
Chapter 1770 Fighting against the Taiyou Junling 1 Attending the meeting

Chapter 1770 Fighting against Taiyou Junling to attend the meeting
It seems that the demon world has not been very peaceful in recent years. Before that, all major races jointly issued an early warning announcement to arrest Yan Peigong of Wan Yao City.Among them, the details of his identity were dug out, and he was labeled as the remnant party of the Yuanhao Dynasty.

As a result, all races in the entire demon world began to be vigilant, and those small clans that did not have a ninth-level demon master moved to the vicinity of the large races they attached to and began to set up a joint defense.

In the face of a ninth-level mid-level demon master, only by grouping together can they gain a chance of survival. As for those demon clans who are slightly stronger and located in remote areas, they will unite in private to move their original habitat to a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Area.Coupled with the fact that many races began to form alliances in private, and maintained close ties with the upper race, it didn't take long to connect the demon world's proven areas.

During this period, two mobile units headed by Huolian from the Huojiao clan and Taoist Qingxin from Jiuxian Mountain went to the wilderness of the demon world to track down Yan Peigong's whereabouts.

As for the Huofeng clan, a human spiritual cultivator was newly recruited as the elder of the clan. Although the reputation of this elder Ke Qing was not obvious before, the acting patriarch Meng Luan still tried his best to support him to the top.At the same time, it also circulated to other demon masters of various races to explain the situation clearly.

Afterwards, the elder Ke Qing followed the acting patriarch Meng Luan to the depths of the demon world to meet with monks from other clans to discuss how to deal with Yan Peigong.

Following behind Mengluan, Yi Tian maintained the escape speed at a similar speed and was speechless all the way.Everyone had met face-to-face before, and although Mengxin was in this relationship, Mengluan still seemed hostile to him.

Even after seeing Meng Qi in private, she didn't change her mind at all, but Yi Tian didn't care about it, and naturally had nothing to say to such an unruly daughter.Fortunately, I still have a decisive trump card on my side, Yishun, obviously Mengluan is interested in him.It's a pity that Goddess has no intention of King Mengxiang, and she doesn't need to do anything in the middle to wait and see the development of the situation.

After flying in the air for several days, the two entered the barren land in the demon world. These areas have not been fully developed, so it is difficult for Yan Peigong to find his whereabouts even if he goes to such a place.

With Yi Tian's reminder, the Huofeng clan began to send more patrols in their territory. If any monsters that were cultivated appeared, they would immediately send out patrols to kill them.

This matter has also been secretly communicated with the other major monster clans, and this situation has more or less occurred in their territory.It's just different from the fire phoenix clan who met the monks in the fusion period and was taken over by the pot. Fortunately, under the strict defense, they quickly found the traces of these monks through the clues obtained from the towns of demon cultivators.

In the end, all the clues point to the Taiyou Junling in the wild land of the demon world, but this land covers an area of ​​millions of miles. Two days.In addition, there are several places in this too secluded mountain that are shrouded in mist and cannot be explored. The details are naturally the best hiding place for Yan Peigong.

This time, Meng Luan didn't hide anything and directly told the news from the front. Taoist Qingxin and Huolian had agreed to meet at Jidao Mountain outside Taiyou Junling to discuss how to deal with Yan Peigong.At the same time, he also invited Taoist priests to plan together, and must trap this beast to death in the Taiyou Mountains.

Not long after, a towering mountain peak appeared in front of him, and Meng Luan breathed a sigh of relief and said via voice transmission: "We are almost there, please don't mess around after entering, remember that your identity is the elder of the Huofeng Clan Keqing."

"It's better for you to treat me as someone you don't know," Yi Tian said unhurriedly: "What I'm after is to do as I please. These worldly etiquettes restrict my actions everywhere, so I don't care. Besides, I I just promised my senior sister to help me, but I didn’t promise to follow your command in everything.”

"But now you are the guest minister of my Huofeng Clan, and as the person in charge, I still have the right to restrict you," Meng Luan said with a grim expression.

Yi Tian laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Mengluan, don't forget that you are just the acting patriarch now, and you are on the same level as an enshrined elder like me in terms of status. What's more, I still have the imperial edict of the Dragon Queen in my hand. On the contrary, you should obey your orders in terms of status I was right."

Meng Luan's expression turned pale when he heard the words, and he said indignantly: "I really don't know why the elder sister gave you this thing to a monk from a foreign race, and the patriarch's emblem passed down from generation to generation of the majestic Huofeng clan will be handed over to you."

Yi Tian was startled when he heard this, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and after three breaths, he sighed and replied: "I didn't expect Senior Sister Jiang to be old and spicy, don't worry, I understand what she means."

"Why is my eldest sister planning to do something?" Meng Luan asked disdainfully.

"I will resign from the position of enshrining the Huofeng Clan after I have settled the affairs of Lord Yan Pei this time, and I will also hand over the emblem of the Dragon Queen's edict to you," Yi Tian explained, "I want to borrow it from me, too." Let me hand over the position of patriarch to you, and at the same time let me test your ability to see if you can take on the big responsibility, otherwise, I would rather return the emblem to her than come to this troubled water again."

"Is this true?" Meng Luan exclaimed in surprise.

"Naturally, I can guess what she's thinking when I've been in the lower realm with my senior sister for hundreds of years," Yi Tian said, "So I think this disguise is also the final test for you. Senior sister knows that you are right. The sect has opinions, but as the head of the clan, he must abandon many prejudices and lead the clan to go in the right direction."

Hearing this, Meng Luan shuddered all over, then said without saying much, just pointed to the mountain in front of him, "Fellow Taoist Qingxin and others are on the top of the mountain, let's go quickly so as not to make people wait for a long time."

It took the two of them less than half an hour to arrive at Jidao Mountain, which seemed so close at hand. After rising to a height of more than a thousand feet, they found a ball of golden light shining from the top of the mountain.

There was a formation barrier set up there. When the two approached the sphere of influence, a voice sounded: "It turns out that fellow Taoists from the Huofeng clan have come, please come in."

After speaking, I saw a crack opened in the halo formation, and then Yi Tian and Meng Luan galloped through it to the top of Jidao Mountain and fell down.

Sweeping his gaze, he found that a banquet had already been arranged on the top of the mountain, and a young monk with a 30-year-old face was sitting in the middle.But Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless. The spiritual pressure fluctuations on this person are extremely thick and comparable to that of Yan Peigong. It seems that he should be the pure-hearted Taoist who is the master of Jiuxian Mountain.

I learned from Meng Xin that he and Yan Peigong are of the same family, and that he is also one of the only three remaining nine-headed worms left in the demon world.As for the last one, it is a nine-headed insect egg that has not yet hatched, but I heard that such a strange beast has strict requirements for even hatching, and it can only break its shell if it is placed in a special environment.

(End of this chapter)

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