
Chapter 1778 Fierce battle against Taiyou Junling 9

Chapter 1778 Fighting the Taiyou Junling Nine Branches
Huolian and Zeng Shun's arrival on the battlefield made the comparison of combat power between the two sides show an overwhelming advantage, especially when Huolian took out the ancient spirit sword, Yi Tian's heart tightened for no reason.

I seem to have seen this thing somewhere, although I can't remember it for a while, but when the chain of fire was shot, I thought to myself: "It's the master's sword. I didn't expect him to be able to borrow this thing. Emperor Hao's remnant soul is really challenging."

It's a pity that the Lihuo Palace True Inheritance Kung Fu practiced by Huo Lian himself has not yet entered the room, and he can't even display the true power of this thing.

At this time, Emperor Yuanhao returned to his human form, and looked at the scars left on his hands that were deep and visible.In an instant, a large amount of devilish energy flooded out to cover the wound, and after three breaths, the devilish energy dissipated and the wound recovered as before.

At this time, his eyes fixed on the chain of fire and he said in a deep voice: "It's not yours. With your strength, you can't even exert one-third of the power of this treasure."

"So what? It's more than enough to deal with your remnant body," Huolian replied unwillingly.

"I didn't expect that I would be scared by a dead thing after so many years of dominating the demon world in vain. If it weren't for the chaotic and chaotic forces in the host body to resist each other, you would be my opponents," Yuan Hao said. He roared: "However, my emperor's strength can actually be estimated by you juniors." After finishing speaking, he put his hands together on his chest and uttered a long series of awkward incantations.

Suddenly the surrounding earth vibrated violently, and the spiritual power from the outside world was frantically used towards Emperor Yuanhao.When the three of them saw it, their complexions changed slightly, and they saw the phantom of the Dao Demon Dragon appearing behind him.Then the phantom opened its mouth and spit out dozens of gray light balls at the three of them.

"That's the dragon shadow's breath, but it contains a lot of ghost power, be careful not to get it touched," the fire chain shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as the words were finished, the sound of explosions came from the air one after another, and the gray light balls breathed by the dragon shadows exploded in the air one after another, distorting this space-time.Even the chain of fire did not dare to carelessly sacrifice the Yanlongaojian in his hand to defend the whole body. The light ball that exploded near him spread to the Yanlongaojian and was blocked by the flame defense circle inspired by itself.

On the other hand, Yi Tian and Yi Shun didn't have such a strong spiritual weapon for body protection, even if they had one, they would jump and use it.

I saw Yi Tian's figure flashed to Yishun's side, and the latter flashed a golden light all over his body, and then went directly into the beast-controlling bag at his waist.On the other hand, Yi Tian took out the dragon tortoise armor shield to sacrifice to cover himself, and the continuous crackling sounded around him, covering a range of two to three hundred miles.At the same time, those aroused air waves spread out and affected thousands of miles around.

After the crackling sound, Yi Tian came back to his senses, and Yishun flew out from beside him again.But when the two of them scanned the surrounding area with their spiritual thoughts, they found that the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao was actually flying in the opposite direction.

"He's going to run away, stop him," came the voice of the chain of fire.

The three hurriedly sacrificed their evasion techniques and chased after them, but the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul was one step ahead. After gathering the black and gray spiritual power on his body, he used escapism techniques and flew towards the depths of the Taiyou Mountains.

It was obvious that he had performed some kind of flying secret technique. Half a moment later, the three of them watched helplessly as the distance between the two sides was gradually widened.Seeing such a chain of fire, he put away the spirit sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Go back and help Qingxin first, I will leave tracking marks along the way when I catch up. After the large forces are integrated, we will encircle and suppress together, and we must not let Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul really die." I am making waves in the demon world again."

"Don't worry, Uncle Clan, I will definitely join hands with Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape to deal with this beast," Yishun replied, then winked with Angel Yi, and the two turned around and flew back to the place where they had fought before.

After a while, when the two returned to the battlefield, they found that only Zeng Shun was alone, while Taoist Qingxin and Yan Peigong were missing.

Yishun went up and asked, "Where are they?"

"Where's my senior brother? Didn't you catch up together?" Zeng Shun asked anxiously.

"Uncle Huolian took one step to catch up, and he told us to come back and lead the monks of all ethnic groups to encircle and suppress," Yishun explained.

"Okay, then I'll take a step ahead, you two can do what you want," Zeng Shun glanced at the two of them, stared at Yi Tian for a few times, then turned his head and said to Yishun: "Just now, Yan Peigong Running around, Fellow Daoist Qingxin has already caught up, and the message talisman he left behind tells you to follow behind."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and threw a jade talisman over. Yishun took it and took it, then he clasped his fists and said, "Thank you Zeng Shun for your help. Right now, we are all doing our own jobs and we will meet again after the Yan Peigong chaos is over. Farewell."

"Farewell," said Zeng Shun, and once again looked at Yi Tian, ​​only to see that the latter didn't change his face, but just bowed his hands in a polite way, which was a direct way of saying something.

After the people left, Yi Tian turned around and said in the same way: "What should we do next? The brigade is still at Jidao Mountain. If you want to chase Yan Peigong, you must ask for their assistance."

"I'm going to follow Taoist Qingxin, and fellow Daoist Yi, please ask Ji Daoshan and his party," Yishun said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, I know what you think, remember not to be brave, just trap Yan Peigong. After I bring people to arrive, I will deal with him to make sure everything is safe, and the order flag in his hand is very important, yes It is the only way to deal with the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

"At this moment, I know that I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to excuse Fellow Daoist Qingxin. Although he is also responsible for this matter, it is justifiable," Yishun replied.

Speaking of Jidao Mountain, Yi Tian naturally knew it well, and those ninth-level demon masters were all human spirits, so he would naturally figure out what was wrong afterwards.Even if it doesn't happen on the surface, Jiuxianshan will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

After thinking for a while, they nodded helplessly, and then the two parted ways.Yi Tian turned around in the air and galloped towards Jidao Mountain. After walking for a short time, he found several spiritual pressure fluctuations flying thousands of miles away in his spiritual thoughts.Both parties discovered each other at the first time, and then rushed towards the other's position.

Don't think too much about these Yaozu Yaozun who must have recovered. At this time, they are aimlessly looking for traces of Taoist Qingxin.Not long after, the leader was Meng Luan of the Fire Phoenix Clan. Her gifted supernatural power, which is good for flying, naturally found her first.

Behind her were Xuanjizi and the others. After the two met, Meng Luan's expression changed slightly and he asked, "Where's Yishun? Why didn't you get caught?"

At this time Xuanjizi arrived just in time, and when he heard this remark, he felt ashamed and immediately changed the subject: "You are lucky, Daoist Yi, I wonder where the Sect Master is?"

(End of this chapter)

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