
Chapter 1767

Chapter 1767
Finding Mengxin in the land of fire and phoenix nirvana, Yi Tian took Mengqi down to the valley where she cultivated to see her.Unexpectedly, Meng Xin could see the abnormality in his apprentice at a glance, but Yi Tian felt that she seemed to have something to say, maybe it was because Meng Qi was inconvenient to say it.

Later, I only heard Mengxin ask: "Junior Brother has successfully cultivated his magical skills, and the day when he returns to Lihuo Palace is not too far away."

"Senior Sister, don't overestimate me," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Although my cultivation has reached the peak of the initial integration stage, I haven't mastered the seventh level of Lihuo Nine Transformations yet."

"Why haven't you already mastered Wuminghuo? As for Liyan, it's not far away," Mengxin said.

"The progress of practicing Liyan is much slower than I imagined," Yi Tian said, stretching out his right hand and snapping his fingers, instantly igniting a wisp of green flame.After the seemingly weak flames appeared, a five-inch-sized domain enchantment was formed around it.At the same time, the temperature was raised rapidly, and even Meng Qi, who was standing beside her, opened her eyes wide and looked around for a while with a look of horror on her face.

Needless to say, the innate instinct of the monster told her that this thing is not a joke. Compared with the ignorance flame on her body, this green flame might be three points more powerful.

On the other hand, Mengxin squinted his eyes and observed carefully before saying: "Junior brother is really powerful and can cultivate Liyan supernatural power to a small level so quickly, but I think you have entered the fusion period for less than a hundred years. Are you distracted?" Have you already practiced the seventh level of the Lihuo Nine Transformations?"

"That's not true, it's just that I found a blessed place to retreat and practice for a while before, so I made such progress," Yi Tian didn't want to tell the secret of the Baihuajian in the Beast King's Cave, after all, it was a taboo in the entire demon world.

What would Mengxin say if he knew that he could use the forbidden area in the ruins of the Yuanhao Dynasty to cultivate safely?

Then he took a beast sac and said to Meng Qi: "I have something to talk to the uncle about the teacher, you should come here to retreat and cultivate for a while."

"How can I get in this small and black bag," Meng Qi said disdainfully.

"That's the imperial beast sac, and the space inside is definitely beyond your imagination," Mengxin explained, "Besides, I used this one before."

After hearing that, Meng Qi turned her head to look at Yi Tian with a displeased face, and said, "Master, I will go to practice first, so don't hold me back for too long."

"Definitely," Yi Tian could only reply with a smile coaxing a child.

Yi Tiancai heaved a sigh of relief after Meng Qi entered the beast sac, and then changed the subject to tell the truth about what happened in the demon world recently.After hearing this, the solemn look on Mengxin's face could not dissipate for a long time, and his expression became even more ugly when he mentioned that the Zhenlong Order that trapped Emperor Yuanhao was taken away by Yan Peigong.

It took a long time for Meng Xin to say in a deep voice, "How long has this happened?"

"It happened about two years ago, and now the entire demon world has fallen apart, and the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain personally came forward to intervene in this matter," Yi Tian replied.

"That Taoist with a pure heart is naturally duty-bound to leave the customs. I think there will be some unrest in the demon world." Mengxin sighed heavily and said, "I hope he can quickly cut through the mess and deal with Yan Peigong's affairs."

"Why is this person old with Lord Yan Pei?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"It's more than old. The two of them were originally from the same family. Fellow Daoist Qingxin should be the great-grandson of the demon dragon. If it weren't for the demon god who couldn't bear to see the ancient alien species go extinct, he would have kept him in Jiuxian Mountain, and then the red-bearded spirit Senior Yuan carefully trained and supported him to become the successor of the Taoism of Jiuxian Mountain," Meng Xin said.

"That's good, you're not afraid that Taoist Qingxin will let Lord Yan Pei go," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"That's not true. Right now, I know how Qingxin Daoist Association will choose, but I don't know how Yan Pei Guild will deal with Jiuxian Mountain," Meng Xin said: "There must be a reason for him to take away the order of the dragon, if not, there is no need It took so much effort to sneak into the corpse prison in the Beast King's Den."

"There's one thing I don't understand," Yi Tian raised the topic and asked, "Is the demon god the Queen of the Phoenix? After the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty, the demon god was also seriously injured, so he is currently cultivating in the deepest part of the Fire Phoenix Nirvana?"

As soon as this remark came out, Meng Xin's expression changed slightly, and he turned to look at Yi Tiancai with a wry smile and said: "It seems that you know a lot about the Yuanhao Dynasty."

"That's natural. When I came out here, I found three spiritual pressure fluctuations. Although the most profound spiritual pressure fluctuation is unfamiliar, it is far more solid than the other two places. That's why I guessed it based on this," Yi Tian replied with a smile road.

"It seems that you have something else to say, otherwise you wouldn't mention it casually," Meng Xin asked.

Reaching out a storage bag and handing it over, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "It contains the bandits who surrounded and intercepted the merchant ships of the Taiqing Pavilion in the jurisdiction of the Huofeng Clan. There's an artificial commonality."

Mengxin was also taken aback when he listened to it, and after taking the storage bag, Spiritual Invasion searched it quickly, and his face suddenly became strangely exciting.It took a long time to come back to his senses and said: "I didn't expect someone to follow the old path of Emperor Yuan Hao. Such an act of artificially breeding demon cultivators will definitely be cast aside by the entire demon world."

"Then what are you going to do?" Yi Tian asked: "I can only try my best to find out the whereabouts of Yan Peigong, and it is unknown whether I can finally solve him. You must know that his strength is still superior to mine. On the premise of not using the Lihuo Palace cultivation technique, at most we can only draw with him."

"Let's leave it to Jiuxian Mountain at this time, you just need to be there to help," Meng Xin shook his head and said: "Now is not a good time to reveal your true identity, you must know that Lihuo Palace and the Yaozu have a good relationship. There are many eyes and ears."

"But speaking of it, I have already met the two elders of Lihuo, and there is also the chain of fire," Yi Tian also mentioned: "Speaking of the chain of fire, his strength is really strong. They can all enter the later stage. Plus, the strength of Lihuogong Kung Fu is far superior to yours."

Meng Xin's face darkened and said: "I know this, I have known him for so many years, so naturally I know him better than you."

Seeing this, Yi Tian tentatively asked: "What skills did Shiranui learn from Lihuo Palace that make you so fearful?"

"Yanlong Aojian, but he will evolve through his master's skills, and it is by no means comparable to Lihuo's two veteran Koreans," Mengxin replied.

Suddenly Meng Xin turned around and looked in the direction she came from, and said after three breaths: "Your whereabouts have been exposed, Meng Luan is rushing here."

"Do I need to avoid it," Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It's okay, I also want to talk to Yaomei positively," Mengxin said with a wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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