
Chapter 180 Anti-water

Chapter 180 Anti-water
There was a sudden fragrance on the calm sea, even Yi Tian felt refreshed when he smelled it, and those sea beasts became even more irritable, and some small sea beasts wanted to leave the brigade from time to time, but they had no choice but to be reprimanded by the fourth-level sea beasts. Looking eagerly at the sea.

After ten breaths, the smell became stronger and stronger, even the four seasons sea beasts couldn't bear it anymore. In a blink of an eye, four leaders rushed over with a group of small sea beasts. Yi Tian was overjoyed and said secretly, "This is it."

After waiting half a moment, there was a sudden violent roar on the distant sea surface, and at the same time a ten-foot-high water column rose from the sea level, spraying out mixed with the corpses of many sea beasts.

Yi Tian, ​​who was lying in ambush behind the rock pile in the north, rushed out, and the 'Blue Shark' also rushed out from the other side, and the two rushed towards the nearest Dinghai Pearl.

The blue-scale saintess turned pale with fright when she saw this, and hurriedly called the guards to come to help.Yi Tian shot out wooden spikes continuously, knocking down the little sea beast in front of him, and Blue Shark took out a blue steel fork in his hand, and stabbed the guard in front of him with a sound of 'Go'.

The guards on the sea returned to the defense quickly. Seeing an assassin rushing in, they immediately rushed to the island clamoring.When the two level [-] sea beasts here directly protected the air bubble behind them, the face of the blue-scale saintess inside improved slightly.

Seeing this, Lan Lin shouted directly: "Change another one." He took out the remaining two 'Chiyang Xuanlei' and threw them towards the other one.The two Dinghai Pearls were about [-] feet apart, and the rest of the sea beast guards were difficult to protect. After seeing the 'Chiyang Xuanlei' blooming among the beasts, they rushed up and entangled the blue shark.

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Yi Tian also went on a killing spree, and directly sacrificed the 'Thunder Fire Diamond' in his hand. In front of the fifth-level spiritual weapon, these little sea beasts are often stabbed into opposites with one blow, but there is still a steady stream surrounded him.Fearing that he would be exhausted by the human sea tactics, Yi Tian knocked down all the sea beasts within a dozen feet in front of him with his right hand move, and made a swift wind step under his feet, a blue light jumped out twenty feet away, and came to another In front of Dinghaizhu.

In the water bubble in front of Dinghaizhu, there is a blue-scale saintess, who looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old adult, and is now looking at the surrounding environment in panic. It can be seen that Yi Tianhou's face froze, and then her complexion darkened again down.

Using the 'Thunder Fire Diamond' to instantly break the halo of the Dinghai Pearl, Yi Tian stepped forward to catch the bead, feeling unusually heavy in his hand, turned the hand and directly received the Dinghai Pearl into the ring of flame inscriptions.

Then looking back at the saint, Yi Tian was also stunned for a moment, only to see that she was full of tears, but she was actually wearing a costume of an inner disciple of the Chiyang Sect.After scanning with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian found that this dress was his own, and this blue-scale saint was actually the girl "Lan Yu'er" whom Yi Tian found by accident in the tidal formation more than 30 years ago.

Yi Tian forcibly cut off the connection between Lan Yuer and Dinghaizhu just now, only to see the bubble burst directly, and Lan Yuer passed out directly after spitting out blood.A thought of "backlash" flashed in his mind, looking at so many sea beasts surrounding him in the distance, Yi Tian didn't care too much, and directly reached out to hug the saint, and then launched the wind escape technique at his feet with all his strength, A blue light flashed up into the sky and flew towards the northern sea.

The 'Blue Shark' who was fighting on one side saw his success, and was overjoyed to show his viciousness. He secretly clenched the 'Coral Dart' in his hand, and charged towards the sea. The shark just smiled and blocked the attack with a steel fork. The 'coral dart' in his hand was shot unexpectedly, and after injuring the pursuers, he jumped into the sea and escaped.

Half a day later, on a small island somewhere in the deep sea in the north, Yi Tian found an open space by the coast, sat cross-legged and waited for the blue shark to meet. Yi Tian made a detour back to Donghai City.

Yi Tian was also speechless when he saw Lan Yu'er, the holy maiden of the Blue Scale Tribe lying on the ground. He bumped into her twice by accident, but this time he seemed to be baffled by Ding Haizhu.Just now Yi Tian also used spiritual energy to detect, but his breath was a little disordered, and everything else was fine, but he had been in a coma for three hours and hadn't recovered yet.

The Blue Scaled Flood Dragon King must be a fryer now. After being dived into the deep sea by a human monk, he forcibly snatched a Dinghai Pearl and kidnapped the saint.

Taking advantage of the break, Yi Tian took out the Dinghai Pearl, took a sample with the Photo Pearl, and then sent the image back through the Zongmen Communication Jade Card. I believe that the three masters should have got the news at this time, and they are ready to start planning the next step planned.

Gradually, a three-foot-high wave rose on the sea level and rushed towards the small island. Yi Tian stood up and looked with his spiritual eyes. The one on the top of the wave was a blue shark, but when it was half a mile away from the coastline, Yi Tian Tian unexpectedly discovered that there were three fourth-level sea beasts behind him.

This is different from what was expected. I don't know what the blue shark is doing with so many sea beasts.In line with the strategy of safety first, Yi Tian turned around and picked up Lan Yu'er when he saw something bad was going on, and he was about to run away with his escapism.

The four sea beasts on the opposite side leaped into the air on the wind and waves, and the four of them rushed up and surrounded Yi Tian in a tacit cooperation.Yi Tian, ​​with a sinking face, asked sharply: "Blue Shark, what do you mean, why did you bring so many people here?"

This time, Blue Shark didn't pretend, as if he was determined by Yi Tian, ​​he laughed a few times, and then replied in that inarticulate voice: "Give me the saint of the Blue Scale Tribe," saying Wan Wan also took out the coral dart and shook it in front of Yi Tian, ​​and the three accomplices around him also laughed at each other.

Although I don't know why Blue Shark has turned his back on the water now, but Yi Tian believes that there is a blood contract from Old Man Iron Sword behind him, this cannot be faked.

Could it be that he would betray the old man Iron Sword at the risk of being backlashed by the blood contract? Yi Tian was also puzzled, but the current situation was obviously too difficult for Yi Tian not to believe that the dark son of the human race in front of him had already betrayed him.

A weak voice sounded from Yi Tian's arms: "He is a member of the Red Scale Clan. He kidnapped me just to make the Blue Scale Flood Dragon King scruples." It was what the unconscious Lan Yu'er said.

This time Yi Tian was extremely embarrassed, it seemed that he was also deceived by this little girl, she probably woke up long ago, but she just kept pretending to be in a coma.But what happened to the red-scaled people she just mentioned, Yi Tian paused and asked: "Why did the blue shark become a red-scaled people again? Then these three should also be members of your clan, right?"

"Old man Tianjian is really confused. I don't even know which tribe I belong to. Just a hundred years ago, when I returned to the Sea tribe, the Red Scaled Lord naturally helped me transfer the blood contract. Now I have long been free. For this This time I was able to kidnap the saintess of the Blue Scale Clan, so I plan to cooperate with your human race." Blue Shark talked with pride: "Your Excellency, Lan Yuer, please move to the Red Scale Clan as a guest, as for the person who kidnapped you We'll cook for ourselves."

Before he finished speaking, the coral dart in Blue Shark's hand shot towards Yi Tian.Yi Tian had prepared all the spirit weapons when he was surrounded just now, this time was considered the most difficult situation Yi Tian faced, although he was confident that he could run away, Lan Yuer was innocently involved, and Yi Tian also I can't bear it.This incident was also caused by himself, and the entire human race was blinded by the red scales.

As soon as he saw the opponent making a move, Yi Tian hurriedly put the flame shield in front of him with his right hand, held Lan Yu'er in his arms and didn't stop at his feet, and started to run away.Seeing that something was wrong, the four sea beasts shot out one after another, looking for gaps and slowly compressing Yi Tian's maneuvering space with water guns and ice arrows.

With such an opinion, Yi Tian is willing to go all out. At this time, he will be at a disadvantage if he keeps his hands. He stops in the air and opens the protective cover.There was a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he made a mudra with one hand, and said in his mouth: "Asura is real," four arms stretched out from the armpit through the clothes.

The four sea beasts on the opposite side were obviously stunned, and then the spells in their hands didn't stop.And Lan Yu'er in Yi Tian's arms also looked at it with a look of surprise and fear.

Ignoring the reactions of all parties, Yi Tian cast spells with six hands at the same time, three bright lights flashed, and the 'Thunder Fire Drill' and three fire flywheels attacked at the same time, instantly breaking through the ice gun's blockage and directly hitting the three sea beasts.

Face to face, Blue Shark's face changed slightly when he saw that the three helpers were dealt with in an instant.Yi Tian was also taken aback when he saw it, and suddenly felt a strong sense of consciousness stretched out from the sea a hundred miles away, scanning his situation here.

I was shocked, this is a fifth-level sea beast, and it seems to be the best of its kind, no wonder the blue shark in front of me is so sure.

Gritting his teeth, Yi Tian withdrew his back and quickly took out a 'thousand-nail ruler' charm to activate it, then carried Lan Yu'er and flew to the deep sea in the east.Originally, Blue Shark only wanted to hold Yi Tian down, but he didn't care so much when he saw that the other party was about to run away, so he ran after him.

Looking back at the blue shark twenty feet away, Yi Tian smiled, and poured his consciousness into the Thousand Nail Ruler magic talisman, and then directly guided the blue shark that was coming from behind to attack.

After the talisman was activated, it turned into nearly a hundred small three-inch-wide rulers, and after shining golden light, it shot towards the blue shark like pruning branches.Yi Tian didn't turn his head back when he heard an "oops" from the back, and smiled, it was definitely not so easy to follow up with the seven-success power strike of a monk at the early stage of Jindan.

What I am most worried about now is the fifth-level sea beast chasing in the distance. Looking at the trend, I am determined to be no match for it.

Lan Yu'er, who was in her arms, poked her head out quietly to look around, and then her face turned livid, the original pursuers were less than two miles away, according to Yi Tian's flying speed, they should have been able to match Jin Dan's early stage monks, but those who chased them at sea had a geographical advantage and their speed was three points faster than normal.

Lan Yu'er opened her mouth and said, "Let's go, you can't be faster than a level five sea beast at sea, you still have a chance to escape if you leave me."

Just as Yi Tian wanted to make an excuse, he heard the sound of a tsunami behind him. He looked back at the monster with a fish head and a human body on the ten-foot-high wave, holding a pair of three-pronged forks in both hands. It was in the form of a murloc below the waist. Come on, even Yi Tian is three points slower than him in the sky.

"That's the Naga guards of the Red Scale Clan. Each of them has the strength of a fifth-level intermediate. With your current strength comparable to that of a fourth-level peak, there is no way you can escape."

"Then I have to give it a try, hurry up," Yi Tian took out the escape talisman directly, ignoring Lan Yu'er's response, activated the aura in his hand, and then saw a golden light slowly appearing on the talisman. Both were wrapped up.

Seeing this, the Naga guards at the back directly raised the weapon in their hands, and slashed at Yi Tian fiercely under the infusion of mana in both hands.

Yi Tian saw that it would take some time to activate the talisman, but he didn't even want to hug Lan Yu'er behind him, while raising his shield to protect his whole body, the activation of the escape talisman was half a beat slower in an instant, with a 'bang' sound, red light The blade struck the shield, shaking Yi Tian three feet away, and after a mouthful of blood spewed out, he got the escape talisman and shone with light, teleporting the two of them five hundred miles to the east like meteors in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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