
Chapter 1761 Infiltrate

Chapter 1761 Infiltrate
The pheasant tribe's gathering place is located near the ancestral land of the Huofeng tribe. Because the Huofeng tribe's population is sparse and the territory they inhabit is extremely large, some blessed land will be set aside for some vassal races to inhabit.

The biggest feature of the pheasant family is their strong reproductive capacity, and they are rich in beauties and are very close to the Huofeng family, so they often get extra care.This time, the transport ship of the Taiqing Pavilion Company was specially designated to go to the territory of the Pheasant Clan to unload a quarter of the supplies.

Arriving at the airport of the Pheasant Clan, merchant ships slowly entered.Afterwards, the group of people who got off the boat was led by Qing Lianyun, followed by a dog clan demon cultivator.Although the shop assistants around him didn't know when such a character would appear, as long as they felt the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, there would be deep fear in their eyes.

This monster cultivator is a real eighth-level middle-level monster, and he can be the patriarch of those small races outside.Even in the pheasant clan, it can be regarded as a top existence. I am afraid that only the patriarch here can stabilize it.

It's just that this big demon has great respect for Qing Lianyun who is walking in front of him, and will respect her in everything.Along the way, they were inseparable as if they were guarding each other.

The guys around such a big battle naturally didn't know what they were going to do, and those demon cultivator guards of the pheasant clan also showed unusually dignified expressions.After Qing Lianyun disembarked, a special car came to take her to the important place of the clan, and the eighth-level demon cultivator was also accompanying her.

As for Yi Tian was already outside the territory of the Pheasant Clan at this time, he didn't follow him in because he wanted to take care of Qing Lianyun's feelings.Who told her that there are so many beauties in the pheasant clan, even if she wants to go and see, she has to avoid suspicion in front of her.

After thinking about it, there is still business to do. It is not a trivial matter that the Taiqing Pavilion merchant ship was attacked in the territory of the Fire Phoenix Clan. It is conceivable that Yan Peigong's crazy revenge has already begun. Next Don't know what will happen.

Flying straight towards the ancestral land of the Huofeng Clan, Yi Tian wore a breath-suppressing cloak on his body and restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body to the extreme, and at the same time used concealed body skills to shuttle quietly above the sky.

It's just that after flying for a long time, I saw a towering phoenix tree in the distance. Everyone said that Fengqi sycamore seemed to be the land of the ancestor of the fire phoenix, but I didn't know where the land of the phoenix's nirvana was.

Although the tree was seen from a distance, it was at least seven or eight thousand miles away by visual inspection.When Yi Tianfei was within a thousand miles, he suddenly found that the fire element in the surrounding air rose sharply.

Flying forward, you can see groups of demon cultivators patrolling in the air. Among these demon cultivators responsible for patrolling, only one is at level eight, and the four behind them are all at level seven.Moreover, the members of these patrols are all monks affiliated to the Huofeng tribe. Yi Tian looked at the sky for a long time and found that he did not see a real Huofeng tribe demon cultivator in the outer circle or even under the canopy of the sycamore tree within a hundred miles.

Secretly doubted in his heart, could it be that there are so few people from the Huofeng tribe, since he entered the demon world, he has only seen Mengluan alone.

On the contrary, this huge sycamore tree is interesting. There are dozens of nests in the branches on the top of the crown.Yi Tian didn't dare to protrude his divine sense, lest he be noticed by the masters of the Huofeng clan.

Then he had to quietly raise the flying altitude to the vicinity of those nests, and turned his head to stare at the bird's nests with a flash of purple light in his eyes.Then it was discovered that these bird's nests were located at several nodes with strong spiritual power in the plane tree, and it seemed that the nests were not built randomly here.

After slowly flying over and inspecting, I found that there was a fire phoenix sleeping soundly in each bird's nest, and there were many of them who were slightly smaller and looked like they had not yet matured.It's just that the cultivation bases of these chicks are already within the seventh-level category, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the slightly older Huofeng are as strong as eighth-level demon cultivators.

"It's no wonder that the Huofeng clan can be regarded as a pivotal force in the demon world. If it weren't for the small population, they might have knocked out their opponents long ago," Yi Tian thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found a patrolling demon cultivator passing by in front of him. The one at the head was only a member of the Qingluan clan with an eighth-level cultivation base, but behind him were two men, two women, and four seven-level demon cultivator followers.When the team of demon cultivators passed by him, Yi Tian found that one of them, a beautiful female cultivator with red hair, turned her head and stared at his position for a while, the surprise flashed in her eyes, and then flew away. The speed also slowed down and opened a distance with the four people in front.

Then the leader of the team yelled: "Qingtian quickly catch up, don't be lazy. If Master Mengyu finds out that we are passive and sabotage, we will all be punished."

It turned out that the female cultivator turned out to be Qingtian, and Yi Tian was also taken aback.Visually, she should have sensed her own existence through Lihuogong's exercises.It's just that she didn't know what to do for a while. After all, induction is induction, and she still couldn't see through her concealed movement.

When the patrolling demon cultivators flew past Yi Tian and stared at Qing Tian, ​​the purple light flashed in her eyes and made a tracking mark on her.Then he walked cautiously under the canopy of the sycamore tree, and Shaoqing realized that the nests on the tree were all members of the Huofeng tribe who were born less than 2000 years ago.And the higher the level, the lower the level. On the contrary, many of the cultivation bases near the middle of the trunk have reached the eighth intermediate level.

Further down along the trunk of the sycamore tree, there are huge tree holes, in which many blessed places for cultivation have been opened.As for the area below Baizhang, there are layers of restrictions and blessings. If you want to break the restrictions, you have to find a suitable place so that you won't be noticed.

In her spiritual thoughts, she found that the team that Qingtian was in had returned to a certain tree hole in the trunk of the sycamore tree. At this time, she was in a secret room of a single cave mansion.Yi Tian then flew over quietly following the induction of the tracking mark, and after ten breaths, he arrived at the gate of the Dongfu where Qingtian was.After looking at the prohibition in front of him, there was a flash of inspiration all over his body, and then he drilled directly from the prohibition node as if entering no one's land, and the surrounding prohibition just shook and returned to its original state.

After coming to Neizhong, Yi Tian looked around and found that it was a secret room with a radius of three feet. At this time, Qingtian was sitting cross-legged in it and was concentrating on cultivation.Suddenly she opened her eyes and stared at where she was, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Fellow Daoist Qingtian hasn't seen you for many years, so you're fine," Yi Tian's voice suddenly came from the space in front of him.

"Sovereign, how is it possible?" Qing Tian exclaimed.

"Everything is possible," Yi Tian said with a smile while showing his figure.

Seeing this, Qingtian was taken aback and looked it up before saying: "Sovereign Master, how strong is your strength? Why can't I see clearly?"

"It's about the fusion period, probably slightly better than Mengluan," Yi Tian replied lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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