
Chapter 1772 Fierce battle in Taiyou Junling 3 Snake's Nest

Chapter 1772 Fighting against the Three Snakes Nest in Taiyou Junling
Although I don't know why Taoist Qingxin did this, the consequences are self-evident.I'm afraid that he, the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain, has made it to the top. Those demon cultivators at the banquet are not fools. Afterwards, they will definitely unite and turn their spearhead to Jiuxian Mountain.

But this matter has nothing to do with him, what is most puzzling now is Taoist Qingxin's motives.Yi Tianfei kept guessing in the air, and later found that there was only one reason for Taoist Qingxin to abandon his identity as the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain and make such a bad move.

"He has to deal with Yan Peigong personally, because they are the last three remaining wild beasts and nine-headed worms in this world," Yi Tian thought to himself.

At the same time, the spiritual light burst out from his body, and the speed was more than doubled in an instant, and within a hundred breaths of time, his spiritual sense could no longer detect the whereabouts of Taoist Qingxin.

Either he was too fast or he used a secret technique to avoid his own spiritual detection.Now Yi Tian only hopes for the latter, so that he can hope to find them in the first time.

After speeding up, he flew to the depths of the Taiyou Junling. Not long after, in his divine sense, he found a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation flashing past the limit range on the right front.With a happy expression on his face, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and flew towards the location where the spiritual pressure fluctuated.

After a while, when I came to the induction place of the spiritual pressure fluctuation, I found a [-]-foot-wide gap in the valley below, and the surrounding trees were blown to this side.However, there was a strong stench in the air, needless to say, this was caused by the poisonous gas exhaled from Yan Peigong's nine heads.

At this moment, Immortal Guagua had already fallen into a state of hibernation, and he couldn't count on asking her for help, so he patted the beast-controlling pouch on his waist and said, "Fellow Daoist Yishun, please come out and show yourself."

Just finished speaking, a golden light flew out of it, and then it circled in the air and turned into a three-foot-long golden snake. After stretching in the wind, dragon scales grew on the snake's body, and its head became like a dragon's head, with horns growing on both sides.After a shock, Yishun's body stretched into a two-foot-long dragon body, whizzed past, and finally landed in front of him in human form.

After three breaths, Yishun said: "I smell Yan Peigong, it seems that you have found him, what about the others?"

"I don't know if I found him, but the others haven't arrived at this time, and it will take at least an hour for reinforcements to arrive," Yi Tian explained.

"What happened?" Yi Shun asked with a puzzled face.

"Things happen for a reason, let me make a long story short," Yi Tian sighed and then described the situation of the banquet at the top of Jidao Mountain.

Unexpectedly, Yishun didn't show any surprise after hearing this, but instead showed a sympathetic look on his face and said: "It seems that fellow Taoist Qingxin has a lot of difficulties in doing this, if I change it, I will think of a similar way to deal with this matter of."

After hearing this, Yi Tian said with a blank face: "Okay, I will feel sorry for it later, I traced that the last spiritual pressure fluctuations appeared below here, but now I have searched with my spiritual sense and I can't find anything suspicious. , so I want to ask you to help."

Yishun nodded, then stretched out his hands in front of his chest to make seals, and then cast a red aura and flew in mid-air, instantly turning into a dragon spirit and scurrying in front of him.Later, I heard Yi Shun say: "Go and find where the rest of the bloodline power is."

Hearing the sound of 'whoosh', the dragon spirit began to scurry within a radius of a hundred miles, and stopped in front of a huge rock wall of a cliff before long.

"We found it, let's go," Yishun said, and his figure quickly chased after him.Yi Tian took out the Dao photo communication talisman, took a picture of the situation here, and then directly sent it out.After the magic talisman was released, it flew straight in the direction of Jidao Mountain. After doing these things, Tiancai turned around, dropped Yuntou, and followed Yishun to the location where Longling was investigating.

After sizing up the boulder in front of him, Yi Tian hurriedly used his pupil technique to check it out, but after three breaths, he didn't find any traces of formation patterns.

On the contrary, Yishun muttered something in his hands, "open," and at the same time, a beam of spiritual light in his hand flashed and hit the boulder directly.

After several loud bangs of "Ka Ka Ka", a ten-foot-sized cave door opened on the rock wall, and Yishun shouted coldly: "I found it, Yan Peigong's snake cave is here."

Yi Tian glanced over and found that the passage in the cave was about three feet wide and two feet high. There were a lot of green juice residues on the surrounding rock walls and a foul smell.

It seemed right, Yishun sensed Yan Peigong's position through his own true dragon blood, but he didn't know if the other party would do the same.As if seeing his doubts, Yishun opened his mouth to explain: "Yi Daoyou, don't worry, this blood induction can only be used by fusing with the original demon spirit. I think Yan Peigong and others only know how to absorb the blood of a real dragon, but there is no correct way to do it." To activate it, even if I get three-quarters of my blood power, it's useless."

"So that's the case, then this place should be Yan Peigong's lair, let's go in quickly to find Taoist Qingxin and then try to deal with Yan Peigong," Yi Tian said.

"Be careful of the green venom on those rock walls, these are things spit out from his mouth, and through the power of my blood, I sense that the blood in Yan Peigong's body is rushing at this time, and he is probably in a hard fight," Yishun stretched out his hand Point out.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian followed Zai Yishun all his life and went straight into the passageway of Snake's Nest.

The road was dark and long, and from time to time there were lurking poisonous snakes waiting for the opportunity to attack the two of them.Yi Tian's sharp eyes quickly took out the Taiyuan sword, and then sacrificed Lingyaohua Qianjian silk to protect his whole body.Wherever he went, any poisonous snake without eyes that dared to attack him would be instantly strangled to pieces.

After flying for nearly a hundred breaths, looking back, he could no longer see the entrance. Yi Tian opened up his spiritual sense, but the poisonous mist around the cave isolated his spiritual sense for a mile or so, and he couldn't detect it no matter how far away.

Suddenly, the entire channel shook violently, and there was a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation in the depths.At the same time, the top of the corridor began to crack, and a large amount of green venom seeped down from the cracks.After the venom fell and splashed on the sword thread, the halo of the spirit sword was dimmed by three points in an instant, and he snorted coldly: "It's so corrosive," so Yi Tian had to take out the defensive spirit weapon and open it to protect his whole body.

Then the two quickened their pace and moved forward rapidly in the corridor of the snake cave. Seeing the exit of the passage in front suddenly appeared, three strong spiritual pressure fluctuations burst out in front, and their power was not weaker than the two of them.

After flying out of the tunnel, they found that the two of them came to an underground stone room with a size of one hundred feet, but three human-faced snakes jumped out in front of them, their eyes were shining red, and their faces were frantically staring at the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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