
Chapter 182 Shocking News

Chapter 182 Shocking News
One person, one soul, and one sea beast confronted each other in the cave of Asura Ruins, and Yi Tian didn't know what to face next, but his heart was always a little bit drummed. I'm thinking about something.

After a long time, Yicai asked: "Since you know everything, why not just say what you have to say, so as to save everyone from beating around the bush. If you want to seize the house, then don't worry about my impoliteness."

"Seize the house, this is a good idea, but unfortunately, I am incomplete now, even after I seize the house, it is impossible to return to my original cultivation base. Instead of thinking about this futile thing, it is better to use my brain to do something else. It's a pleasure to come," Qin Mingyue in the halo looked at Yi Tiandao with a sneer.

After hearing these words, Yi Tian's tense nerves finally relaxed a little, but the situation at hand was unclear, and Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and there was no room for mistakes in front of these old monsters who had lived for thousands of years.Then he asked, "How did you ask Lan Yu'er for help? Why did you lead me into this cave?"

Lan Yu'er, who was on the side, was also ashamed, and after gathering her composure, she rushed to answer: "Brother Yi, I brought you here because I saw that you have become a dharma body. Believe me, I won't harm you. "After speaking, he even started to cry.

Not wanting to see the girl cry, Yi Tian had no choice but to comfort him: "Actually, I also feel sorry for you. Don't take it too seriously. Let's talk about it after finishing the matter in front of you." Turning his head to face Qin Mingyue Said: "What are your plans, why not tell me and see if I can help you"

"Of course, I waited so long for three people, and the first two are not suitable candidates," Qin Mingyue said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian snorted coldly and said, "The first one is Ye Qingchen, who entered the cave by accident about 200 years ago, and left in a hurry after copying the first two layers of exercises."

Qin Mingyue replied without any surprise: "That's true. At that time, I was the one who scared her away by leaking a little spiritual pressure. That little girl has good talent, but unfortunately it took a hundred years to practice to the early stage of Golden Core. Doesn't match."

Glancing at Lan Yu'er who was sitting next to him, Yi Tian continued, "Because the second one is not a human race, he is not the right candidate as you expected, right?"

"That's true. I was ecstatic when the blue-scale saintess accidentally entered the cave 30 years ago, but upon closer inspection she turned out to be a sea tribe. In desperation, I made an agreement with her that as long as he could help me find A human monk who has practiced the body of Shura, and I can help her advance to the fifth level smoothly, "

This time Qin Mingyue took a direct look at Lan Yu'er, and then said to her, "Your task has been completed, go outside and wait for a while, the reward I promised will definitely be given to you, I still have something to say." This kid will speak alone."

Upon hearing this, Lan Yu'er hurriedly stood up and ran towards the barrier at the entrance of the cave.Qin Mingyue pointed her finger, and saw a foot-wide opening in the yellow barrier, just for her to get through.

Yi Tian saw clearly from the side, that Lan Yu'er was half a head shorter than himself, if he hadn't seen her wearing the Chiyang school costume, he would have hardly recognized her.But Lan Yu'er walks like an ordinary person, except that the blue scales on her white and tender feet have not faded.The whole body is also the appearance of a normal human woman, except for a little white skin, blue hair, at first glance she looks like a girl.

After Lan Yu'er walked to the entrance of the cave, she turned her head to Yi Tian and said, "Brother Yi, don't worry, I will wait for you outside," before she reluctantly got out of the barrier.

After the people left, there was only one person and one soul left in the cave, and Yi Tian also sat down carelessly, and then said with a face of ridicule: "Your southern Xinjiang Ming Dynasty is now torn apart, and the four tribes are doing their own things. All of them have established themselves, if you want me to reorganize Ming Wangdao, it is impossible."

Unexpectedly, Qin Mingyue laughed again and said, "The four tribes are nothing more than my four servants. After learning a little bit of fur, you don't even know that I left a loophole in their skills back then. As long as you practice to the third level." Asura Bian', even dealing with the four of them at the same time is effortless."

Now Yi Tian was stunned again, the mind of the remnant soul of the holy son in front of him was hard to fathom, he had already dug a hole thousands of years ago, the pitiful four tribes were fighting to the death, they didn't know that the master had planned for thousands of years.

Seeing that Yi Tian was stunned, Qin Mingyue felt that he had the upper hand again, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, since you and I are destined, I won't hold anything against you again."

Having said that, the solemn look on Yi Tian's face did not lessen, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why can I trust you?"

"Just because you and I have practiced 'Asura Transformation', I originally found this formula somewhere in southern Xinjiang." Qin Mingyue continued with a change of expression after a pause: "This formula was originally also There are only remnants of the first three levels, and after my many researches in the past, this is a formula handed down from the upper world, and there must be follow-up exercises, but unfortunately you may not be able to obtain the source in this lifetime."

Hearing this, Yi Tian got excited, and it seems that this 'Asura Transformation' also involves some secrets, so he hurriedly asked, "Where did this supernatural power come from? How did you find it?"

"Do you know about the spirit world?" Seeing Yi Tian's ignorant expression, Qin Mingyue stopped being a fool and said, "It's still very far away for you, if it weren't for my remnant soul, it wouldn't last long. It will be cheaper, you boy, listen carefully."

Then Qin Mingyue told Yi Tian about the process of how she obtained the magical powers. It turned out that this 'Asura Transformation' originated from the upper spiritual world and was handed down from the Asura world of the Ten Realms of the Heavens.The clues he discovered back then include that the "Lihuo Sect" in Zhongzhou was eradicated overnight, possibly because of a certain powerful person descended from the Asura Realm, but the cause of the incident is unknown.

In the end, the Asura Almighty from the lower realm also disappeared, leaving only his own spells and belongings somewhere in the southern border.A few years later, it was acquired by Qin Mingyue. Since then, Ming Wangdao was established, and the southern border was unified 300 years ago.

It took nearly an hour for Yi Tian to understand the cause and effect clearly, but these things have nothing to do with Ming Wangdao and Xuanyangmen fire thousands of years ago. Could it be that the old man in front of him wants to get through Nanjiang and Dongao? , Immediately Yi Tian expressed the question in his heart.Unexpectedly, Qin Mingyue said desolately after hearing this: "It's also my fault for being greedy and never forgetting the clues left by that powerful Asura."

"What clues made you travel thousands of miles to Dong'ao?"

"This matter has to start with Zhongzhou's Lihuozong. Originally, this is the ruler of this realm. In Lihuozong, there is also an ascension platform to ascend to the upper realm, which can connect to the Ten Spiritual Realm. Any monk in this realm , monster race, and sea beasts must borrow this ascension platform if they want to ascend safely. As time passes, Li Huozong is also known as the master of this Tianlan Realm," Qin Mingyue said, and his face also showed infinity He looked envious, as if this was his unfinished business in this life.

"Then what happened later?" Yi Tian urged Qin Mingyue.

"The so-called prosperity must decline. The number of monks passing through the Ascension Platform is increasing day by day, while the monks of other races are strictly controlled within a certain number, which has caused complaints from other races in this session. There is an expensive fee to pay.

Until one day 3000 years ago, something suddenly fell from the passageway of the upper realm in the ascension platform, and then there was a great power in the Asura world who came to the world.

It is said that the person who came down together that time was also a powerful person of the human race, but unfortunately the two had a big fight on the Ascension Platform of the Li Fire Sect, not only the Ascension Platform, but even the Li Fire Sect was destroyed.Dozens of Nascent Soul masters from all over the sect fell in that dispute, the strength of Li Huo Sect plummeted, and various forces were attracted to the door to extort debts, and finally fell apart. "

After listening to it, Yi Tian also sighed for a while. It turned out that the Shangzong of Xuanyangmen still had such a story. He turned around and asked, "But these things happened 3000 years ago, so what do you care about?"

Qin Mingyue stretched out her hand to signal to be safe and not to be impatient, and then continued: "Although the 3000-year war has long passed, and the Lihuo Sect no longer exists, there are always some remaining disciples, such as the 'Great Sun Yaoyang Sect' of Zhongzhou." ', 'The Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' and the 'Lihuo Sect' are both branches of the original Lihuo Sect. But they don't have suzerain tokens, and they can't convince each other, and since then they have divided the original sect's territory."

Yi Tian saw Qin Mingyue turn his head to stare at the flame inscription on his hand and said: "Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of your Xuanyangmen, should be a direct disciple of Zhongzhou's Lihuomen, who left Zhongzhou for Dongao in 500 years. The founder of the sect, and also took away the token of the head of the Lihuo Sect. What you have in your hand is the flame inscription ring of the head of the Lihuo Sect. I also learned it when I fought with Yun Zhongzheng back then. Hidden cast."

This touched Yi Tian's sore feet, since Ice Soul Grotto got these things, Yi Tian could only just watch them for his eyes, and he couldn't use other things except Xuanyang True Fire Art.

After snorting, Yi Tian took out the small mirror and shook it in front of Qin Mingyue. Unexpectedly, the other party just sneered and said: "You are bluffing people with the 'Liangyi Spectroscope', you don't have the late stage Jindan cultivation base. Even the magic power to take a photo is not enough, even if Yun Zhongzheng was in the late Yuanying stage, it was not because his spiritual power was overdrawn after using this mirror, and he ended up with a dead end."

This is the first time Yi Tian has heard the description of this small mirror. He has tried it several times before but there is no response.After laughing a few times, he put away the things directly, and said, "Go ahead and talk about what happened at that time."

Qin Mingyue also shook her head, and then continued: "I asked an expert from Zhongzhou Tianyunmen to make a divination, and the hexagram showed that what I was looking for had already fallen into Dongao, and it was closely related to Xuanyangmen. relationship. That’s why I rushed to Dongao with all my men. I wanted to make a deal with Yun Zhongzheng, but he didn’t know where to find out the news. Inside the Yang Gate, there was a conflict."

"That day, the master of Yunmen gave me a fortune-telling fortune. After a thousand years of my life, there will definitely be a successor who will inherit the mantle and relieve my crisis. I think it will be you."

Now Yi Tian began to have some doubts in his heart, but he pretended not to change his face and said: "I have said so much, then do you want me to help you fulfill your last wish? Seeing your appearance, this strand of remnant soul can't support it. how long it has been."

"Lucky boy, waiting for nearly a thousand years has really exhausted me physically and mentally, and I don't want to wait any longer. Since I met you this time, it is God's will in the dark. Let me explain to you what happened next. I still have a little spiritual power and go directly to reincarnation." Qin Mingyue said with a serious face: "After I am reincarnated, there will be a sun and moon scar on my forehead. Then just accept and guide him into cultivation.”

Yi Tian thought for a while, and didn't agree directly, but asked instead: "Now I can't protect myself, even if I find your reincarnated body, it may not be able to safely lead you to the fairy road, and you don't want to go back Ming Wang said, right?"

"Don't worry, this oath relaxes your cultivation until you enter the Nascent Soul stage, and I don't think it is necessary to return to the Ming Dynasty. Your Xuanyangmen is also a good choice. You just need to take care of mine. The reincarnated real body can only be cultivated to the golden core stage," Qin Mingyue smiled strangely at Yitian after speaking.Nodding helplessly, Yi Tian could only accept it first, it seems that this matter is not harmful to him.

(End of this chapter)

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