
Chapter 1760 Explained

Chapter 1760 Explained
In the main cabin of the merchant ship in the Taiqing Pavilion, there were six or seven monks lying here and there, and they had all fallen into a coma at this time.

The storekeepers on one side are all disciples of Shangqing Fenmai, and they are naturally respectful when they see the first disciple of the mainline distraction period.Turning his eyes to the eyes of the monks at the fusion period who stood aside, he was immediately awed. Qing Lianyun had informed them a long time ago, and the person who came was also a member of the Taiqing Pavilion.

Now that there are monks in the fusion period sitting in the town, I am afraid that it will be in vain if there are more foreign enemies. These people came up one after another to pay their respects and then returned to their original positions to continue driving the merchant ship towards the next fortress.

At this time, Qing Lianyun looked at Yi Tiandao with a rare smile on his face: "You came so fast, I didn't expect that the distance of thousands of miles would only take a moment, it seems that there is something wrong with your motives."

Yi Tian didn't deny what she said, anyway, he had practiced thick-skinned skills for so many years.Immediately without changing his face, he said: "I was worried about you, so I used secret techniques to escape one after another. You must know that the demon world has not been peaceful these years, and now there are such demons appearing around the ancestral land of the Huofeng clan. It's nothing The place is considered safe.”

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun's face turned slightly red, and after a while she turned pale and said, "These monks caught by you seem to have problems, they are obviously demon cultivators, but they are full of strong human spirits. Cultivate breath."

Looking at the unconscious monks on the floor of the cabin, Yi Tian sighed and said, "Speaking of which, they are all poor people, they are just being used by others."

"How do you know you're being used by someone?" Qing Lianyun asked in surprise, "Who is behind the scenes?"

"Everything started from Emperor Yuanhao, but the sequelae left over tens of thousands of years were used by Yan Peigong," Yi Tian explained.

"Do you know something inside?" Qing Lianyun asked.

Reaching out and taking out the jade slip, Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "You will understand after reading it."

After receiving the jade slip, Qing Lianyun placed it on her forehead and read it quickly with her spiritual thoughts, her complexion changed instantly, and her eyes were full of inconceivable expressions.Then he asked in a trembling voice: "Are these people the product of the hybridization of demon cultivators and spiritual cultivators?"

"It's true, you can check the characteristics of the monster race on them. They have both the spiritual cultivation talent of the human race and the supernatural powers of the monster race. Their starting point is much stronger than the average human race or monster race. ,” Yi Tian explained.

"Then the Qingling Qingjuan we have seen before is not the product of the intermarriage between the two races, is there any difference?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"One is naturally produced, which is no problem. As for this kind of product, it is a man-made product that introduces the pure blood of the monster race by using secret methods when the fetus is conceived." Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "You have also seen the jade slips. Introduction, I think Emperor Yuan Hao used this method to produce a group of loyal subordinates. Compared with the descendants of the demon clan who are born with spiritual cultivation, they are very different. Be loyal to Emperor Yuanhao."

"It sounds really scary, but I haven't seen such a monk appearing in the Yaozu territory before," Qing Lianyun said full of doubts.

"It may be that after the monster army leveled the Ten Thousand Monster City, they wiped out all the remaining eggs of the Nine-Headed Insect Clan, and this will provoke Yan Peigong's counterattack." Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "Actually, as long as you try to It is enough to lure him out and surround and wipe him out, but the people of the Huojiao clan are eager to vent their hatred and will kill them all, so this series of troubles have been caused."

"Then how are you going to deal with it?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"Communicate Xuanjizi first, he is the main person in charge of this matter, and then inform everyone in Jiuxian Mountain to restrain the fire chain, lest he get the matter out of hand," Yi Tian said: "Then let him inform the big monsters The patriarchs pay close attention to the suspicious monks in their respective territories, if these people are not properly controlled, they will definitely turn the demon world upside down."

"That's all right, now the merchant ship is going to the territory of the Pheasant Clan, a subordinate race of the Fire Phoenix Clan. After arriving there, stop for a day to unload the cargo on the ship and then go to the next fortress," Qing Lianyun said.

"The Pheasant Clan is also a subsidiary race of the Fire Phoenix Clan," said Yi Tian, ​​but his heart became hot, and a name flashed in his mind.

"Does Junior Brother have any acquaintances in the Pheasant Clan?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"There may be one, but I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't know if I can still recognize me," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"If we guess wrong, it should be your friend before Ascension to the Lower Realm. I didn't expect that there are quite a lot of people involved in your previous identity." Qing Lianyun stared at her for a while before sighing: "It's no wonder you Originally the suzerain of the great sect, it is understandable to make friends with fellow disciples."

"Why do you sound a bit sour to me?" Yi Tian asked with a puzzled expression.

"The pheasant clan respects women, and all the masters in the clan are beauties in disguise. On the contrary, the male pheasants are not very cultivated. I naturally want to see you have friends there," Qing Lianyun said. Said angrily.

It turns out that there is such a reason, Yi Tian is also Zhang Er can't figure it out, looking at Qing Lianyun's appearance of a little girl is very jealous.I only felt cold sweat on my forehead, but Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "Qing Tian is my senior sister, who was originally a guardian of the sect, but she lost contact after ascending to the demon world."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly reached out and patted the beast-controlling bag of the demon world to summon the Golden Retriever King.A two-foot-long golden retriever dog appeared in front of the two of them in a flash of golden light.

The Golden Retriever King opened his eyes and trembled all over his body, and then he transformed into a human form and stood in front of the two after the monster power gushed out.Immediately Jishou bowed to Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun and said, "I don't know why the suzerain called me out?"

"The pheasant family may see Qingtian at the next stop, so I summoned you in advance. After all, I only know her demon body and have never seen her human form, so I will rely on you to find someone," Yi Tian explained.

"Golden Retriever did his best, but my appearance has also changed a lot now. I'm afraid that the second sister may not recognize me," the Golden Retriever said modestly.

Qing Lianyun looked at the demon cultivator in front of her, and she could see the difference in him at a glance.After bowing his head and asking Yi Tian through sound transmission, his face was full of surprise.

Later, I only heard Yi Tian's introduction: "This is my fellow senior sister in the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, and you have seen it before."

Unexpectedly, the Golden Retriever King clasped his hands and bowed again: "It turns out to be the mistress, the old slave Golden Retriever is polite."

Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun immediately showed embarrassment on the faces of Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun, and it took a long time for Qing Lianyun's rosy complexion to recover and hurriedly distinguish: "Fellow Daoist Jinmao misunderstood, the relationship between me and my junior brother is not what you imagined Like that."

"Smell, mistress, you have the smell of the suzerain, you can't be wrong. I have poor eyesight but relying on my innate magical powers to judge, there will be no mistakes. Even if I kiss you, the smell will be left behind," Jin Mao replied confidently. road.

(End of this chapter)

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