
Chapter 181 Refuge

Chapter 181 Refuge
Aware of human footprints above the vast East China Sea, Yi Tian held Lan Yu'er and flew slowly in the sky, coughing up blood from his mouth from time to time.After receiving a move just now, Yi Tian felt as if his internal organs had been bruised. He could still swallow the blood that reached his throat, but after flying for a long time, he didn't even have a place to stay.

Lan Yu'er in her arms didn't look well either, and it seemed that she hadn't recovered from the backlash.After flying for a while, Yi Tian didn't dare to stop, for he was afraid that if he encountered some sea beast, he would be injured even more if he resisted hard.

After flying for a while, Yi Tian took out the chart and looked at it. The terrain here is completely unknown, and it is easy to get lost in the vast sea.When she was at a loss, Lan Yu'er in her arms suddenly said: "There is a ruin island nearby, let's go there to heal our wounds."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian nodded, and then flew towards the direction Lan Yuer pointed.With a guide along the way, Yi Tian easily avoided the place where there might be secret whistle of the Sea Clan, and flew there while the sun was shining.

Looking in the air three miles ahead is a small island with a radius of about one mile, and there are some small rugged hills on it.Lan Yu'er pointed to one of the peaks and said, "There is a relic cave at the foot of that mountain, let's go there."

After looking around, Yi Tian pondered for a while, took out two magic circle disks, wandered around the whole island, and then played out a spell to nail the magic circle disk to the center of the island, and lightly chanted to drive the magic formula, ten times After the breath, the center of the magic circle began to form a fog, gradually covering the entire island.

Then Yi Tian picked up Lan Yu'er and slowly searched for the location of the relic cave she said.After walking around the mountainside twice, Yi Tiancai discovered the cave below. The entrance of the cave was blocked by a few pine trees, and it was hard to find at a glance.

Lan Yu'er pointed with her finger: "It's here, let's go in."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian also felt that he had to find a place to rest quickly, or the churning blood in his body would become more and more difficult to suppress.

After landing at the entrance of the cave, Yi Tian picked a pine branch and ignited it with a fireball, then walked in with Lan Yu'er in his arms.After walking more than ten feet, I saw a natural cave about five or six feet in size.There is also a stone platform in the middle, Yi Tian directly put Lan Yu'er on the stone platform gently, and then touched her pulse, and found that it was even more disordered than before.In desperation, he directly took out the Xuanling Clear Liquid from the storage bracelet, poured two drops on her mouth, and said, "Hurry up and heal your wounds, I will take care of you by the side."

After the two drops of spiritual liquid entered her stomach, Lan Yue'er also sat up cross-legged, with her eyes closed, and began to practice her breathing.

Seeing that her face was a little rosy, Yi Tian knew that the refining psychic liquid had started to work, so he didn't want to disturb her.Looking back, he found an open space next to him, took out two bottles of spiritual wine and poured it down, and then slowly practiced and refined it, while supplementing the consumed spiritual power, healed his injuries at the same time.

This time the injury was worse than ever before, that Naga guard was definitely more powerful than Lunar Xing, Yi Tian suspected that if he didn't have the escape talisman, he would have confessed there on the spot.

Now deep into the open sea, Yi Tian is also afraid that he will lose his way here and will not be able to return to the land. Although there is Lan Yuer in front of him, but he hurt her so badly this time, even if the other party recovers, he will not be able to Give yourself a good look.

Resisting the tumbling blood energy in his body, Yi Tian also slowly adjusted his breath, slowly drawing out the spiritual power in his dantian and running it for a few big circles.And the purple lightning attached to the spiritual power once tempered Yi Tian's body, slowly dissolving the intruded Qi in his body.

When the two of them closed their eyes, recuperated, exercised their energy, and adjusted their breathing, the news of the kidnapping of the saint in the Blue Scale Clan in the Inner Sea was already raging. Ren sent the jade card back and forth several times before finally confirming that Yi Tian had completed the task.

Now the entire Donghai City was mobilized, a series of government orders were issued, and soon the on-duty disciples of various sects began to dispatch one after another. The more powerful monks tried to attack the stronghold of the sea beast.

And the sea beasts also actively began to fight back against the invading enemy, but the strength of the attack was not as strong as the past few times, but began to shrink the front line.

All of this has nothing to do with Yi Tian. The two people in the cave have been sitting quietly for several days. Compared with Lan Yuer, Yi Tian's situation is obviously much better.Two days later, his face was already glowing red, and the blood in his body was completely drained. After the meridians were tempered again, Yi Tian felt that this operation also benefited him a lot.

After understanding the difference between himself and the Jindan cultivator, Yi Tian also put away his contempt. Like that Naga guard, Zou Dong is simply a weak chicken, and Lunar Xing can only be a follower.Recalling the time I endured, if it wasn't for the distance and the protection of the fifth-level spiritual weapon, I definitely wouldn't just be injured by the concussion.

Turning around to look at Lan Yu'er's appearance, he found that her eyes were closed and she was still practicing kung fu to heal her injuries. Yi Tian didn't want to disturb her, so she had to get up and look around.This cave is not big, the place where Yi Tian is now is already the deepest place, and the whole floor is bare, as if it has been abandoned for a long time.

Looking at the surrounding light, the light is not very bright, and Yi Tian also pinches the five fingers with his right hand, and a few wisps of flames float out, and there are still some dead vines around the cave.Raise your finger and ignite it, and the entire cave will become bright.

Following the light of the fire, Yi Tian actually saw some stone inscriptions on the top of the middle of the cave. He raised his head and looked carefully. The content recorded on it turned out to be 'Divine Consciousness' and 'Asura Transformation'.Overjoyed, Yi Tian also applauded secretly, his wish was finally fulfilled, seeing that the above was actually a whole spiritual formula, and now even the missing third layer of "three poems" was completed.

While he was happy, Yi Tian took out a blank jade slip and engraved it one by one on the top of the stone wall.The whole process took a long time, Yi Tian also compared the jade slips that he brought from Ye Qingchen, basically all the previous three articles were not missed.

After re-engraving the words on the stone wall, Yi Tian crushed the original scroll with force.According to the memory of the monks in the foundation building period, Yi Tian can already remember it with his photographic memory. After scanning the jade slips a few times with his spiritual sense, he memorized the entire content of the "Asura Transformation" in his mind, and then wrote the new jade slips. Store in the Ring of Fire Inscription.

Looking back, what Yi Tian thought about was that this magic spell was not finished yet, he had only obtained the first-level magic power, and as for the follow-up, he didn't know where to look for it.

After a burst of joy, Yi Tian felt a little awe-inspiring. It is reasonable to say that Ye Qingchen also came here, but she said that she had to miss the last part because of the urgent time to escape from the pursuit, but before her it was Who carved this formula on the stone wall?

In the Annihilation Cave, Li Tianxing recognized that his dharma body image was the dharma body of the Holy Son of King Ming Dao who had been lost for thousands of years. My own supernatural powers and exercises are left on the stone wall, waiting for someone who is destined to come to inherit the mantle.

Turning his head to look at Lan Yu'er, Yi Tian also had doubts in his heart. Since she came here because of herself, she definitely did not lead the way indiscriminately, but was targeted.

So far, Yi Tian felt that the clothes on his back were a little cold, so he was being calculated by others.Thinking of this, Yi Tian rushed directly to the entrance of the cave without hesitation, but suddenly the entire entrance of the cave was blocked by a layer of yellow light film.

Looking back, Lan Yu'er also opened her eyes, looking at what happened in the cave with an unbelievable expression, but shouted: "His Royal Highness, the successor has arrived, please show up quickly."

A light and shadow appeared in the middle of the cave, among which was a figure dressed as a middle-aged scribe, who also showed the body of an Asura with three heads and six arms. He looked directly at Yi Tian, ​​and then looked up and down.

Being looked at by the other party was getting hairy, Yi Tian also turned his heart and made mudras with both hands, revealing the Dharma body image on his body.Although there are only six hands, the aura of the characters in the halo is much worse, but the real dharma body looks more fierce.

I only heard the person in the halo say: "My name is 'Qin Mingyue'. I am a remnant soul of the holy son of the Ming Dynasty a thousand years ago. What sect and sect are you a monk? How did you become the successor of my divine skills?"

Seeing that the other party is a late Nascent Soul cultivator thousands of years ago, even if there is only one remnant soul left after a thousand years, Yi Tian feels uncomfortable.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out the jade tablet engraved with 'Brahman Curse Heaven' and said flickeringly: "I am the descendant of the 'Brahman Curse Heaven' Department of the Ming Dynasty, and I rushed from southern Xinjiang to find the sacred relics lost thousands of years ago. Dong Ao, it's a great fortune to find the Son of Heaven here, why don't you allow me to report to Shangfeng to welcome the Son back to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible," Yi Tian pretended to use a jade card to send a message.

Lan Yu'er on the side also opened her eyes wide, looking at the person and soul in front of her with an unbelievable look.

Who would have thought that Qin Mingyue looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You glib boy, you really took our Nascent Soul cultivator for a fool. You are full of fire-type skills. How could I have misunderstood you? You are obviously the direct descendant of Xuanyang. And you There is a loophole in the words just now, but no preacher of the Holy Cult will call the word 'Ming Wangdao' directly, this name was just used to deceive people's eyes and ears," after speaking, he looked at Yi Tian thoughtfully.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to look frightened, anyone will feel uncomfortable if he is seen through all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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