
Chapter 179 Connectors

Chapter 179 Connectors
In the next few days, Xuan Jianxin and Nangong Aotian each visited once, they both came in cheerfully, and went back happily.Xuan Jianxin has an extra copy of sword manual, while Nangong Aotian has an extra Xuanyang fruit in his storage ring.

Ke Yitian can be sure that these things were directly swallowed up by these two people in the end.Fortunately, the two of them were benevolent, and Xuan Jianxin exchanged Yi Tian for a sword talisman, saying that it was used in a crisis, and its power was astonishing.Nangong Aotian handed Yi Tian a escape talisman, and told him that it could only be used three times, and the distance was a hundred miles away, but the location could not be determined. I hope Yi Tian used it carefully.

Ignoring the two of them, Yi Tian read the task jade slip several times, the things recorded on it were very simple.The three sects sent an undercover agent in the Blue Scale Aquarium a hundred years ago, this time Yi Tian mainly went to the joint, and handed half of the ten 'Chiyang Xuanlei' in Yang Yanzi's hand to the other party.With the assistance of the other party, they also need to take away the Dinghai Pearl that the Bluescales placed on a certain island. In this way, even if the Bluescales use the tidal array again, they will not be able to attack Donghai City.

For this meeting, the Xuanling faction specially provided a phantom bead to Yi Tian. As long as Yi Tian wears this bead, he can transform into the appearance of a fourth-level aquarium and sneak into the opponent's waters. As long as he doesn't use it Spells are invisible.

Seeing that the three masters looked like they were holding the wisdom beads, Yi Tian also greeted the three of them several times in his heart, and said in his heart: "They really think highly of themselves for appointing such a dangerous task."

Anyway, now that the arrow is on the string and has to be launched, Yi Tian was also driven to the shelf, so he simply got angry and obediently meditated and rested in the city guard's mansion, only waiting for the opportunity to set off.

Half a month later at night, Yang Yanzi walked into the side hall and gave orders to prepare for dispatch.Yi Tian stood up and checked the things prepared in the storage bracelet, sword talisman, 'thunder fire diamond', escape talisman, magic orb, ten 'Thousand Nail Ruler' talismans, fire emblem shield, these are all level five Equipment, and some of your own belongings.After confirming the equipment, Chaoyang Yanzi said: "It's done."

Taking advantage of the dark night, the two walked along the secret road under the Lord's Mansion of Donghai City. After walking for about an hour, Yi Tian saw a little light ahead.After leaving the passage, Yi Tiancai found himself on a deserted island thirty miles south of Donghai City.The entire island is covered by white mist. Yang Yanzi explained that the entrance of the secret passage also has a specially set up one-way defensive array, and people can only come out from inside. Anyone who wants to enter from the outside if If there is no array plate in hand, it will touch the defensive array of the entire island.

After a while of instructions, Yi Tian took out the Magic Orb in his hand, and under the urging force, a blue light covered his whole body, changing Yi Tian's appearance into that of a fourth-level sea beast.Yi Tian also stretched out his hand to see that a layer of blue fish scales appeared on his arm, and the whole arm became thicker. He took out Zou Dong's trident magic weapon from the storage bag, and Yi Tian Instantly transformed into a Naga guard of the Bluescale Sea Clan.

Yang Yanzi looked at Yi Tian's transformed appearance and said with satisfaction: "Remember the meeting place and location, this magic orb has the effect of clear water, but you can't dive into the water for more than one hour, or the effect of the magic orb will meet you." started to disappear."

After the leader Yang Yanzi left, Yi Tian took out the task jade slip and read it carefully, and found many loopholes in it.One of the key points is that the connector turned out to be a fourth-level sea beast named Blue Shark. Based on the idea that people who are not of our race must have different hearts, Yi Tian couldn't figure out how the three masters would make such a decision.

The Jade Slips also explained that the blue-scale spirit beast of the Sea Clan named 'Blue Shark' was subdued by the Iron Sword Old Man of Tiejianmen a hundred years ago. At that time, it was only at the second level. The old man Jian used secret methods to activate his spiritual wisdom so that he could speak to others after the fourth level, so he sent it back to the Hai Clan as an internal response.

This time the Blue Scale Clan stormed Donghai City, and the tug-of-war between the two clans lasted for ten years. The old man Tie Jian thought for a long time before agreeing to use the dark son he had ambushed a hundred years ago.

The three masters fully believed in Old Man Iron Sword's Spiritual Beast Blood Contract, so they did their best to facilitate this matter.But when he came to Yi Tian, ​​he became more careful. After all, a hundred years is not long for spirit beasts, and there is no guarantee that accidents will happen.It's him who handles the matter, if something goes wrong, Yi Tian doesn't want to lose his life.

For this reason, Yi Tian put away the jade slips, and then took out three copper coins to make a divination for himself.The last time I had a good conversation with Xiao Linhang from Tianyunmen, Yi Tian also learned a little bit of divination, although he only knows a little bit, but it is always okay to judge his own good or bad luck.

After sitting down, he clasped his hands together and held the copper coin in the palm of his hand. Using his spiritual power as a medium, he shook it six times in a row and got a hexagram image of 'sinking in water'.After looking at it, Yi Tian's face was ashen. It seems that this mission is a narrow escape. If he is trapped in the sea clan for a long time, he will not show his feet.

It's useless to think too much, since it's his turn and he can't back down, Yi Tian believes that if he turns around at this time, the three masters will cut him alive immediately.

After changing the shape with the magic orb, Yi Tian flew up close to the sea surface. Although he didn't move forward like sea water, it was difficult to distinguish unless he looked closely.

After taking out the chart and looking at it, Yi Tian found that there were still [-] nautical miles away from the meeting place. As long as he continued to maintain this flying speed, he would arrive in less than four hours.

Along the way, I also encountered a few third-level sea beasts, but as long as Yitian released his spiritual pressure quietly, those sea beasts would stay away.

I read those spirit beast books before, and the classification of sea beasts is very strict. Unless they have a special status, generally speaking, low-level sea beasts should stay away from high-level ones.

When he got to the converging tidal reef, Yi Tian saw that a fourth-level sea beast with a shark head was already waiting there, and scanned the jade slip in his hand with his spiritual sense. After comparing the two, Yi Tian could be sure that it was the jointed sea beast. 'Blue Shark'.

Seeing that there was no one around, Yi Tian quickly flew over at low altitude, 'Blue Shark' was excited when he heard some movement, and then shouted in an indistinct voice on the reef: "Here."

After a while, falling into the clouds, Yi Tian first showed half of the jade talisman in his hand, and 'Blue Shark' also took out the other half. With the cooperation of the two, the figure of the old man Iron Sword emerged, and he opened his mouth to 'Blue Shark' The order said: "This time you must fully cooperate, be sure to take Dinghai away, and return you to freedom after the matter is completed."

That 'Blue Shark' actually knelt down and spit out the words: "Be kind to the patriarch, and Blue Shark will do his best to finish this matter."

Random Yi Tian handed over the five Chiyang Xuanlei on his body and said: "Everything is here, when shall we do it?"

After seeing the next five pomegranate-sized spiritual weapons, 'Blue Shark' was also excited, and after a flash in his hand, he put the things into a container like a leather bag.

After packing up the things, 'Blue Shark' turned around and said to Yi Tian: "The saintess of the Blue Scale Clan is guarding the Dinghai Pearl, which is on a small island fifty miles away. At that time, when those sea guards were exhausted, they sneaked over and took the saint away."

Yi Tian frowned when he heard it, this was very different from what was planned, but now that he left the 'Blue Shark', his eyes were darkened, so he had to let it go and wait until the time came to see the situation.

Turning around, he asked, "What is the cultivation level of this saint, why should we be afraid to take her away?"

Blue Shark took out a coral dart from the leather pouch, and said to Yi Tian in an inarticulate voice: "There are two saintesses, both of whom are level four spiritual beasts. We only need to catch one. This is sticky The poison dart that has a jellyfish sac in it can make her unconscious after piercing the skin of the saint for three breaths, and then we can easily take her away, but unfortunately we can only use it three times."

After looking at the shining blue poisonous blade on the coral dart, Yi Tian realized that this thing is not easy to fight with, and if he hit it, he would definitely not be able to last ten breaths.

Now Yi Tian was full of doubts, this blue shark looked dull, but its intelligence and image were definitely not proportional, the spiritual intelligence of the fifth-level monsters that Yi Tian had seen before could not be compared with it.

The two rested for a while, until there was a little red light on the eastern sea level, 'Blue Shark' stood up and said: "It's almost time, let's go." Yi Tian nodded, and one man and one beast hurried on the sea level. flew up.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to get close to the small island. Yi Tian looked at it from the sea chart, and it was already [-] miles deep into the inner sea. It is absolutely impossible for human monks to appear here.Donghai City's plan is to use this blind spot to seize Dinghaizhu in one fell swoop. If it fails, at most it will lose a foundation-building disciple.

Following the 'Blue Shark' slowly to the island, Yi Tian saw that there were some level [-] sea beasts patrolling everywhere.The entire island is divided into north and south areas, the north is surrounded by reefs, and the south has a [-]-foot flat land, where two Dinghai pearls are enshrined.Looking from a distance, there are two huge shells, with a white crystal bead hanging on each of them, the size of a baby's fist.

"That's the original force of the sea clan's great formation. Now it's being sacrificed here. When the time is ripe, the two saintesses will bring Dinghaizhu to the front line. By then, the blue scale sea clan will It's time to attack across the board," Lan Sha said, pointing to Dinghaizhu on the island.

Looking at the guards on the island, Yi Tian counted nearly five fourth-level sea beasts and a group of third-level sea beasts. Going up to snatch people in such a formation is like hitting a stone with an egg.Looking back at 'Blue Shark', he asked, "Then what should we do now?"

I saw 'Blue Shark' took out a piece of white oil and said: "This is whale blubber, burn it with rosin, it has a fatal attraction to the blue-scaled sea people. Whales are their main source of food. Bury three Chiyang Xuanlei under the fat, try to get rid of them at once, and then catch people while they are in chaos."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian signaled that he would follow the plan of 'Blue Shark', while he sneaked into the other side of the island to wait for an opportunity.Prepare the photo beads in hand, this time the task is to take the Dinghai beads, if you can't get them, you can destroy them on the spot, so you must leave evidence, and it will be easier to return to Donghai City in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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