
Chapter 1764

Chapter 1764
In the deepest part of the incubation room of the Fire Phoenix Forbidden Land, a radical change appeared on the stone table.Under the blessing of Jingshi Hualian, Meng Qi, who was originally dying, managed to get rid of the stubborn illness in her body.But she also passed out after being attacked by the purification treatment. After the light of the Jingshi Hualian converged into her body, a pink lotus mark appeared on her forehead.

Yi Tian took a closer look at a four-foot-tall girl lying on the stone bed at this time, who looked like Lingxiu was eight or nine years old.She has a round face and black hair tied in two buns.

At this time, Meng Qi was falling into a deep sleep, breathing deeply. If she didn't know what she had experienced before, she would mistake her for a deep sleep.Yi Tian sent his mind to scan her body and found that after the purification just now, although all the stubborn diseases in Meng Qi's body had been eliminated, her cultivation base had also dropped from one level to the eighth level.

Thinking about it carefully, the power of the magic source is not useless, at least it can enhance its own cultivation.After checking, it was found that the magic fire was originally connected to Meng Qi's innate power. Although the magic fire was purified by this method, its original talent was bound to be weakened at the same time.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face showed a cloudy and uncertain look, and then he sighed: "You girl is lucky to meet me. Since you have made a move, you must do your best. I If a good person does it to the end, he will pass on the innate supernatural power of Wuminghuo from Lihuo Palace to you."

After speaking, his complexion sank and he put away the coronal crown on his body, and stretched out his hands to lay layers of prohibition barriers around him.Then he stretched out his hand to make another mudra, and a white flame flashed on the tip of his right index finger, which was the ignorant flame of Li Huo Palace.

At the same time, move the left hand towards Meng Qi's body and draw a trace of red fire phoenix true flame from the dantian of her abdomen.Originally, the Wuminghuo from the Lihuo Palace was extremely domineering, but fortunately, the cultivation techniques practiced by the monks of the Huofeng Clan were very compatible with it.

After Wuminghuo and the fire phoenix true flame were completely fused, Yi Tian cast a spell to put the fused true flame back into Meng Qi's body.After finishing all this, Yi Tian found a space on the side and sat down, took out the elixir and knocked it down to supplement the consumed spiritual power.

Although this kind of operation didn't cost him much spiritual power, Yi Tian still didn't dare to take it lightly and try to maintain his state in the most prosperous state.

As for the change in Meng Qi's body at this time, the white ignorance flame entered the dantian and began to continuously absorb her own fire phoenix true flame.After half a moment, a layer of white flame faintly appeared on the surface of the entire body, and then it was absorbed into the surface of the body.At this time, her breathing has stabilized, and her cultivation and strength have made great progress, almost reaching the peak of the eighth intermediate level.

After staying in the secret room for a while, Yi Tian only felt that the spiritual power he consumed had almost recovered.Then he stood up and looked at Meng Qi who was on the stone bed, then turned around and used the concealment technique to disappear in place.

It's just that Meng Qi on the stone bed seemed to wake up after she had just finished doing this.The little girl sat up and stretched, then turned around and locked onto Yi Tian's position, but shouted: "Master, where are you going, wait for me."

Yi Tian heard that even if he couldn't walk anymore, hesitation appeared on his face, and he thought to himself: "I have obviously used the breath restraint technique and the concealment technique.Even the elder of the Huofeng clan couldn't find out his location, so how could Meng Qi lock her location directly. '

Just when she was thinking about it, she jumped out of the bed and walked directly to him, stretched out two small hands to grab him without any sense of disobedience, and said, "Master, don't you take Meng Qi away? Don't leave me alone. Here."

Looking down at a delicate little face with two watery eyes staring at him, Yi Tian also suddenly felt speechless.Later, I had no choice but to show my real body and said: "I washed your tendons and cut your marrow to eradicate your stubborn diseases, but I never said that I would accept you as a disciple. Don't scream."

"Master taught me a whole body of exercises, so naturally he led me into Taoism, and I will follow you in this life," Meng Qi said disapprovingly.At the same time, a white phantom of Jingshi Hualian appeared behind him, and at the same time, an ignorance flame wrapped around him.

When she exhibited the phantom of Hualian in the world, Yi Tian only felt that the exercises in her body had been sensed.At the same time, a corona appeared behind him.As for the ignorant flame, the thunder flame and purple flame on the Nascent Soul's body in the Niwan Palace and the Liyan Kung Fu in his hand jumped rapidly, as if they were echoing the ignorant flame.

So far, Yi Tian's face showed helplessness, and it was all because of Meng Xin's support to him back then, and he was just healing Meng Qi unintentionally.How could it be self-defeating to have an extra apprentice? It seems that if she goes out with her strength, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

If you don't handle this matter properly, you will really cause a lot of trouble, so you can only lower your head and calm down quietly.Suddenly, with a slight movement of his mind, he found that someone was walking towards this place at the end of the long corridor. He was shocked and hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "My good disciple is my teacher, so I will take you away, but someone is here now. Can I take a drop of your blood essence?" I'm of great use."

Hearing Meng Qi being called like this, she stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears, and then stretched out her hand to squeeze out a drop of blood from her fingertip.Yi Tian hurriedly sacrificed his spiritual power to hold it in his palm, and at the same time took out a pair of animal-shaped puppets, put them on the stone bed, made a seal with his hands, and tapped on it.The puppet instantly turned into Meng Qi's demon body, and Yi Tian flicked the drop of thorn blood onto the puppet demon body with a flick of his left hand.

A fire phoenix true flame ignited it and quickly retracted it. At this time, the puppet was covered with a fire phoenix aura, and after three breaths, it appeared to be utterly dead.In this way, even if Meng Luan came to visit him in person, he would still have information that could be misleading.On the other hand, Meng Qi bowed her head and transmitted the voice: "Master is really powerful, you can do anything."

It seems that this little girl has become infinitely attached to herself after being infused with the power of ignorance and Hualian. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

After shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to unfold his breath-suppressing cloak, embraced Meng Qi by his side, and restrained her breath at the same time.After the figure disappeared in place and the restriction barrier was removed, the footsteps of a group of monks came from outside the door.

A little later, I saw four demon cultivators carrying a stretcher into the house with dejected faces, and then carried Huofeng's body on the stone bed onto the stretcher, only to hear the leader say: "Hurry up and send Master Mengqi's body to the house." Go to the Annihilation Pool and be cremated."

After the other three people responded, they lifted the stretcher and walked out. After seeing it, Yi Tian asked through voice transmission: "They are going to cremate Huofeng's body. Can't you be annihilated and reborn?"

"The immortal body can only be cultivated at the ninth intermediate level." Meng Qi pouted her lips and replied, "It is said to be immortal, but if you can't cultivate to that level of strength, you still can't use such supernatural powers. .”

(End of this chapter)

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