
Chapter 178 errands

Chapter 178 errands
Sitting on the windboat, Yi Tian looked at the upcoming Donghai City from a distance, and always had some questions in his heart that needed to be investigated.Think about the two-step supernatural power formula in the Sutra Pavilion in Donghai City. I wonder if anyone has exchanged it over the years.

The Dongfu ruins given by Ye Qingchen back then were islands somewhere in the outer sea. This time, Yi Tian didn't want to miss the opportunity. If possible, he would go to investigate alone. Maybe there are other discoveries.

Along the way, those foundation-building disciples respected him, and only Qu Yifeng and Ye Ziyan came up to chat with Yi Tian from time to time, exchanging ideas.

After looking at the two of them, Yi Tian realized that Qu Yifeng had advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment for some time, while Ye Ziyan seemed to have just advanced in the past few years, and was considered a top existence among this group of soul boys.

Most of the soul boy's potential will be fully tapped during the Qi refining period and the early foundation establishment period. There will be a period of explosive growth at the beginning, and this speed will gradually slow down as the cultivation level increases.Usually, after reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment, the difference from ordinary monks is not too much, and the growth of cultivation base is also methodical, unless there is some big opportunity.

However, the disadvantages of constant drug use in the early stage gradually began to appear, often in the middle stage of foundation building, it is necessary to constantly polish one's spiritual power, to eliminate the side effects caused by the pills, or to continue to practice. The speed of growth is often a little slower than others, and the time stuck in the bottleneck of cultivation will be longer.

The flying boat continued to fly for more than a day. During this period, Yi Tian also seized the time to meditate. He saw that Qu Yifeng and Ye Ziyan who were sitting next to him had learned well. Yi Tian also admired this in his heart. The two also began to understand the value of time.

Seeing that he was about to arrive, Yi Tian also stood up to loosen his muscles and bones. The next thing is troublesome enough, and he doesn't know how Zongmen will arrange himself.Looking at Ye Ziyan next to her, she was wearing crimson Zongmen clothing, and a pair of white boots under her feet, which were wrapped in flannelette. It seemed that she had redecorated the electric dragon boots from back then.

Suddenly remembering that she had been entrusted to help take care of the spirit beast back then, Yi Tian said, "Wanzi, you have grown in cultivation these past few years, have you taken good care of 'Fat Dog' for me?"

Ye Ziyan pouted with a chuckle and said, "I'm already in my 40s, and I'm still called by my nickname, and I won't come to see me after coming back for so long, have you forgotten the promise I made with you back then?"

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be speechless, and silently calculated in his heart, he is already over 50 years old, he really forgets all the troubles in the world once he enters cultivation, at this age he is considered a grandfather-level figure in the mortal world.As for the agreement to go to her cave to watch the sunrise, Yi Tian only remembered it now, so he had to look ashamed, and let's talk about it later.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian could only scratch his head, and said embarrassingly: "I'm also used to calling you, and I can't change my mouth. Otherwise, I will call you Ziyan in front of others, and I will call you 'Banzi' in private. In my heart You will always be that little devil who loves to cry in the Red Flame Hills."

"That's pretty much the same, as long as you always remember how you carried me at that time." After speaking, Ye Ziyan Lihua untied the spirit beast bag tied around her waist and handed it to Yi Tian with a smile, and then replied: "You yourself Take a look, this little guy has a lot of appetite, especially after reaching the fourth level, he starts to picky eaters."

As a result, Yi Tian played out a formula after the spirit beast bag, and directly summoned the 'Fat Dog'. After a flash of white light '嗖', a three-foot-long ice fox stood on the deck.

It seems that 'Fat Dog' hasn't woken up yet. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Ye Ziyan, opening his mouth as if to beg for food. Yi Tian saw his face twitching. After so many years, he still looked the same. He just went up. A chestnut meal made 'Fat Dog' sober up on the spot.

After feeding 'Fat Dog' a few Beast Spirit Pills, Yi Tian still directly chanted the magic formula to put it back into the Beast Spirit Bag, so as not to embarrass himself outside.

Others didn't dare to comment, but Qu Yifeng said carelessly: "Yitian, the dog you raise is really good, but I don't know what kind of talent it has?"

Seeing which pot this kid would not turn on and which pot to lift, Yi Tian didn't know what to do. Among so many people, he was the only one who was a prick, and he remembered to find an opportunity to have a good chat with him about life.He replied angrily: "That's a fox, you know, it's not a dog. It's extremely resistant to ice spells. It's a spirit beast I've been raising for decades."

"You don't seem like a person who can raise spirit beasts. Most of them eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and finally make a 'soil fat circle'. I think you might as well give it to me. I just need the help of a spirit beast." Qu Yifeng said with a look of contempt.

After snorting coldly, Yi Tian ignored him and stood directly beside the boat to enjoy the scenery.

A quarter of an hour later, the windboat slowly landed on the transportation platform of Donghai City. Yan Jungang explained to everyone: "You can move around freely first, and you must remember to report to the Zongmen Registration Office, and then purchase some supplies separately. Everyone's The tasks will be arranged soon, don't waste your time," after finishing speaking, he rose against the wind and flew towards the city guard's mansion.

When he just received the mission transfer order, Yi Tian also knew that this time he was here to replace Qi Haosi's formation team, and he needed to pick it up at the garrison point of the Artifact Hall as soon as it was due.If you want to come to the city guard's mansion, you will also be equipped with a refiner's assistant, so you only need to find three more team members to dispatch.

After asking the two people around him that they had their own affairs, Yi Tian didn't force him to stay, but repeatedly asked him to pay attention to his own safety, and then acted separately.After saying goodbye to the two, Yi Tian hurriedly came to the Sutra Library in Donghai City to inquire about the situation of the two spiritual formulas.

The signboard for exchanging spirit formulas was still in place. Yi Tian stood there and checked the Internet, knowing that the name of the spirit formula of "Divine Consciousness Branching" was not found on the top layer, and the spirit formula of "Asura Transformation" was also missing. gone.On the top position were replaced by two supernatural powers that Yi Tian had never seen before, called 'Wan Jian Jue' and 'Golden Sun Immortal Body' respectively, and the contribution points marked next to them were more than three or four thousand.

Slightly frowned, Yi Tian didn't know what had happened, Donghai City Council had replaced both of these spiritual formulas in his hands in 30 years.After thinking for a while, there must be something inside, so Yi Tian went up to ask the staff in charge, but those deacons also said they didn't know.Seeing that Yi Tian was also eager to inquire, someone suggested to go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to inquire. Most of the spiritual formulas of Donghai City are stored there, so it is true to trace the source.

After thinking about it again and again, Yi Tian also felt that there was something strange about this matter. Indeed, only those Golden Core cultivators in the City Lord's Mansion would know the inside story.Just as he was thinking of contacting Yan Jun to inquire about the news from him, Yi Tian found that he had suddenly received a message in his Zongmen jade card, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian was also in awe.

The person who left a message for me was actually the head of the house, Yang Yanzi, and if he didn't go down now, he had to go, and it was just the right time to find an opportunity to ask someone to ask the questions in his heart.

Since it was called by the master, Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect, turned around and walked directly towards the city guard's mansion.At this time, the Donghai City Guard Mansion is under martial law everywhere, with five steps, one post and ten steps, and one sentry. With some killing spirit.

Before Yi Tian entered the ten-foot range of the City Lord's Mansion, a patrolling disciple stepped forward and asked, "Who is here? Please show your identity badge and summons."

After looking at Yi Tian, ​​he could only shake his head, and took out his identity jade badge for several inspectors to confirm.During this period, Yi Tian at least felt that there were two strands of golden core stage monks' spiritual consciousness sweeping over him. It seemed that the defense here was also impeccable, and even the golden core stage monks had to come out to check.

After a while, Yi Tian took back the identity jade card, and under the leadership of the patrolling disciples, he walked into the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for the Golden Core cultivator to be summoned.When he arrived for the first time, Yi Tian didn't know the details, but since the head of the sect personally intervened, it must not be a trivial matter, and Yi Tian was also prepared for it.

After waiting for a while, Yi Tian found out that the headmaster Yang Yanzi, Xuan Jianxin and Nangong Aotian walked in.Yi Tian realized that Nangong Aotian was pretending to be a stranger when he saw him for the first time, so he had no choice but to stand up and say: "Your junior has met the three masters," and then waited for the three people replied.

After the three of them were seated, Yi Tian dared to sit across from him, without daring to squint, and waited for orders with an obedient appearance.

After a while, I heard Yang Yanzi say to the other two: "Brother Dao, please see if this son can be of great use. This is also the person strongly recommended by my adopted son Yan Jungang, and he also said that Yi Tian is the one he has seen before." The person most likely to complete the task."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's heart immediately turned upside down, Yan Jungang was too uninterested, nominated himself to give a difficult task directly, looking at the appearance of the three people, this task is definitely not a good thing, it must be dangerous.

Before Yi Tian opened his mouth to refuse, Xuan Jianxin said with deep meaning: "I have seen the strength of Yi Xiaoyou. If you can be selected to complete this matter, you will succeed immediately." Then a sound transmission came from Yi Tian's ear: "Please also leave a copy of the things that Yi Xiaoyou got from the third floor of Jianzhong, and give it to Tie Jianmen. The old man is very grateful."

Nangong Aotian on the side was the first time he heard Xuan Jianxin comment on a disciple of the Foundation Establishment period. He couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked at Yi Tian. Opinion, this kid has taken so many benefits and must do something for the human monks." The pun in this sentence directly settled the matter.

Looking at the eyes of the other party, Yi Tiangang wanted to speak up to argue, but suddenly Nangong Aotian's voice came from his ear: "I've already eaten a few Xuanyang fruits, what else do you want?"

Suddenly Yi Tian felt that Nangong Aotian was definitely not as understanding as he appeared on the surface, and he could guess most of what he did in Xuanyang Cave.And Xuan Jianxin is not a fool, he believes that there must be something good in the third floor of Jianzhong that he has taken away, even if the enemy Jiu and Wu Min defend themselves, this suspicion cannot be removed.

On the contrary, Yang Yanzi, the head of the sect, was kept in the dark, and was still there promising Yi Tian the benefits after the event was completed. The two sat there like old monks who had already settled down, not afraid that they would not agree.This time, Yi Tian felt a little relaxed, and he must have a handle in their hands. He didn't wipe his mouth clean before stealing food, and now the retribution came.

After Yang Yanzi finished speaking, Yi Tian got up and clasped his hands together and said to the three people in front of him: "It is my duty to serve the disciples of the human race. Please rest assured, the three masters. I will go all out to complete the mission in my heart."

Seeing that Yi Tian was so knowledgeable, Xuan Jianxin and Nangong Aotian also got up and said a few words to Yang Yanzi, and then left.After the two left, Yang Yanzi opened a soundproof enchantment, then handed the jade slip in his hand to Yi Tian, ​​and said, "Don't go anywhere these days, just put the jade slip on it here. You are familiar with the task information, and I will notify you to leave when the time comes."

Seeing this, Yi Tian could only resign himself to his fate, and took the jade slip without opening it, but asked, "Master, when I participated in the naval battle 30 years ago, I discovered that there was a 'spiritual consciousness' in the Buddhist scripture pavilion." The supernatural powers of "Splitting Tracks" and "Asura Transformation", why did they change after coming here this time?"

Yang Yanzi originally thought that Yi Tian would ask about the mission rewards, but after listening to it, he shook his head and replied: "There are problems with both of those magical powers. ’ Afterwards, the schizophrenia became a fool, and after discussion, we unanimously decided to replace the two volumes of spiritual formulas and destroy them, so as not to harm the disciples again.”

Seeing Yi Tian's puzzled face, Yang Yanzi continued: "According to records, this 'Divine Consciousness Track' has only been exchanged twice in history. Maybe the disciples who exchanged for the previous time did not go deep into cultivation, so nothing happened."

Hearing this, Yi Tian broke out in cold sweat behind his back, so the only one who has practiced these two supernatural powers is himself, so don't show them easily in the future to avoid trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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