
Chapter 1773 Fierce battle against Taiyou Junling 4 Killing

Chapter 1773 Fighting against Taiyou Junling Four Kills
Yi Tian and Yi Shun were also in trouble after tracking down to Yan Peigong's snake nest. The three human-faced snakes blocking the way in front of them were not natural products at all.And in terms of cultivation, they are all at the beginning of the ninth level, it doesn't look like they can be cultivated by Yan Peigong and his like.

At this time, they had already fallen into a state of extreme madness. They opened their mouths to spit out snake letters, and then surrounded the two sides.

"These should all be the products left over from Emperor Yuanhao's experiments back then. I didn't expect that they could still be activated after 6 years," Yishun said with a slightly changed expression.

"Let's just deal with it carefully, I don't want to save you and put you here again," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"I'm not as optimistic as you. These monsters are not low in strength, and it's not a good thing to be kept here by Yan Peigong to guard them." talk later."

After finishing speaking, a dragon claw appeared in his right hand, and the figure turned into a flash of lightning. With a sound of 'crash', a golden halo shone in the dark cave, and at the same time, Yishun's right paw swiped towards the oncoming human-faced snake.

With the sound of 'creaking', the two sides staggered in the air and then backed away from each other. Yi Tian saw a little black faintly appearing on Yishun's golden dragon claws.Obviously, it was the snake venom that was contaminated after contact with the human-faced snake, but Yishun didn't pay attention to it at all, spit out a red scorching dragon fire from his mouth, and attached it to his right paw, instantly clearing away the snake venom.

"These human-faced snakes still have their original characteristics, and the ice and fire attribute exercises will be effective for them," Yi Shunti pointed out.

As soon as the words were finished, three human-faced snakes opened their mouths protruding green flames, and the green flames surrounded Yi Tian and Yishun in an instant.

At the same time, where the green flame went, it corroded the surrounding walls and the rocks on the ground into pits, obviously containing a lot of toxicity.

Yi Tian opened the dragon tortoise shield and turned it into a red protective layer to protect the two people around. Fortunately, the original grade of this thing is extremely high, and it is the extremely strong fire source contained in the carapace itself of the Wannian dragon tortoise. Power.Those green poisonous fires were directly fused by the red flames when they touched it.

Seeing this, Yishun quickly withdrew his right hand and changed back into a human form, then opened his mouth and spit out three dragon breath fireballs.Yi Tian turned on the spirit weapon defense and released the three dragon breaths.

"Bang bang bang," three loud noises, the three dragon breaths directly broke through the green fire that filled the sky and hit the human-faced snake directly.Two of them were knocked into the air, and what's more, the last one was directly surrounded and burned.After a burst of screams, a burning smell wafted through the air, and when the scorching dragon's breath faded away, a pool of black burnt charcoal was left on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the breath of the scorching dragon cultivated by Yishun is so powerful, Yi Tian also relaxed his face and at the same time sacrificed the Taiyuan sword silk in his hand, stretched out his hand and said: "Go." Tens of thousands of blue-threaded rays of light burst out, looking here as if it were daytime.

The two human-faced snakes were also taken aback when they saw such a bright light, and when the sword silk flew towards them, they coiled their bodies and forcibly defended themselves.

The crisp sound of "ping ping pong pong" came one after another, and the first strikes of the sword wires on the snake scale were forcibly resisted.But as the density of the sword wires continued to increase, all the poisonous fires around were extinguished.After two consecutive screams, the two human-faced snakes finally couldn't withstand Lingyao Huaqian's continuous attack and were beaten to pieces one after another, and dozens of scales on their bodies were overturned.

Under the bright red flesh and blood, there were only dense scars the size of pinholes, and at the same time, a large amount of green blood seeped out and dripped on the ground, making a 'hissing' sound.

One of them was almost dead from the beating, and the other still had the ability to move.All of a sudden, the human-faced snake opened its mouth and let out a neighing sound, it jumped on the forehead of the other one and gnawed out its primordial spirit.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled slightly, and he could clearly find that the devoured primordial spirit turned out to be half-human, half-snake, completely different from a pure demon spirit.

Yishun said in a deep voice: "Be careful, these mutated creatures will devour their own kind to strengthen themselves."

After finishing speaking, the body of the human-faced snake in front of him doubled in thickness, and after the entire face was distorted, the spiritual power on his body soared to the level of a ninth-level intermediate.It's just that Yi Tian found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on it were extremely unstable, as if it was the result of a forced increase.

With a 'sudden' sound, the human-faced snake opened its mouth and spit out poisonous fire, attacking towards the position where the two were.Yishun said with a serious expression: "Let me come, I want to see how strong the burning dragon fire is."

Yi Tian nodded, then flashed around and came behind him, but in his hand, he sacrificed a defensive spiritual weapon to sweep the array.

There was a golden light flashing across Yishun's head behind the seal of his hands, and then he turned into the body of a dragon head.Opening his mouth, a scorching dragon's breath spewed out from his mouth, and greeted the green poisonous flame pouring down from the opposite side.

With a sound of "coax", the whole ground shook violently, the green poisonous flame seemed to envelop the scorching dragon karma fireball at first, but within three breaths, a red flame flashed out in the green sea of ​​flames Immediately, it quickly devoured the poisonous flames around it.The rapidly spinning Burning Dragon Industry fireball devoured the poisonous flame in three breaths and then pressed back.

A three-foot-large scorching dragon karma hit the human-faced snake fiercely, and the other party was swallowed by the raging fire before even saying a word.

After the flames dissipated, only a black shadow of a scorched human-faced snake was left on the wall of the stone chamber.After Yishun withdrew his exercises and returned to his normal state, he sighed softly and said, "The power of the blood is still not enough, otherwise the power should be more than three points stronger."

"Fellow Daoist Yishun, there is no need to sigh, this time we are aiming at taking back the power of your true dragon blood. Besides, it will be much more convenient if there are a lot of irrelevant people to disrupt the situation," Yi Tian smiled and blinked.

"I hope so. I'm afraid Yan Peigong has been alarmed by the commotion we made here, but I don't know if they are there," Yi Shun said worriedly.

"Why are you so afraid of the chain of fire?" Yi Tian asked, "Is it possible that you are afraid of your future opponent?"

"No, I was afraid that it would be more troublesome for me to withdraw the blood of the real dragon with him present," Yishun said worriedly.

"It's up to man, let's go," Yi Tian had no choice but to comfort him.Suddenly, the bottom of the feet shook violently again, and at the same time, several gaps opened on the ground.Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew and jumped into the air, then rushed towards the passage behind the stone chamber.

Yishun, who was behind him, followed up with a stomp of his feet, but said in his mouth: "Let's hurry up, I sense that the blood of the real dragon has been stimulated, and Yan Peigong is using it."

(End of this chapter)

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