
Chapter 1777 Fierce battle against Taiyou Junling 8 Reinforcements

Chapter 1777 Fighting the Eight Reinforcements of Taiyou Junling
Yi Tian and Yi Shun joined hands to fight the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao over the Taiyou Mountains. Facing the extremely powerful dragon Breathing Breath, Yi Tian showed no timidity on his face, and displayed the space magic power of Taiqing Pavilion After 'So Close to the End of the World', all the dragon's breath flame balls that were attacking head-on were put into it.

Then Yishun flew out from behind with a flash of spiritual light all over his body, hovered in the air and followed the breath of the magic dragon, and fell into the gap from the gap.

At the same time, a gap in the space was opened behind the magic dragon, and those dragon breath flame balls flew out of it without missing a beat and hit the back of the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao.

The last ray of white light flew out from the gap, and it was Yishun who flew forward and pressed the shining white Jingshi Hualian in his hand directly on the position of the dragon head.

A heart-piercing scream came out of the dragon's mouth, and then he was seen violently writhing in the air as if he had gone mad. With a sound of 'bang', Yishun was thrown out like a cannonball. He turned several somersaults in the air to stabilize his figure, panting heavily.

"Fellow Daoist Yishun, are you okay?" Yi Tian also asked, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

"I can still hold on, but I was shocked by the protective qi on the dragon's body, and I can fight again after adjusting my breath a little," Yishun replied with his chest heaving rapidly.

The sound of dragon chant was heard again in the distance. After the smoke dissipated, countless scars appeared on the dragon's body, from which a large amount of devilish energy was released.As for the imprint of a white Jingshi Hualian on his forehead, it appeared under the Zhenlongling.

The spiritual power on these two imprints slowly merged and became connected together. At the same time, the eyes of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul avatar, whose eyes were red before, regained a sliver of clarity.

After howling, he opened his mouth and said: "I didn't expect that the lotus mark could relieve the control of the Emperor's soul by the Zhenlongling. It is really unexpected. It seems that tens of thousands of years have passed, and many things have happened in the demon world. I don't know. This time, I really misunderstood the danger of my emperor."

Just as he was talking, there were indeed two rays of light flying towards this place in the sky, and they broke into the battle circle in a blink of an eye.When the light faded, it was Huolian and Zeng Shun, they didn't attend the invitation banquet at Mount Jidao, and rushed over after receiving the summons from Taoist Qingxin.

After seeing the situation on the scene, Huo Lian's eyes swept over all the people present, and finally locked his eyes on the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face for an instant.

Taoist Qingxin took advantage of the gap and shouted: "That is the host body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul. Fellow Daoist Fire Chain, be careful. Fellow Daoist Yi and Daoist Yi have already fought against him, and two-on-one can only be a match." Tie."

"That's right, it looks like he is really a formidable opponent," Huo Lian licked his lips with an excited expression on his face and said, "I really met an opponent this time, and I want to see the remnants of Emperor Yuanhao ten thousand years ago." How powerful is the Soul Avatar. The two of you are fighting for me, junior brother, you go to help fellow Taoist Qingxin, the divination says that Yan Peigong died under the fire of ignorance, so I have to let you do it."

"Don't worry, Senior Brother, Junior Brother will definitely not lose the reputation of Lihuo Palace," Zeng Shun said after taking out a white ignorance flame from the Leiyang Token in his hand, and then teleported directly to Yan Peigong's side. Its retreat is cut off.

Faced with the new reinforcements, Yan Peigong was shocked. Originally, there was a chance of turning defeat into victory in two-on-three, but now that the comer is strong and has obtained the divination words from the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, he is naturally confident.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to fight against people from Lihuo Palace. He was able to save himself from danger many times before, precisely because he listened to the words of divination.As long as you don't meet someone who has practiced ignorance, you can attack without any scruples, even if you meet Taoist Qingxin and fall into the limelight, you don't have the slightest fear of falling into the limelight.

But at this moment Zeng Shun surrounded him, the eyelids on Yan Peigong's face twitched a few times, his eyes flicked over the white ignorant flame, and the two dragon heads behind him flashed two auras, one blue and one red at the same time.At the same time, the other six heads took a sharp breath and then exhaled green poisonous mist to protect themselves.

With Daoist Qingxin and Zeng Shun living against Yan Peigong, Yi Tian can naturally deal with Emperor Yuanhao at ease.But the chain of fire said that he wanted to see how strong he was, and then he sacrificed the spiritual weapon in his hand and flew aside to cut off his back.

On the contrary, Yi Shun is arrogant and arrogant, originally he wanted to compete with the chain of fire, how could he be compared to him at this time.He opened his mouth and said: "The clan's uncle is not weak, but he may not be the opponent of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul. What's more, today is not a single-handed competition. The rise and fall of the demon world is all in our hands, so how can we be free?"

Huo Lian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he opened his eyes and looked at it before saying: "You are Yishun, I didn't expect you to be alive. It seems that you also had an adventure, although the blood of the real dragon on your body is less than [-]% of the original , but with the blessing of the Buddha School Hualongchi water and the blessings of the eminent monks, I think that when you get back all the real dragon blood, your strength will be stronger than when I was at the same cultivation level back then."

"Everyone's fate is determined by heaven. Uncle Clan, you have the chance to leave Fire Palace, and I have the roots of wisdom from Daleiguang Temple, and everyone has their own bonds," Yishun said unhurriedly.

"Good boy, I am optimistic about you, and the friend next to you seems to be not weak in the Buddhist sect skills, so let's make a move together," Huo Lian shouted.

Yi Tian just nodded his head slightly, and then shook the Brahma Golden Bell in his hand quickly. After the corona rose behind him, it seemed like a round of red sunshine in the dark night. The surrounding hundred miles of the battlefield were as clear as day.

After the Brahma golden bell shook, the golden light waves emitted by it passed by, and the fear in everyone's hearts suddenly diminished a lot under the pressure of Longwei.As for the black demon dragon of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul, after being swept by those golden lights, black demon energy continued to radiate.

"Sure enough, it is a good hand. It seems that this time it is also thanks to the help of monks from the Buddhist sect, so I will not be polite," Huo Lian said and reached out to take out an ancient treasure spirit sword. Yi Tian's heart trembled.

Then a raging fire ignited from it and turned into a three-foot fire sword, and the fire chain itself was also wrapped in raging fire.The figure flashed in the air, leaving an afterimage in the air, and the next moment, he was in front of the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul.With the sword in hand, the fiery sword slashed down with the sound of howling wind. With a 'click' sound, the dragon stretched out its claws and attached a large amount of black magic energy to face the fiery sword.

After they had staggered, they forcibly blocked it, and a black-red spiritual pressure wave erupted between the two of them, shaking both of them tens of feet away at the same time before stabilizing their figures.

(End of this chapter)

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