
Chapter 1779 Fierce Battle at the Confluence of Taiyou Mountains

Chapter 1779 Fierce Battle at Taiyou Junling Ten Meetings
In the depths of the Taiyou Mountains, Yi Tian finally waited for the big troops to follow up. The leader, Meng Luan, seemed aggressive and had an ugly complexion.Presumably, they all found out afterwards that they were recruited, so they naturally wanted to put the blame on Jiuxianshan, but seeing that they didn't fall for it, they naturally classified themselves as Jiuxianshan's accomplices.

Fortunately, there are Xuanjizi and others coordinating by the side so that no trouble will happen, but Yi Tian looked at the resentment on the faces of these Yaozun and knew that if this matter is not handled properly, Jiuxian Mountain will be isolated situation.

It just so happens that there is a mysterious opportunity to change the topic, so of course I have to give Jiuxian Mountain a new step.

"Taoist Qingxin is chasing Yan Peigong at this time, and fellow Taoist Yishun followed," Yi Tian said lightly: "Senior Fire Chain and Zeng Shun are chasing the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao deep into the depths of the Taiyou Mountains , I am here to follow everyone to discuss how to besiege and deal with Yan Peigong."

"The real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao," Xuanjizi said with a shocked expression, "What's going on?"

As soon as this remark came out, the complexions of the monsters around changed slightly, if it was just a Yan Peigong, it would be fine.But if the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul was involved, he would be the public enemy of the entire demon clan. At this time, they also knew that it was not time to pursue responsibility, so they had to understand the current situation clearly before making a decision.

In this way, Yi Tian did not hesitate to directly talk about the matter of this hand-in-hand with Yan Peigong, including the situation of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul avatar.

After saying that, all the faces in the room were as sinking as water, and everyone's expression became extremely embarrassed, even De Mengluan frowned at this moment, unable to speak a word.

Then Xuanjizi asked: "I don't know where the suzerain is at this time, how should we deal with this matter?"

"First of all, we have to deal with Yan Peigong. He has a flag in his hand that is the key to restricting the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul," Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "According to the plan of Fellow Daoist Qingxin, Senior Fire Chain will temporarily restrain Emperor Yuanhao The real body of the remnant soul, while he and Fellow Daoist Yishun went to chase Yan Peigong, and we followed to set up an encirclement to compress Yan Peigong's range of activities, and finally capture him in one go."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the Yaozuns present looked a little better, especially Mengluan blushed when he heard about Yishun's situation, and then he looked at Yi Tian and stopped talking.

Then Xuanjizi asked again: "So let's act quickly, I'll contact my senior brother to see how he can arrange it." Then he took out the jade amulet of communication, wrote down the message, activated it and sent it out.

"Let's not be idle at this time. Since Fellow Daoist Yi is here to wait for you, please lead the way. The chances of winning will be better if you meet up with Fellow Daoist Qingxin earlier," Meng Luan said suddenly.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yi Tian said simply without hesitation: "Follow me," and immediately flew out with a flash of inspiration all over his body.

Xuanjizi followed closely behind him, he looked worried but not as optimistic as others.Ignoring the others, Xuanjizi flew to a distance of five feet, then lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "Is the situation worse than expected, fellow Daoist Yi?"

Sure enough, he couldn't hide it from these people, Yi Tian sighed and replied: "The general situation is the same, but Yan Peigong poured a lot of devilish energy and ghost energy into Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul, and I didn't expect to be unable to completely control it." Stay in their spirits. We let them leave calmly in five against two, and you think the situation will be much better."

Hearing this, Xuanjizi had an uncertain expression on his face, he let out a long sigh, and then asked via voice transmission: "This time, senior brother has committed public anger, although the patriarchs of the demon clan didn't say it was because of the big The enemy is present. We must give them an explanation after the event."

"Who said it wasn't? Fellow Daoist Qingxin also mentioned that. He will come forward to clarify the matter afterwards, which will have a bad impact on the sect. Once this matter is over, he will step down as suzerain and take responsibility for it," Yi Tian Said.

"It's absolutely impossible, if there is no senior brother sitting in Jiuxian Mountain, how can it subdue all the monster clans?" Xuanjizi said anxiously.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanji, why should you underestimate yourself? In my opinion, your ability is no worse than that of Fellow Daoist Pure Heart. What is missing is an opportunity." Yi Tian smiled meaningfully, "What's more, Fellow Daoist Pure Heart told me, He will pass on to you, and you will continue to lead Jiuxian Mountain in the future, I will tell you about this first so that you can be mentally prepared."

Xuanjizi was shocked when he heard the words, but then he was speechless for a long time.There was a glimmer of light in his eyes before he replied: "I know what you mean, senior brother. Let's talk about everything after the Yan Peigong chaos is dealt with."

Just as he was talking, a spiritual light from the sky flew straight towards the direction of Xuanjizi, and when he flew closer, he found that it was the messenger jade talisman sent earlier.

Yi Tian, ​​who was leading the team in front, immediately stopped and greeted the people behind.Xuanjizi looked at it quickly after receiving the Jade Talisman of Communication, but after a while, his face became strangely ugly.

It seems that the situation has changed, Tian hurriedly asked: "How is it, is it that fellow Taoist Qingxin lost you?"

"It can be said that it is not," Xuanjizi said with a sigh.

"How do you say that?" Meng Luanfei stepped forward and asked.

Xuanjizi took out a jade slip map and spread it out in the palm of his hand to check it, and then said: "Yan Peigong is so bold that he returned to Wan Yao City under the pursuit of senior brother."

"How could this be? Didn't he throw himself into a trap?" Meng Luan asked in surprise.

"It's not that he threw himself into the trap, he was taking the opportunity to threaten," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "Yan Peigong knew that he would be caught if he fled desperately, so he just broke the boat and sneaked back to Wan Yao City. There must still be some places in Nian's lair that have not been explored."

"Yi Daoyou is right." Xuanjizi put away the jade slip map in his hand and said: "Senior brother also judged in the same way. Yan Peigong is holding the monks of the entire Ten Thousand Monster City as bargaining chips to deal with us. Senior brother has already Set up a security formation around three hundred miles outside the city, if he wants to sneak away, he will definitely be discovered."

"Then what is his motivation for doing this?" Meng Luan asked.

"The real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul," Yi Tian said decisively: "At present, it seems that there is only this opportunity. Yan Peigong still holds the soul-controlling flag in his hand, and he will definitely use this to influence the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao. action."

"Didn't you say that the avatar of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul can escape Yan Peigong's control?" Meng Luan said disdainfully.

"That's most of the time, and Yan Peigong was restrained by fellow Taoist Qingxin, so he was able to break free from the influence of soul control. But once Yan Peigong calms down and makes another move, there will be a countermeasure. As long as he can control it The real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul can lead him out of the encirclement in just three minutes," Yi Tianyu said earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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