
Chapter 1776 Fighting against the Taiyou Junling 7 Teaming up

Chapter 1776 Fighting against Taiyou Junling Seven Teamed Up
After rushing out of the underground snake den, Taoist Qingxin and Yan Peigong faced each other without any reservations. This was also the first time Yi Tian saw the ancient alien species of nine-headed worms show their strength.

The exercises practiced by Taoist Qingxin are worthy of the orthodox Taoism, and there is an incomparably great righteousness in the spiritual power.Even if the nine heads appear, they are still in human form, and the supernatural powers and secret techniques displayed should be very close to the colorful glare of the Taiqing Pavilion.

As for the opponent Yan Peigong, he relied on the power of the forcibly activated real dragon's blood to display the ice fire dragon's breath. Speaking of this strength, whether he borrowed supernatural powers or not has been fully cultivated is naturally inferior in power.

A hundred miles around the snake's nest was immediately blown up by such a stir, obviously Yan Peigong's icy and fire breath was completely defeated under the forceful shock of the colorful aura.

After Yi Tian and Yi Shun rushed out of the snake's nest, they saw the remnant soul and demon body of Emperor Yuan Hao preparing to flee into the depths of the Taiyou Mountains.The two looked at each other, and both of them were full of spiritual light, abandoned Yan Peigong and flew directly in the direction of the black dragon.

Obviously, the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao was restrained by the dragon-suppressing order on his forehead and unable to exert its due strength, even Feidun couldn't fully exert it.Seeing that, Yan Peigong in the distance gritted his teeth and spit blood onto the command flag, then waved his hand and pointed at the black dragon.

The black dragon galloping outward seemed to stop involuntarily, only to hear him yelling furiously: "You dare to control the soul of the emperor, after I break free from the shackles, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

"Emperor Yuan Hao, you showed off your power and power before you were alive, but did you ever think about being bound by someone one day?" Yan Peigong said with great joy when he saw it: "What did my true deity get in exchange for my devotion to you? If it weren't for your ambition How can you end up like this if you want to go against the sky and invade the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit with your own strength?"

After speaking, a little red blood light flashed on the flag and then flew into the black dragon's forehead. After three breaths, a powerful momentum emanated from the black dragon's body.At the same time, the eyes of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul, the real dragon, lost their clarity and were replaced by a blood-red color.Immediately, the killing intent of the boundless dragon came from the black dragon, and the howling wind blew around, shocking both Yi Tian and Yishun.

Obviously, Yan Peigong has completely controlled the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul at this time, and now he can fight against two against three. "Hurry up and get rid of these two people," Yan Peigong gave an order, the black dragon seemed to be hesitant, but under the urging of Ling Qi, he only paused for a moment before turning around and rushing towards the two of them. .

This time it was not a joke, Yi Tian also felt a lot of pressure.It's okay for me, that Longwei's power to suppress me is not as strong as that of monsters. After the Taiyuan sword was thrown out, it was sacrificed into a sword net to defend against the two. "Fellow Daoist Yishun, uphold your original heart and don't be affected by the power of the dragon."

The golden sound wave passed over Yishun's body, I saw that his whole body was trembling, and then the momentum on his body was no longer decadent.After the golden aura flashed around him, he turned around and pushed away first, stretched out his hands and clapped them in front of his chest to look like two dragon claws, and said solemnly, "Let me see how strong the demeanor of the king was back then."

After speaking, the golden light flashed across the figure, and he flew forward. After a few quick flashes, he even rushed to the side of the magic dragon. His two claws swung down and hit the magic dragon fiercely.

A dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the dragon's body was scratched by Yishun's claws, leaving two marks on the black scales.It's just that his defensive power is extremely strong, and after eating it alive, he relied on the strength of his physical body to forcibly resist it.

With a flick of the magic dragon's tail, it swept across Yishun's body, and the latter also got a jerk in his eyes, and immediately pulled away to dodge.Even though the dragon wagging its tail didn't hit Yishun head-on, the strong wind it aroused swept him back a hundred feet away before he stabilized his figure.

Not waiting for the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul to follow up with Yi Tian again, he also chose the opportunity to make a move, and the Brahma golden bell that he took out of his hand shook rapidly.After uttering the eight tones of thunder in his mouth, it turned into a series of golden ripples that shone on the dragon's body.

It is obvious that the power of the Buddhist sect in the golden ripples faintly restrained the original power of evil spirit and the power of the netherworld in the dragon's body.Wherever the ripples went, the black dragon's body trembled violently under the influence, and there was faint black demonic energy emanating from the wound left by Yishun's attack before.

"Furthermore, the more wounds on his body, the faster the magic power will be released," Yishun said with a happy face after seeing it.At the same time, he did not hesitate to raise the golden light in his hand, and was ready to wait for the opportunity to move again.

"You rats dare to underestimate this emperor," the dragon opened its mouth and roared wildly, "I'll show you how powerful my real dragon's breath is."

After speaking, the magic dragon opened its mouth, and a black wave of light flashed from it, drawing all the spiritual power within a thousand miles around.

Taoist Qingxin and Yan Peigong who were far away were stunned by such a hot move. Such a strong spiritual power has reached the peak strength of the ninth level.Both of them were frightened and hurriedly withdrew to dodge first, if they were hit head-on, they would not die and would peel off their skins.

Yi Tian and Yishun's real dragon's breath naturally made Yi Tian and Yishun anxious in their eyes. This kind of move and the ultimate move he did with all his strength were three points stronger.

At this time, the spiritual pressure wind gathered in the center of the storm blocked Yi Tian's retreat with the magic dragon itself as the center point.

Yi Tian moved his mouth slightly a few times, and Yi Shun's face tightened, and then he asked in a deep voice, "Is it okay to do this?"

"I don't know, but I have to try it to know," Yi Tian replied with an extremely solemn expression.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to make a seal, and a palm-sized phantom of Jingshihualian appeared in his hand.Yishun restored his hands to the human form and at the same time imitated Yi Tian's mudra method to quickly form the mudra.

Later, Yi Tian said softly: "Go," the knotted Jingshi Hualian flew directly to Yishun's hands.

At the same time, Emperor Yuanhao in front of him opened his mouth, protruding from it a dozen or so three-foot-sized black dragon's breath flame balls.There is a large amount of black evil spirit and ghost power mixed in the fire light, and it is impossible to purify it by just relying on a pure world flower lotus.

I saw continuous black dragon's breath flame balls flying towards Yi Tian's body, and hit Yi Tian's position directly with the sound of howling wind.

It's just that the imaginary scene didn't appear, Yi Tian murmured something after his hands were sealed on his chest: "Look at my orthodox supernatural powers."

After saying that, a ten-foot-sized gap appeared in front of him, and all the black dragon's breath flame balls flew in without missing a beat.

 Thanks to friends 20190605232745911, Yunfeiying, 20180901155705905 for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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