
Chapter 1765 Invasion

Chapter 1765 Invasion
After coming out of the deepest part of the hatching room, and waiting for the four demon guards to carry the puppet beast away, Yi Tiancai took Meng Qi back to the original three-way intersection.

Looking at the road in front of him with a look of helplessness on his face, he sighed lightly and prepared to walk forward and try to break through the ban.According to the visual inspection, if you want to see Meng Xin, you can only take the Nirvana Road, but just after taking a step, Meng Qi's voice transmission voice came from your ear: "Master, do you want to forcibly break the restriction of the Nirvana Road?"

"Is there any good way for you?" Yi Tian asked rhetorically.

Meng Qi, who was hiding in the cloak, poked her head out to look inside and said, "Only members of the Huofeng tribe and the chiefs of the various clans can enter this road, and special techniques are required to open the passage restriction."

"Since you know everything, why didn't you say it earlier?" Yi Tian asked.

"Then you didn't ask me, Master." Meng Qi said with a face full of disdain: "Besides, I can't just watch you in danger."

Yi Tian twitched his face inadvertently a few times and said with a cold snort: "Since you know how to go, then you can save me a lot of effort. It is said that the Huofeng clan is born with blood inheritance, and everyone here should be aroused." The power of your inheritance."

"Master, you are right," Meng Qi said, she stepped out of the cloak, and then a flash of inspiration flashed around her body, and her hands began to form seals quickly.At the same time, he uttered a long series of awkward spells, and after finishing the chanting, put a little restraint on the person in front of him.Only a 'click' sound was heard, and a hole three feet wide and five feet high was cracked on the forbidden light film.

After Yi Tian saw it, he asked via voice transmission: "Why is this happening, do you want me to get in?"

"This restriction is opened according to my height, so master, please take it easy," Meng Qi said with a proud face.

Sighing helplessly, Yi Tian never thought that he would be led astray by the four-foot kid, he lowered his head and followed Meng Qi directly into the restraint.After three breaths, the divine sense found that the restriction behind it was automatically closed, and looked forward in a blink of an eye, only to see that there was a bottomless passage in front of him.

After all, Meng Qi was still timid. After feeling the power of the surrounding fire and the pressure in the air, she retreated directly and hid in the cloak.Yi Tian could also faintly notice that the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the surrounding area had reached the category of level nine or above.Such a strong sense of oppression was naturally felt more deeply by Meng Qi, and she also had to temporarily attach herself to herself, and could only feel better under the blessing of the body-protecting aura in the breath-suppressing cloak.

Walking along the passage, Yi Tian found that the surrounding temperature rose sharply, not several times stronger than the power of the fire source in the previous incubation room, a bit like the place of fire source in the Queen's bedroom of the Asura Imperial Capital.In comparison, the power of the two flames is also somewhat different, the one here is softer, with the breath of breeding fire.

And the land of Asura's fire source that I have been to before is completely violent and unnecessary, full of killing power.

After walking along the passage for more than an hour, I finally came to the end of the passage, and found myself in a round stone room after going out the door.In front of you are three doors without any markings on them.

Facing the choice of Yi Tian again, he looked down at Meng Qi, and saw that she was standing next to him, poking her head out of the cloak to look at the three doors in front of her, and said suspiciously: " I don't know where to go?"

He stretched out his hand and gently pressed her protruding head back, and then Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the green Li Yan with a sullen face.I found that the seventh layer of Lihuo Nine Changes in Lihuo Palace has its own uses. For example, although this ray of Liyan is only cultivated to the Xiaocheng level, it is not effective against the enemy.But this kind of supernatural power seems to have a strong sensitivity to similar flames. According to Mengxin's place of nirvana, it should be the place with the strongest fire source. That is the case.

Gently take out Li Yan in his hand and fly across from left to right, only to see Li Yan jumping violently in front of the left door.Later, he walked back and forth in a circle in front of the stone gate in the middle, and only encountered a sudden tremor in front of the right gate.

In the end, Yi Tian took Li Yan back into his body and walked towards the door on the far right with big strides.Meng Qi inside the cloak asked curiously: "Master, did you notice anything unusual? Why did you choose the door on the left?"

Yi Tian stopped walking and explained: "The door on the left must be the power of violent flames. I don't think Mengxin will choose to nirvana there. As for the door in the middle, I feel disorder and confusion. How could a person who sticks to his heart choose to be reborn in Nirvana there. Although the power of the source of fire in these two gates is stronger than that on the right, they are both used for purebred Huofeng monks. If you know the Lihuo Palace’s supernatural powers, you will be able to evade them.”

"Then are you sure she must be there?" Meng Qi asked again.

"Go in and have a look." After saying that, Yi Tian stepped forward and stretched out his hand to press on the stone door. He pushed the stone door steadily with his movement skills, and only heard the sound of "clicking", and the stone door was pushed open. A gap two feet wide.

At the same time, the two doors on the left and the middle are directly submerged into the stone wall at this time, without any trace.When Yi Tian saw it, he curled his lips and said: "Now there is only one way to go to the dark."

Meng Qi smiled and said, "Anyway, I'll just follow behind you, Master. If there's anything else, you can take care of it."

After glancing at Meng Qi, Yi Tian took her straight to the door, and after entering, the stone door behind was gently closed, and then disappeared on the stone wall.Yi Tian glanced over and found that this place is similar to the fire source of Asura, the ground is full of flowing magma, and at this time he is standing on a rocky mountain wall.

With no way out, he could only go forward. After scanning with his divine sense, he found that there were at least three abnormal spiritual power fluctuations in the territory of the sea of ​​fire.

Startled in his heart, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly, if he met other monks from the Fire Phoenix clan, it would not be the result he wanted.

Speaking of which, if you want to find Mengxin, you have to use some means, so after thinking about it, you turned your eyes to Meng Qi who was hiding under her breath-holding cloak and said, "My good apprentice is going to test your escapism as a teacher."

"Master, what kind of bad idea are you thinking?" Meng Xin didn't like this set of words.

Seeing this, Yi Tian put on his master's airs with a serious face and said: "You have received my supernatural power blessing and haven't used it much. This time you show your true colors and give me a ride. At the same time, let me see that you have What's the shortcoming, I can teach you some supernatural powers and secrets later."

Meng Qi looked in disbelief, but seeing Yi Tian's face turned serious and knew that there was no room for bargaining, she could only turn into a white light and fly out to show her true self in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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