
Chapter 1762

Chapter 1762
Meeting Qingtian Demon King again in the secret room of the tree hole, I think that the situation of the two of them back then is completely reversed now.I saw Qingtian sized himself up and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that the suzerain's strength has improved so much. Lihuo Palace really deserves to be the number one sect in the spirit world."

"You're half right. Lihuo Palace is indeed powerful in the spirit world. But now I am a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion. As for my senior brother Ji Xuanyuan, I have never met since I came to the spirit world," Yi Tian said lightly.

Qingtian looked puzzled and said: "Why didn't the suzerain return to the sect? Is there any mistake in this, but I feel that the exercises on your body are still the direct-handed exercises from Lihuo Palace."

"That's true, there is no way for Xin Mi to come," Yi Tian replied with a smile, and then changed the topic: "I have already seen the King of Eagles and the Golden Retriever."

"I also know that Brother Wanying is in the Tianpeng Clan. Because of his blood lineage, he can only be classified as a non-direct descendant," Qing Tian said, but when it came to the Golden Retriever King, there was a look of loneliness on his face.After looking at Yi Tian, ​​he asked: "Third brother's situation is not very good. Back then, I practiced the technique of ascension together with him, and then when I entered the spirit world, my cultivation level was higher than his, and I naturally received a lot more spiritual power injection." Five."

"That's true. Originally, there is a limit to accepting spiritual power after entering the critical state. What's more, the two of you shared this opportunity at the same time," Yi Tianda said meaningfully: "When I saw the golden retriever, he was in the dog clan. Cultivation is like a seventh-level elementary level."

"It's been so many years, I didn't expect that the third brother's cultivation base and the time of the breakup have not changed much, and he has suffered all these years," Qingtian sighed after hearing the words.

"Heaven will send a great mission to Si, and people must first work hard. The current Golden Retriever's cultivation is far from what it was then. I'm afraid you won't recognize him when you see him," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Where is he now?" Qingtian asked.

"The pheasant clan accompanied the Taiqing Pavilion merchant ship, so it could be regarded as the bodyguard of the caravan," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

After hearing this, Qingtian showed joy on his face and said: "Then the relationship is good, I will go back to the ancestral land to see the third brother."

"No need to trouble, the merchant ships of Taiqing Pavilion will come to Huofengzu Land after bypassing the four fortresses and unloading their goods," Yi Tian explained: "You can wait here for a few days, and there is no need to leave. I know You are currently serving as the inner guard of the Fire Phoenix Clan, so naturally you must not leave your post without permission."

"Thank you so much for the suzerain's care," Qingtian also said with a smile.

"I came here this time to learn about the location of the Nirvana Land of the Fire Phoenix Clan," Yi Tian turned around and asked.

"Sovereign, you want to trespass on the forbidden area," Qingtian gasped and his eyes flickered a little.

"It's trespassing. I'm going to find Mengxin. She should have returned thousands of years ago," Yi Tian said hastily. Seeing the situation, Qingtian still had some doubts about his motives, so he just went straight to the point and stated his purpose. good.

"Master Mengxin is back?" Qingtian said with suspicion on his face after hearing this: "Why has Master Mengluan never mentioned this in the clan?"

"That's a natural thing," Yi Tian said with disdain on his face, "Meng Luan and I met face to face in the beast king's den, but she didn't want to participate in the matter of Helihuo Palace, and she disagreed with Meng Xin. In desperation I can only come to Mengxin myself."

"So that's how it is," Qingtian's expression became much more relaxed at this time, and then he lowered his head and thought for a while before saying: "Now the Huofeng Clan is entirely up to Mr. Mengluan, and the rest of the ninth-level demon masters can't retreat. And the suzerain What's the matter with Master Mengluan not wanting to get involved in the Lihuo Palace?"

Yi Tian then briefly explained the situation between himself and Lihuo Palace, and Qingtian was frightened again when he heard it.Although many of the contents were briefly mentioned, the saved information was enough to shock her.

Looking at Yi Tianhou again, Qingtian respectfully Jishou said: "I don't know when the suzerain is going to fight the master?"

"I don't know either," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "With my current strength, it is naturally impossible for my senior brother to gain the upper hand, not to mention that there are two elders from Lihuo to assist."

"Then how should the suzerain deal with it? After all, the master is the No. 1 monk in the Mahayana stage of the spiritual world. In addition, there are two monks in the early stage of fusion to help out. Unless you can improve your cultivation to the late stage of fusion, you will have the power to fight. "Qingtian said, his eyes could not help showing a little worry.

"It's okay, I don't want to really decide the outcome with my brother, you don't have to think about it too easily, I have my own plan," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"The master is going to see Lord Mengxin, does he want to invite him out of the mountain?" Qing Tian asked.

"It's best if you can come, after all, the other party still has a fire chain to help, but I still have something to talk to Mengxin," Yi Tian said: "Now that I have arrived at the sacred tree of Wutong in the ancestral land of Huofeng, I want to explore it further. I went there but found out that there are many restrictions, and I am not very familiar with this place, so I want to ask you about the situation."

It turned out that such a clear expression appeared on Qingtian's face, and then he reached out and took out the jade slip and handed it over respectfully: "This is the map of the Fengqi sycamore sacred tree, and I have never been to the forbidden part. But The approximate location of the Phoenix's Nirvana is clearly marked inside."

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tianzhan inspected it carefully in his palm, and took a deep breath.Fortunately, he didn't force himself to go on. There are many restrictions below, and even this Fengqi sycamore sacred tree has been arranged to be jointly restricted.

If you don't have this map, you will be restricted everywhere if you go on your own. After putting away the map jade slip, Yi Tian took the extra jade talisman and handed it to Qingtian, saying: "When the Taiqing Pavilion merchant ship comes to visit, you can go on board with this jade slip." Boat. Jin Mao can’t find you in the Pheasant Clan Fortress, so he will come here to wait for me.”

"Thank you, Sovereign," Qingtian said, stretching out his hand to take the jade talisman, and then saw Yi Tian's figure disappear out of thin air, as if he had never visited before.

After getting out of the secret tree hole, Yi Tian used his concealed movements to walk down the passage in the parasol tree.It was only when they reached the restricted entrance of the lower floor that they stopped.His eyes swept over and his brows frowned slightly. There was not even a single node in the restriction here.

If you forcefully break the ban, I'm afraid there will be some big disturbances. After thinking about it, I just sat on the side and waited until someone came in and out, and then figured out what to do.

After sitting cross-legged for two days, I suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and saw a group of guards carrying a stretcher on which lay a dying Huofeng chick.The leader shouted: "Quickly open the restriction, Master Meng Qi is going to enter the land of Nirvana," and then took out the token from his waist and handed it to the guards on both sides to inspect it.

After confirming that it was correct, the guard took out a palm-sized token and pointed it at the restricted gate, and in an instant a gate nine feet high and three feet wide appeared.A group of people, along with Dao Qingfeng, hurriedly entered the restriction.

 Thanks to fellow Taoist fshqia03, 20190605232745911 for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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