battle, but his cultivation level is comparable to that of you now, and he is even a lot worse than Huo Erlao, only as strong as the middle stage of distraction."

"I have heard a little bit about Xin Mi, and if I say something I don't know, or I won't see your value, maybe I don't know how to deal with you," Yi Tian said in a threatening tone.

After hearing this, Guo Rui lowered his head and pondered for a while and said, "If I tell you everything I know, how far can you do it?"

"Don't even think about finding a Qilin monk for you to seize your body. I won't be so stupid as to leave such troubles behind, but sending you into reincarnation is still negotiable, and I have been to the world of Buddha and spirit to learn about the way of reincarnation. I also know a little bit, how about finding someone to chant scriptures and pray for you so that you can join the human world in the next life?" Yi Tian said his bargaining chip, but Guo Rui seemed to have a pensive look on his face, but he was a little moved by his proposal.

After thinking about it for a while, he replied: "It's a deal. You make a vow to send me into reincarnation and convert to humanity in the future, and I will tell you everything I know without reservation."

"Why don't we both make a heart demon oath to each other, and I won't take advantage of you on the condition that the agreement has been reached. Before sending you away, I will teach you the Buddhist Zen method, so that after you reincarnate, you can maximize Keep the spiritual root," Yi Tian said in a proper way.

"It's a deal," Guo Rui said with a happy face.

Afterwards, the two made oaths respectively, and when they were done, Guo Rui told the situation he was referring to, and they talked about it for about half a day.During the period, Yi Tian interrupted his narrative from time to time to ask questions, while Guo Rui took the trouble to answer them in detail.

Yi Tian took out the jade slips and recorded the main points of what he said, and after he finished speaking, he would not treat him badly, took out a copy of the extension of Prajna Kuzen, and poured all the cultivation methods in it into Guo Rui's mind middle.After finishing these, let it go back into the jade bottle first, put away the talisman and put it away, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave mansion and began to think about these things slowly.

It was a bit close to what I had expected. This Emperor Yuanhao was originally the incarnation of a five-clawed golden dragon.It's just that he did something outrageous and wanted to use cross-race research to maintain the strength of the demon world. Such actions will naturally be despised by most of the demon world's people.And Lord Yaoshen was originally the queen of Emperor Yuanhao, the ancestor of the Huofeng clan.

And now the two clans of the fire phoenix and the fire dragon are able to carve up more than [-]% of the resources and territory of the demon world because of the legacy of the previous dynasty.

As for the senior red-bearded spirit ape, he was a disciple of Empress Huofeng, and the spirit ape among the four great guardians of the country was the father of red-bearded spirit ape.Back then, when she assisted Empress Huofeng to suppress Emperor Yuanhao, she ended up running out of fuel. It was because of this relationship that after the demon god left, Chiran created the situation where Jiuxian Mountain was in charge of the demon clan.

As for the Nine Immortals Mountain, although it is the orthodox lineage of the demon gods, it is deeply influenced by the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world.When Emperor Yuan Hao was overthrown, the spirit world also sent many masters to help in the battle, so the riot was suppressed.

But as a result, the strength of Luotian Immortal Palace was greatly damaged, and the original situation of unifying the spirit world could not be maintained. In addition, after the invasion of the Netherworld, one of the upper and lower realms, it finally fell apart.Among them, Guo Rui didn't know much about the invasion of the nether world, but he only mentioned it roughly, as if he was looking for something in the spirit world, which was not an invasion and plundering of resources in the orthodox sense.

(End of this chapter)

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