
Chapter 1781

Chapter 1781
Unexpectedly, Xuanjizi came to him for such a thing. You must know that the Qiankun Demon Mirror is the number one taboo spirit treasure in the demon world.Although it is infinitely powerful, it is a treasure spurned by many demon clans. It would be a thankless and troublesome task to refine it by yourself.

Seeing the hesitation on his face, Xuanjizi also sighed and said: "To be honest, I had a secret consultation with my brother before, and felt that this matter was imminent. Originally, he asked me to sacrifice the universe to reflect the demon mirror. After all, the entire Nine Immortals Mountain I am the only one who has done a little research on Qi Dao."

Yi Tian took a look at him before saying: "I'm afraid Taoist Xuanjizi is not as simple as being proficient in the Dao of Artifacts. I guess your attainments in the Dao of Artifacts are far above the ground-level craftsmen in the spirit world, and you are among the heavenly craftsmen. It’s all right, too.”

"Even so, there is nothing we can do," Xuanjizi said helplessly, "You must know that the Qiankun Demon Reflecting Mirror is a heaven-level spiritual treasure, and the packaging materials required are of a very high level, so it is difficult for someone with my strength to resist. "

"Then why did you come to me," Yi Tian said puzzled.

"The Qiankun Demon Mirror originally came from the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world," Xuanjizi explained, "And your Lihuo Palace was born from the Luotian Immortal Palace, naturally inheriting the essence of its refining skills."

"Even if I promised to help you refine the weapon, it is difficult to make a weapon without the instrument score, and it is unknown whether the treasures of the weapon can be assembled?" Yi Tian said.

"Nine Immortal Mountains will be responsible for all the precious materials," Xuanji said, taking out a token, and saw the three characters of Jiuxian Mountain written in gold seal script on the front, and the three characters of Sovereign Order written in Yaozu script on the back.

Only Xuanjizi continued: "Senior brother has delivered the suzerain token to me, and spread the news that I was nominated as acting suzerain from the top and bottom of Jiuxian Mountain. The news has been sent back to the sect, and then the sect has been sent to start from the inner treasury. Searching for treasures."

"What about the refining manual, I can't refine it out of thin air without the manual," Yi Tian said.

Speaking of this mystery, his face twitched slightly, and then he said: "Actually, there are still spiritual artifacts in the Nine Immortals Mountain, but there are many defects on it. I hope that Fellow Daoist Yi can help repair it. Complete."

"There are a lot of defects. It seems that this spirit weapon should have many defects. That's why fellow Taoists want me to repair it." Yi Tian was determined when he heard this. Retrieve the musical notation from the library in the dynasty.

Now I have a complete refining shop in my hands, but if I really repair the Qiankun Demon Reflecting Mirror, it seems to be a problem.But if there are flaws in the refining, but there is no way to deal with Yan Peigong, such a situation will stump him.

Xuanjizi said in a deep voice: "I also know that this matter is difficult for you, but please help Daoist Yi for the sake of our friendship. Afterwards, I will definitely thank you from Jiuxian Mountain."

"Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi is serious, and the matter of remuneration can be discussed later. I want to see the wreckage of the Qiankun Demon Reflecting Mirror first. Only after checking can I give the answer to how much it can be repaired," Yi Tian didn't say either. Instead of directly agreeing, express your own concerns first and then ask for the other party's reply.

After hearing this, Xuanjizi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's not too late, you go back to Jiuxian Mountain with me first, and we have very tight time for refining weapons."

"Okay, I will accompany you for a while, besides, I also want to see the style of Jiuxian Mountain, maybe I will have a chance to meet Senior Chibeard," Yi Tian replied.

Xuanjizi nodded, and after a while, the figures of the two disappeared directly into the room on the top floor of the restaurant.In the next instant, the two of them were thousands of feet above the Ten Thousand Demon City.

In the distance, Taoist Qingxin could be seen sitting cross-legged in the air, manipulating the array disk in his hand, extending his divine sense into the Ten Thousand Monsters City, searching for the possible hiding place of Lord Yan Pei over and over again impatiently.After seeing the two of them, he sent a voice transmission from afar: "You guys go and come back quickly, please."

Knowing that he will definitely apologize to the fellow patriarchs of the demon world after this time, Xuanjizi showed a worried look on his face, arched his hands and bowed to each other, then turned and flew towards Jiuxian Mountain.Yi Tian also nodded with the other party and followed closely.

Along the way, the two let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies and tried to rush back to Jiuxian Mountain as quickly as possible.Within two days, the two of them flew over millions of miles, crossed dozens of plains and entered the Million Mountains.It didn't take long to fly to a place with excellent spiritual power, and this place should be where the sect of Jiuxian Mountain is located.

After the two hovered in the air, they fell towards the largest main peak below. Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and swept across the area for a hundred miles, and found that there were patterns faintly appearing on the cliff.

After landing, the two stepped into the main hall, where a group of disciples had already been waiting.After entering the main hall and sitting down, Xuanjizi took out the token and said: "According to the decree of the suzerain, the old man will assume the post of suzerain today. From now on, all the people in Jiuxian Mountain will be under martial law. But all the disciples of Qige will come out to listen and wait. "

As soon as the words fell, only dozens of demon cultivators came out and bowed their hands and said in unison: "Please show me on behalf of the suzerain, the disciples should do their best."

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Xuanjizi turned his head and said, "These are all the leaders of my Nine Immortals Mountain. If you have any errands, fellow Daoist Yi, please ask for instructions."

"Take the wreckage of the spirit weapon and show it to me first, and please fellow daoists prepare all the precious materials," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"Open the inner treasury and take out the heavenly treasures. The following eighth-level middle-level disciples will be responsible for this matter," Xuanjizi said, then stood up and led Yi Tian to the apse.

After passing by several side halls, he finally came to a quaint building. Yi Tian looked up to see the three characters 'Zangbao Pavilion' written on it hanging on a plaque.

After pushing open the door, the two went directly to the last secret room space on the top floor. Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a rune lock at the door of the secret room to lock the door.I saw Xuanjizi erected the token in his hand and injected spiritual power, and a white light shot out from it to shine directly on it. After three breaths, only a 'click' was heard and the rune lock opened.

After the two went in, Yi Tian found that there was only a stone table inside, and a three-foot jade box was placed on it.Xuanjizi stepped forward to open it and took out the contents. Yi Tian's divine sense swept over it, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The four wreckages of the spirit weapon taken out here were placed on the table one by one. Yi Tian went up to look at them and found that these four wreckages could only make up about [-]% to [-]% of the original mirror.There are still three defects on the mirror, and the patterns on it are not continuous.However, Yi Tian laughed in his heart at this time, and he had silently memorized the instrument spectrum of the Qiankun Demon Mirror in his heart early in the morning.

Now that I have a physical reference on hand, if I want to reproduce a Lingbao, my confidence will be greatly enhanced.

(End of this chapter)

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