
Chapter 1774 Fierce battle in Taiyou Junling 5 found

Chapter 1774 Fierce Battle in Taiyou Junling Five Found
After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Yi Tian and Yi went straight down the small path behind the snake's nest. Along the way, they could feel that the entire passage was trembling slightly due to the huge spell attack.

From time to time along the road, green venom dripped down the cracks in the eaves of the promenade, and splashed onto the ground with a 'hissing' sound.After opening the protective cover on their bodies, the two quickly moved forward together. After less than three miles along the direction of the corridor, they found that the road in front of them became pouring down.Going forward, you will see a large amount of green venom blocking the corridor in front of you.

If he wanted to go any further, he had to pass through the venom zone in front of him, and his divine sense was blocked from breaking through the obstacles in front of him.Seeing this, Yishun spit out the scorching dragon karma again, and the fireball rolled bigger and bigger in front of him until it was three feet in size before he pushed it out.

There was a loud 'sizzling' sound, and the fireball directly evaporated the green venom after it touched it, and then opened a temporary passage in the venom pool.Yi Tian and Yi Shun took advantage of the short gap to pass through.

Fortunately, this road is only about a hundred feet long, and it seems that a depression can be built in the middle, so a large amount of poison will be accumulated to block the passage. After the two pass through, they come to the outside again and find that they are not far away. It is exported.

At this time, there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the exit, as if someone was in a fierce fight.The two looked at each other for a while, and then the spiritual power in their bodies suddenly appeared, and then they rushed to the location of the exit like flying.

After going out, Yi Tian scanned with his mind and found that this place is a huge underground cave, about the size of a thousand feet.But in this cave space, there are dozens of statues, large and small, all of which are in the proportion of human figures.In the deepest part of the center, there is indeed a giant coiled dragon statue, which looks exactly the same as the real body of Emperor Yuanhao in the corpse prison in the beast king's lair.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was stunned and immediately realized that something was wrong, and Taoist Qingxin was fighting fiercely with Yan Peigong in front of the Panlong statue.Both of them actually shot in human form, but there were eight heads protruding from the back of their necks.

Yi Tian's divine sense quickly scanned and found that two of the eight heads on Yan Peigong's back had evolved into the appearance of dragon heads. Compared with the previous fight, it seemed that the blood of the real dragon had been activated by three points, and the remaining six The head is still green.

As for Taoist Qingxin, there are eight heads with colorful shapes on the back, but none of them have turned into dragon heads.

Seeing the two people suddenly rushing out from the passageway, Yan Peigong and Taoist Qingxin both froze for a moment, and after they missed each other, they stood apart more than ten feet apart.Later, Yan Peigong yelled coldly: "I didn't expect you to find a helper. It seems that what you talk about is hypocrisy."

"I never thought that such a situation would happen, but today is the duel between me and Yan Peigong, so please sit on the wall and don't interfere." Taoist Qingxin turned his head and said to Yi Tian and Yishun .

It was obvious that they wanted to resolve their personal grievances, but Yishun frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Sect Master Qingxin, I admired you a lot in the past, but I didn't expect you to be confused at such a juncture."

"How do you say that?" Taoist Qingxin asked hastily.

"He's stalling for time," Yishun pointed at Yan Peigong and said, "It's obvious that about [-]% of my true dragon blood has been activated, but this level of strength seems a little unreasonable, friend Daoist Yi, don't you think so?"

Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but glanced at the statue of Emperor Yuanhao in front of him, and saw that the statue was exactly the same as the one in Shenshi Prison.The difference is that there is no dragon rope on his body, but the Dragon Suppressing Token is hung on the chest of the statue.

Yan Pei judged that he would not do this for no reason. He had heard Xuanjizi say that the Dragon Suppressing Order was used to suppress the soul of Emperor Yuanhao.The last time he sneaked into Shen Corpse Prison with Qilin Zi Guo Rui was to steal this item.

His face darkened, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Yishun is right, Sect Master Qingxin must not disregard the safety of the entire demon world just because of a single thought of benevolence."

"You Daoist Yi saw something, please speak up," Taoist Qingxin asked with a frown.

"If I'm not wrong, there is a wisp of Emperor Yuanhao's soul stored in the Zhenlongling. Yan Peigong stole this treasure in Shenshi Prison back then and used it here to help Emperor Yuanhao revive," Yi Tianleng said. shouted.

A gleam of light flashed in Yan Peigong's eyes, and he raised his head and laughed loudly: "My boy, it's really not wrong for you to be frustrated in your hands three times and four times, but it's a pity that you are all too late. Emperor Yuanhao's soul has entered The host body has already been fully fused and formed at this time."

After speaking, the Coiling Dragon statue began to shake violently, and a large piece of skin outside the statue peeled off, revealing the newborn body of the demon dragon inside.But unlike the golden dragon in the records, this statue turned out to be a black dragon.

Even Taoist Qingxin, who was in the distance, was stunned, his expression changed instantly after his divine thoughts swept over him, and he said: "You actually introduced the evil force to infuse the body of Emperor Yuanhao's Duoshe, it seems that your ambition is not small I want to use this to control Emperor Yuanhao."

"It's not just the evil power," Yishun said with a look of horror on his face, "I also feel the ghost power of the nether world from him."

After speaking, the black dragon opened his eyes and glanced at the four people present.Immediately, an incomparably powerful dragon's power spread from him, even a powerful demon cultivator such as Taoist Qingxin felt a little nervous under the momentum of this dragon's power.

On the other hand, Yishun, with cold sweat oozing slightly on his forehead, gritted his teeth to support himself, opened his mouth and shouted reluctantly: "This Longwei has a strong sense of oppression on all the monster races. I don't know how you are, Daoyou Yi?"

"It's better than you guys, but the power of the dragon is powerful, and it will have more or less influence on the living beings," Yi Tian said, muttering words, and then circles of golden ripples spread out, and then he only felt the oppression on his body There are signs of relief.

"It's the Buddhist practice. I didn't expect you to be a monk of the Buddhist sect," Yan Peigong said in surprise.

"Who told you to use the power of the demon world and the nether world, and it happened that you were restrained by the power of the Buddhist sect," Yi Tian said with joy.

At the same time, Yishun's body also faintly glowed with golden soft light, and the state of being suppressed by Longwei was relieved a lot.Taoist Qingxin in the distance instantly flew under the shroud of golden light to drive away the dragon power on himself, and after looking at it, he showed shame and said: "Thanks to the help of two people this time. I will resign from my position as suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain to apologize for what happened here."

"Let's talk about the rest of the matter first, we still have to deal with it now," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said in a deep voice: "Can fellow Qingxin contact Huolian and them, as for the people from Jidao Mountain, it will take some time to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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