
Chapter 1766 Mengxin

Chapter 1766 Mengxin
In the land of fire and phoenix nirvana, Meng Qi's original shape appeared after a flash of white light flashed all over her body. At this time, she was about one foot tall, and her wings were less than two feet wide.

The feathers on Meng Qi's body were different from those of ordinary Huofeng clan members at this time, there was a faint white light on the originally red feathers.After carefully looking at it, it is the white light of the ignorant flame. These white lights flow through Meng Qi's body from time to time and finally return to the Jingshihualian imprint on her forehead.

With the blessing of the Jingshi Hualian, Meng Qi's temperament also changed. The whole body was covered by the Jingshi Hualian, making her look extremely holy.

Yi Tian sized up Meng Qi's younger generation who leapt forward and jumped onto Meng Qi's junior. Before she could sit down, she felt a flame of ignorance rushing from her back to the soles of her feet.Fortunately, these ignorant flames were originally taken off by himself, and Yi Tian suppressed them all with a little spiritual thought.

Later, he said earnestly: "My dear disciple, the ignorance flame I taught you must be cultivated hard. It's not good for someone like you who can't even retract and release freely like you are now."

Meng Qi nodded and replied in a clear and clear child's voice: "Understood, I just obtained this ignorance fire supernatural power today, and it will take some time to refine it before it can be used."

"Okay, let's go," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction: "According to this direction, there is a breath of Taoism seven thousand miles away. You fly to a distance of about one thousand miles and let me check the situation again."

"Master, can't you confirm the specific identity of the other party?" Meng Qi asked.

Sighing, Yi Tian nodded and said, "I've found three spiritual pressure fluctuations within a thousand miles of this place, and I don't remember the breath of two of them at all. As for the third place, I'm [-] to [-]% sure, but it's still close. Then use the spiritual weapon to sense it."

"What kind of sensory sensor?" Meng Qi asked in confusion.

"Mengxin once gave me two tail feathers, and now I refine them into spirit treasures," he flipped his hands over and sacrificed the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hands.

After staring at the Lingbao, I realized that after so many years of nurturing, the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' has evolved from the top human level to the high quality of the heavenly level.

Speaking of it, it was also because of staying in his body to warm and nourish, and the quality of Lingbao was directly brought up after the continuous improvement of cultivation base.It is precisely because this Lingbao is made from Mengxin's tail feathers that I can use my secret technique to sense Mengxin's position through it.

The wind whistled all around, and at this time Meng Qi had already spread her wings and soared above the land of Fire Phoenix Nirvana.Although her flying speed is still not as fast as her own, it can already reach the speed of ordinary late-stage spiritual cultivation.

It's no wonder that these races with the blood of ancient alien beasts can dominate the demon world. Once the innate talent and supernatural powers are stimulated, they will be much higher than the spiritual cultivation of the same level.

A white light flew across the sky and galloped towards the depths of the Nirvana Land, approaching the predetermined location within an hour.Yi Tian sat cross-legged on Meng Qi's back and sacrificed the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in front of him, and then punched a green light towards it under the seal of his hands.

In an instant, the Lingbao trembled slightly, and at the same time, Yi Tian found out that the spiritual pressure fluctuation there seemed to start to tremble slightly.Obviously, it was the resonance after receiving the induction here.

"Okay, Mengxin's location is [-]% confirmed now." Yi Tian patted Mengqi's back lightly and said, "Go there, but don't fly too fast, I will open the divine sense and then go to the location first." Say hello to Mengxin."

"Okay," Meng Qi said, after shaking her wings, she flew thirty miles away in an instant, and flew towards that place through the air.Half a moment later, Yi Tian's eyes flashed green, he stared at the distance and looked around, and found that there was a valley with a radius of about fifty miles in front of him.In the valley, hot flames erupted from it, and when I flew close to it and looked down, it turned out to be an active volcanic crater.

The valley was surrounded by flowing magma, and there was no trace of Mengxin at all.But Yi Tian could clearly feel that the shaking on the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan was getting faster and faster, and suddenly a resonance sound came from the bottom of the magma.

With a 'coax' sound, the magma river below diverged to the left and right sides, and a figure slowly rose from below and then flew straight into the air.Looking at the figure from a distance, it looked like a five-foot-sized fire phoenix, but compared to her, Meng Qi was like a child.

After a crisp cry, the adult fire phoenix slowly descended to the top of the mountain, and then the flames around it converged to take on a human form.Yi Tian looked at it and found that it was a young woman in her 30s, wearing a palace attire, looking up and staring at him.

Later, she heard her vermilion lips parting and said: "I didn't expect you to come so fast, and the speed of your improvement is far beyond my estimation."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yi Tian's doubts settled down, and he lightly patted Meng Qi who was sitting down and said, "Go down and talk."

After the white halo flashed in the air, Meng Qi's effective figure appeared directly, and the two people behind Yi Tian slowly descended to the top of the mountain.

Going forward, Yi Tian bowed his hands and said, "I've met Senior Sister Mengxin," and at the same time pulled Meng Qi behind her to signal her to come forward and salute.

The little girl sized her up with a ignorant face and asked weakly: "Are you a senior in my clan? Why haven't I seen it before. And you are the master's senior sister, so what should I call you?"

After hearing this, Meng Xin showed a little smile on his face, then turned his head to stare at Meng Qi for a while, and after three breaths, a hint of shock appeared on his face.After a long time, he sighed and said: "Wu Ming Huo, you actually passed on this exercise to her. It seems that it is destined for you and Meng Qi to form a master-student relationship."

"Forgive me for my ignorance, I don't know what is the relationship between master and apprentice that my sister said?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

Meng Xin said with a smile: "I think there seems to be some defects in the original power of the fire phoenix in Meng Qi's body, it seems to be a problem caused by a congenital deficiency."

"That's true," Yi Tian told what happened before in detail without concealment, and he didn't forget to use Jingshi Hualian to help him get rid of the power of the magic source in his body.

After hearing this, Meng Xin nodded in satisfaction and said: "It really is like this, no wonder I noticed a trace of the holy power of Buddhism wrapped around her body."

Then Meng Xin turned to Meng Qi and said, "Originally, I was your eldest aunt according to the seniority of the clan, but since I entered the Lihuo Palace, I naturally have to call my seniority as a master. Since your master calls me senior sister, then you Just call me uncle."

Meng Qi turned her head and looked at Yi Tian when she heard the words, and waited for an affirmative answer before she wrote the way of spiritual practice and arched her hands together: "Disciple Meng Qi has seen Master."

"Okay, as an elder, I originally wanted to give you a gift, but since your master taught you the flame of ignorance, it made it a little difficult for me," Meng Xin said with a smile.

"Senior Sister, don't spoil the child," Yi Tian interrupted: "She has just been reborn today, and she needs a period of time to retreat and practice to consolidate her cultivation. It will be useless to give her anything at this time, why don't you write it down in the diary and wait for him Let’s make another one every day.”

(End of this chapter)

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