
Chapter 1763 Treatment

Chapter 1763 Treatment
After entering the inner layer, there was another three-fork road here, and the team of Huofeng clan guards rushed directly to the road on the right with a stretcher.Yi Tian took a closer look at the road sign that said Incubation Room, and as for the two roads, it was written, Cultivation Road and Nirvana Road.

If I want to find Mengxin, I must take the Nirvana Road, but before I go forward, I suddenly have a strange feeling in my heart, it seems that the road in front of me is not so easy to walk.After the purple light flashed in his eyes, he took a closer look and found that there were hidden warning restrictions all around this path of Nirvana. Even a person with his cultivation had to be careful.

After looking at it, he turned around and walked towards the incubator road on the right. The ban was not restarted after the brigade passed by just now.This passage is about one foot high and four feet wide. Walking down, you can only feel the temperature around you slowly rising.

After walking all the way, I found that the surrounding temperature began to rise gradually. After walking down the spiral escalator for half an hour, there were no roots and branches of Fengqi sycamore around. Yi Tian reckoned that they should have passed the roots and reached the lower level Deep down.

Suddenly there was a miserable sound from below, followed by a croaking sound.Yi Tian speeded up, Yu Kongfei sprinted down in mid-air, and came to a long corridor in a short time.Looking up, the aisle is about three feet wide and two high. On both sides of the aisle, there is a room every hundred steps.

And when the mournful sound came again, Yi Tian followed the sound and found that it came from the last room in the corridor.After quietly walking over, he stood still outside the room, looked in through the half-closed stone door, and saw a stone bed about Zhang Zhang in the room, and the dying fire phoenix was lying on the stone bed at this time.

A group of guards stood around, and beside the stone bed was a fifty-year-old man who seemed to be making a diagnosis.This ancestor's cultivation base is almost at the beginning of the ninth level, and is at the same level as Meng Luan.

After checking the meeting, he inquired with the guards around him, and later introduced a trace of fire power from the room into Meng Qi's body.I saw that the young fire phoenix's body began to shake violently the moment the power of the fire source entered its body, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around it were in an extremely unstable state.

The old man who was being healed was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped and withdrew the power of the fire source. After searching again later, his face showed endless desolation. Finally, he shook his head, turned around with his hands behind his back and walked out of the room.

The surrounding guards also hurriedly followed, and finally the man gently closed the door.It was obvious that no further diagnosis and treatment could be done this time, so even the Yaozun of the Fire Phoenix Clan gave up directly.

After the people left, the surrounding corridors sank into immersion again, only faint groans could be heard from the last room, but it was far less loud than before.Not long after, ripples and fluctuations appeared somewhere in the corner of the corridor, and then Yi Tian's figure in a cloak appeared.

After flashing in an instant, he came to the stone room where Meng Qi was placed again, gently pushed open the slit and slipped in sideways.

Going indoors, Yi Tian found that the place was extremely hot, and there were flames of Nirvana fire in the four corners of the room.It is estimated that this should be the place of Nirvana of the Fire Phoenix Clan. When I walked up to Yi Tian, ​​I looked at the Fire Phoenix chick on the stone bed. I saw that she was only about 2000 years old, but her strength had already been cultivated. Like the eighth-level intermediate.

Calculated, even if it is much stronger than spiritual cultivation, it can even be proud of the same level.It is not an exaggeration to waste time at such an age that Qingtian only has the strength of a seventh-level intermediate in 5000 years.

It's just that the aura of the fire phoenix chick in front of him is extremely chaotic, and it's really in a state of madness as the guards said before.Yi Tian stood aside and scanned it with his divine sense, but his face showed a deep shock. This fire phoenix chick is indeed insane, the key is that she has absorbed too much fire power in her body.

And through my own pupil technique observation, I found that the original power in her body contained a black fire source power, and it was this black flame that turned the real power in her body upside down.

The strange thing is that this wisp of black flame is extremely compatible with her spirit and soul, needless to say, it should be innate.There are only two situations in which such a situation can occur. The fire phoenix was polluted by the power of the magic source before hatching, or the mother who gave birth to her had the magic energy enter her body after a fierce battle and then directly affected the birth.

The black magic fire in her body was like tarsal maggots constantly devouring the power of the phoenix's Nirvana fire, that's why there was such a big reaction when the power of the fire source was forcibly injected just now.

Fortunately, she survived, and there was a golden aura protecting her forehead where the demon spirit was, so she was able to survive until now.

Thinking about it, I came here this time specifically to find Mengxin, and I didn't want to cause extra trouble.It's just that seeing Meng Qi lying on the stone table and moaning softly, she couldn't help feeling pity in her heart.

After showing his true form, he continued to use seals in his hand and pointed at the fire phoenix chick, and a golden aura sank directly into its forehead after it was released from his hand.Afterwards, the golden aura that originally guarded her demon spirit suddenly shone with an extremely dazzling light as if it had been sensed.

After the fusion of the two auras, they directly attached to Meng Qi's forehead, and then Yi Tian sat cross-legged in front of the stone bed and stretched out his hands to form the Buddhist seal on his chest.The best way to eradicate these magical fires attached to the body is to completely remove and purify them.

Originally, I thought that some tricks would be used, but fortunately, Meng Qi already had the imprint of the Buddha Sect in her body.Looking at the style of the imprint, it is not like that of the Daleiguang Temple, so the person who blessed the seal before should be someone from other temples in the Buddhist and spiritual world.

There was a lotus imprint on his hand, and then Yi Tian said slowly: "This is the power of Hualian to purify the world, and this is also your good fortune. I will inject the imprint of Hualian in the world into your body to eliminate the evil spirits. Although the power of the source is extremely painful, it can also make you reborn after you succeed."

"Who is senior?" Meng Qi asked, panting heavily.

"If you can withstand the power of purification, I will tell you about my origin in the future. Take it," Yi Tian said with a coronal technique behind his back, and a fist-sized white lotus was transformed into a fist-sized white lotus after the seal in his hand.

He reached out and pushed the white lotus into Meng Qi's forehead, only to see her body shaking violently.After the white pure lotus entered the body, it directly wrapped her demon spirit, and then the one-foot-sized demon god flashed the same light, and after three breaths, it shrank to a four-foot-long humanoid appearance.

After the white light stabilized, there was a ray of black magic flame in its abdomen that was constantly being squeezed into the space for movement.It's just that the black flame seemed unwilling to be purified like this, and suddenly ignited to break through the power of Jingshi Hualian.

It's a pity that the innate attribute restraint and Yi Tian saw this on the side, so naturally he wouldn't let it take advantage of it.Under the shining light of Jingshi Hualian, it was quickly completely eliminated.

 Thanks fellow Taoist, my family has two dogs, Hugel for his support.

(End of this chapter)

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