
Chapter 1771 Fierce battle in Taiyou Junling 2 Drinks

Chapter 1771 Fighting against Taiyou Junling Two Drinks
After entering the banquet, Yi Tian followed Mengluan and did not stand out in everything, but let her deal with it. Anyway, his name as the elder Keqing was randomly assigned, and the main purpose was to stabilize the Huofeng tribe.

As for the outside world, it is enough to let the long-sleeved and good-songing Mengluan be in charge. After entering the venue, he greets all the demon masters one by one.Among them, Xuanjizi was also there, and after this meeting, the two of them had a tacit understanding and chatted a few words in private through voice transmission.Yi Tian briefly talked about the follow-up situation of the Beast King's Cave, including the Qilin son Guo Rui.

There are also Qilin monks present, so it is naturally difficult to talk about such a topic clearly.After taking his seat, Xuanjizi specially changed the seat to be next to him, but Yi Tian smiled slightly and didn't say much about it.

Then Taoist Qingxin introduced the arrangement for encircling Yan Peigong in the Taiyou Junling this time.These are the words on the scene, Yi Tian is pretending to listen, but in fact he is chatting privately with Xuanji next to him.

Speaking of which, it was dangerous enough to be in the beast king's den at that time, and when Xuanjizi saw him, the look of surprise and joy appeared on his face.Later, I only heard him ask through voice transmission: "Yi Daoyou is really good at being able to escape from there, and it's not at the time of Sanyue Tonghui."

This is on point, Xuanjizi realizes this point and can draw inferences from one instance to another. If it is really unnecessary to rely on Sanyue Tonghui to weaken the restriction of the Beast King's Cave, then he can enter anytime and anywhere.

After looking at him, Yi Tian nodded and smiled slightly: "How does Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi think that I can leave that restriction safely?"

"It's also intuitive to say, what happens to you with a talent as talented as Daoyou Yi is nothing, if others say that you can enter and leave the beast king's lair at will, I will never believe it, except for Daoyou Yi ,” Xuanjizi complimented with a smile on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi, you are being polite. In fact, the restriction on the Beastmaster Cave was set by the demon god, and all of them are formations written in 'golden script'. It just so happens that I have done some research on this," Yi Tian said.

"So that's the case, then it seems that Fellow Daoist Yi is also proficient in the formation method," Xuanjizi said with a sigh.

"It's not proficient, it's just a little bit of knowledge, and there are some patterns in the golden seal script that I happened to have seen before, so I have the opportunity to break the ban," Yi Tian replied.

"I still hope that Fellow Daoist Yi will not hesitate to enlighten you. What's wrong with this?" Xuanjizi asked.

"Actually, Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi has already found the trick. As long as the power of the yin is strong, you can break the ban and enter, and the taboo breaking talisman written in golden seal script can be used even on ordinary full moon nights," Yi Tian nodded.

"So that's the case, then it would be better to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to teach you after this incident," Xuanjizi suddenly realized.

"It must be. In fact, I have already had this intention. After all, the inheritance of the beast king cave belongs to the entire demon world, and I dare not take it for myself," Yi Tian said.In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart on this matter. The treasures of the demon world must not be exclusive to himself. The best way is to unite with several major races or Jiuxian Mountain to share.

After the two reached an agreement in private, Xuanjizi raised the wine glass on the table in front of him and saluted himself.Yi Tian was polite and took the drink in front of him to pay back, when suddenly there was a slight sense in the beast-controlling bag.Shen Nian went in to check and found that the Great Immortal Guagua had woken up in the imperial beast sac, and then he opened his mouth and said, "It's very strange that this drink has a lot of Yousui ice liquid mixed in."

Yi Tian frowned slightly, but couldn't find the description of such psychic liquid in his mind, and then hurriedly asked: "Why does this 'Ice Essence' have any effect?"

"This spiritual liquid is of great use to ice-type monsters. As for me, if I drink the 'Ice Essence', I can directly enter the hibernation state," Guagua explained.

"Then is there any benefit for you to enter the hibernation state?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"Right now, I have absorbed too much fire source spiritual power in my body, and I can't refine it quickly. If I can drink a sufficient amount of 'Psyllium Ice Liquid', I can reconcile the fire source power in my body, and I can use it after entering the hibernation state. Your cultivation level has improved rapidly, which is good for you," said the Immortal Guagua expectantly.

"Then it's not because of your greed for drinking," Yi Tian replied angrily.

"Actually, this 'Ice Essence' seems to have some influence on the demon cultivators. If it is a ninth-level demon master who drinks a cup, he will feel overwhelmed. It takes a long time to refine the wine power here. There are no other side effects," said Daxian Guagua.

"Sleeping for an hour," Yi Tian's mind moved slightly, his eyelids trembled inadvertently, and a sense of uneasiness rushed into his heart immediately.Those who can play tricks on such an occasion, I am afraid that only the masters of Jiuxian Mountain will have the opportunity among the people present.

But I don't know why this motive is?After a short while, countless thoughts arose in Yi Tian's mind, but on the surface, he pretended to be in a normal state and Xuanjizi raised their cups to respect each other, and then blocked the front door with their hands, pretending to drink it up, but in fact, they were showing off their sleeves. Li Qiankun's kung fu method directly transfers the wine in the wine glass to the beast sac.

The divine mind went down again and found that at this time, the Great Immortal Guagua opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to lick it. After licking it, he showed a satisfied smile, took a nap and said, "It tastes really good, so I will start hibernating." After finishing speaking There is a layer of bright white all over the body, but there is a red light inside.

At this time, Yi Tiancai turned his head and glanced casually, and found that everyone sitting there had more or less drank a few cups, and as for the Taoist Qingxin who was seated above, he pretended to be interested and lightly sipped two pieces.

Later, I heard that he began to distribute the plan of encirclement and suppression. After Taoist Qingxin finished explaining, the Yaozun felt overwhelmed and said he wanted to take a break.

Even Xuanjizi who was on the side showed a little drunk, and Mengluan who was beside her even turned a little crimson.Yi Tian understood in his heart that he was also pretending to be drunk and dazed, chatting nonsense with Xuanjizi without saying a word.

Soon Taoist Qingxin stood up and gave orders to everyone present, then apologized and went one step ahead alone.After he walked for less than [-] breaths, Yi Tian was also missing from the venue.

This meeting did not see Huolian and Zeng Shun. It seems that they deliberately avoided this matter, but they don't know if they did it on purpose or in collusion with Taoist Qingxin.

On the other hand, these demon cultivators who participated in the meeting were put together by Taoist Qingxin, but fortunately, Wuyou only needed a few hours to recover.It's just that many things can happen at this time, Yi Tian's heart tightened and he flew in the air to restrain his spiritual pressure fluctuations, and then flew towards the depths of the Taiyou Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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