
Chapter 1757 Beast King's Cave 5 Obstacles

Chapter 1757
In the cave of Baihuajian, Yi Tian retreated once for a hundred years, and he never went out during this period.After leaving the customs, I found that my cultivation base has roughly reached the peak of the early fusion stage, and it is not much different from Guo Rui back then.

If you cooperate with those supernatural powers and secret techniques, you will definitely not fall into a disadvantage, but in a blink of an eye, Guo Rui, the unicorn son, has already been physically destroyed at this time, and he is only waiting to find Buddhist monks to pray for blessings and chant sutras before being sent into reincarnation.The corner of Yi Tian's mouth smiled slightly, naturally he didn't think about it anymore, but he had never fought Yan Peigong one-on-one, the last time he was able to escape from the Longtan Swamp in two-on-one with the cooperation of Brother Putian birthday.

After going out this time, he is bound to find this beast again, and this catastrophe in the demon world was all caused by him.After getting Guo Rui's memory description, Yi Tiancai learned that Yan Peigong was a clone of the nine-headed dragon back then.Before the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty, the demon dragon had discovered the clues in advance, but his identity was too eye-catching, so he couldn't get away.

The next best thing to do is to practice cultivation outside the birth, and the incarnation lives in a weak nine-headed insect egg that was not hatched until the dynasty collapsed. This pre-buried nine-headed insect egg unexpectedly survived.Although it took a long time to hatch without the assistance of the female beast, Yan Peigong was finally born.

Then under the new order in the demon world, almost all the demon cultivators who wanted to restore the Yuanhao Dynasty were extinct. After tens of thousands of years passed, this place was just a distant dream.Yan Peigong came in this time and took away the Trapping Dragon Order that suppressed Emperor Yuanhao in Shenshi Prison, but he didn't know what it would be useful for.Even Guo Rui couldn't tell the truth.He only knew that the Dragon Trapping Token was only valid for dragons, and Yan Peigong probably wanted to use this Lingbao to hunt and kill dragons so as to absorb enough real dragon blood.

When he has evolved all nine heads into leading strength, he can directly enter the tenth level category. At that time, even the reappearance of the demon god may not be able to do anything to him.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't feel any sense of urgency at all. If he wanted to really slay the dragon, it would take some effort, and in the demon world, there was not a single real dragon in the Huojiao clan with the strongest dragon blood.

According to Yan Peigong's plan, it seems that he has to go to the other planes to search for it.

After coming out of Baihuajian, Yi Tian went to the outside world and walked around the Beast King's Cave to make sure that no one was left behind, and then went straight to the forbidden barrier near the entrance.Xuanjizi mentioned before that the restriction here will only be weakened every 5000 years when he serves Sanyue Tonghui.

So Yi Tian specially chose the night of the full moon to go there, and looked up at the sky in the middle of the night, and there was a round of full moon in the sky, as for the other two rounds of moons, they were all dim.

Zimang flashed in his eyes, and he carefully looked at the restriction in front of him, and found that its strength was more or less weakened.And the brightness of the pattern written in 'Golden Seal Script' on the surrounding prohibitions has also weakened by about [-]% at this time.

Xuanjizi was in vain as an expert array mage, but he didn't even notice this, and Yi Tian showed a relaxed look on his face.He took out the rune pen, spiritual ink and jade talisman and began to write.

Half a quarter later, a ban-breaking talisman written in golden seal script was made, activated in the hands of Ji, and hit the ban barrier in front of him after being activated.There was a half-foot-sized gap in the white light film instantly after hearing a 'puchi', but after a breath, the gap closed again and was intact as before.

Yi Tian frowned slowly when he saw it. He had already used all heaven-level treasures to make the forbidden talisman, but the effect was really unsatisfactory.It seems that there must still be some problems. After thinking for a while, he suddenly found that the strength of the restriction barrier in front of him was gradually recovering. Looking up, it was already midnight after the full moon.

In this way, I have to wait another month until the next full moon night before I can try again.

It's a pity that he broke the key when he fought against Guo Rui before. If he could look at the rune style on it, he might be able to avoid a lot of detours.Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, didn't I go to the Holy Land of the library of the Yuanhao Dynasty before, where tens of thousands of scrolls of exercises were collected.

Among them, there may be a summary of the formation, I can go there to try my luck, anyway, there is nowhere to go when I am idle now.

After thinking about it, he used the escape technique and jumped into the air to choose a direction, and then flew straight towards the library.Not long after coming here again, Yi Tian found that there was no need to repeat the previous trials.Entering the interior of the library, one person slowly opened his mind and began to search slowly from the ground floor.

Speaking of which, I didn't search the library very carefully because of the unexpected situation at Shenshi Prison.Now that no one disturbs me, I have at least a month to use.

But Yi Tian didn't forget the purpose of coming here. After letting go of his divine sense, he first searched for the ancient documents and books of the formation department here.Walking through the first floor to the second floor, I finally found a place in the depths of the fourth floor that specially included the Jade Slips of Formation.After entering, I found that most of the jade slips had been weathered into slag, and only a few of the three volumes were blessed with a faint golden light prohibition on the outside to be intact.

After carefully breaking it open, he held it in his hand and inspected it. After a while, his face showed a lot of joy. He didn't expect that there were all ancient books written in 'Golden Seal Script'.Not long after opening it, I found the 'Golden Seal Script' formation symbol similar to the four-week prohibition. This formation is called the 'Six Absolute Seal Formation', which is arranged by six super-heaven-level positive spirit treasures.

After the big formation is completed, even monks with the strength of the Mahayana stage cannot break through it from the outside, and naturally it is impossible to break through the barrier from the inside.Only when the power of the sun is strong and the aura of the six spiritual weapons is weakened can the gap be opened from the weak gap to enter.

Here we can explain why Xuanjizi chooses to enter at the time of March Tonghui once every 5000 years.At that time, the yin energy in the world was at its peak, suppressing the aura on the six spirit treasures to a minimum. If you missed this time, as long as you used the right method, you could take advantage of the moment when the full moon was in the sky and use the ban-breaking talisman to break the ban and get out.

Yi Tian thought in his mind that there was still a problem with the talisman-making materials he used. Now that he knew the key to the problem, he could choose high-level treasure materials with Yin attributes to make talismans.

Under the premise of restraining the attributes, it is natural to delay the time scale for opening the ban gap to the maximum extent.

After searching all these, Yi Tian made a special trip to the fourth floor. Before, Zhanshanhu said that there were many exclusive supernatural powers and exercises included here, but he didn't take the time to look them up at that time.

At the end of the fourth floor of the library, Yi Tian found a locked secret room, and all the sealed doors had royal seals on them.This kind of symbol was mentioned by Xuanjizi when passing by Shenshi Prison before, but all those with these marks were the personal belongings of Emperor Yuanhao back then, and ordinary monks could not pass them by.

After looking at the door in front of him, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yitian's eyes, and he began to search.

(End of this chapter)

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