
Chapter 1782 Secret Discussion

Chapter 1782 Secret Discussion
Yi Tian and Xuanjizi sat face to face on the top floor of the "Treasure Pavilion" deep inside the Nine Immortal Mountain Zongmen. Yi Tian held the three wreckages of the "Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth" in his hand and carefully scanned them with his spiritual thoughts.Later, he took out a blank jade slip and engraved the atlas of the vessel patterns on it one by one. After drawing all the patterns on the three wreckages, he began to draw the missing parts.

On the side, Xuanjizi's eyes flashed, and he saw that the brush in Yi Tian's hand was quickly filled in by Youlong.After picking up the jade slip, he thought it over carefully, but he sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist, let's read it first, but I still feel that I haven't done enough work. Although I predict from past experience that there must be some The part that doesn't fit."

After Xuanjizi took the jade slips, his divine sense swept over his face, but his face showed a joyful expression: "The array drawn by Yi Daoyou is much better than mine." With a look of shame, he took out a jade slip from the storage ring with some embarrassment and handed it over.

After taking the hand, Yi Tianzhan glanced at it in his palm, and then there was a thoughtful look on his face.Xuanjizi also made a restoration of the instrument score in advance, which was quite different from his own.

Although I have seen the complete instrument spectrum, but if the performance is too perfect, there will be some problems.Therefore, after the drawing, three flaws were intentionally left on the musical notation, two of which were bright and one dark.

But Xuanjizi Tuo's engraving of the instruments was also inspiring to me. After all, the name of "Qiankun Demon Mirror" is too famous. If I really refine this spirit treasure, I will ruin my reputation.If you become a street mouse in the demon world in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to receive courtesy from all the demon clans, and it will be very troublesome to take advantage of the situation.

After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "I have seen the pictures and texts of the restoration of Daoist's musical instrument. To be honest, with the strength of you and me, I am afraid that it may not be possible to reproduce this 'Mirror of the Universe'."

Xuanjizi's face turned pale and he said: "Is that true? This heavenly spirit treasure is really not easy."

"Although it can't be completely reproduced, it is still possible to achieve seven or eight points of its effect." Yi Tian changed the subject and said: "It's up to people, you don't need to worry too much, fellow Taoist Xuanji."

"Really," Xuanjizi said with a slightly trembling tone, "If it is true that similar treasures can be refined, it will be more than enough to deal with Yan Peigong. How confident is Daoist Yi?"

"Originally, it was at most [-]% based on me alone, but after reading the re-engraved vessel pattern map by fellow daoists, I am at least [-]% sure," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"That's right, then please fellow daoists quickly refine it. I'll choose a blessed place for refining weapons in the sect for the use of fellow daoists," Xuanjizi replied hastily.

"Wait a minute, let me say something again." Yi Tian stretched out his hand to signal Xuanjizi to be at ease, and then he said the concerns in his heart: "Daoist friends should know what it means to refine the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe'. Speaking of it I'm going to stay in the demon world for a long time, so I don't want to ruin my reputation."

It turns out that such a mysterious person is also a shrewd person who immediately understood that there was something in Yi Tian's words, and then straightened his expression and said: "After this thing appears in the world, I will announce to the world that the monsters are refined and held by the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain. There will be no connection with fellow daoists."

"Thank you Taoist Xuanjizi for caring so much about your feelings." Yi Tian smiled and bowed his hands and said, "Actually, I also thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, but I don't know if it's feasible."

"Oh, what kind of trick is Daoist Yi talking about?" Xuanjizi asked immediately after hearing the words, his complexion changed slightly.

"Since we can only reproduce [-]% to [-]% of the power of the 'Giankun Demon Mirror', why not change its appearance and style into another heaven-level spiritual weapon," Yi Tian explained: "In this way, fellow Taoists can also change their names by chance. Talking about the source of the spiritual weapon will not have any impact on you or me or the reputation of Jiuxian Mountain, so it is not the best of both worlds."

After hearing this, Xuanjizi didn't answer directly, but lowered his head and took a long test.After a while, he raised his head and asked with puzzled eyes: "I don't know how Yi Daoyou plans to deal with it, and whether changing the style can achieve the expected effect?"

"It's up to people," Yi Tian said confidently: "The original 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' is no longer suitable for this era, you can refine a different kind of similar spiritual weapon and then engrave the pattern on the original spiritual weapon." , and then changing the name will not arouse the resentment of other Yaozu patriarchs."

"It's a good idea," Xuanjizi clapped his hands and echoed, "but I don't know if Daoyou Yi has a plan in mind?"

"I've thought about how to refine a 'Huntian Appearance Wheel'?" Yi Tian suggested.

"If you don't know the magical function of this thing, please tell me, Fellow Daoist Yi," Xuanjizi said puzzled.

"Its principle is the same as that of the 'Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth', but the style has been changed, which omits the function of illuminating the demon clan and forcing it to appear forcibly," Yi Tian said.

"That's not bad. The original 'Qiankun Demon Mirror' is too domineering. After being illuminated by it, forcibly showing the prototype of a demon body will naturally be cast aside by all demon clans." Xuanjizi thought for a while and said: "Then according to Yi Daoyou Let’s carry out the designed plan, I don’t know how long it will take?”

"If the materials are ready, it will take about seven days." Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "And this thing may cause changes in the world after it is refined. At that time, fellow Taoists will need to help to deal with the robbery."

"That's natural, please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Yi, so please follow me," Xuanjizi stood up after speaking and led Yi Tian out of the Treasure Pavilion.The two hurriedly rushed to the main peak on one side of Jiuxian Mountain. After entering, Xuanjizi handed over his original exclusive refining room to Yi Tianyong.Afterwards, several people from the sect were sent into the auxiliary refining rooms on both sides to start purifying the precious materials.

This kind of division of labor and cooperation can indeed greatly shorten the time for refining the spirit weapon. Yi Tian only needs to sit cross-legged in the secret room and wait for them to deliver the required treasures, and then proceed to the final step of fusion refining and drawing There are patterns.

Sitting in front of the secret room of the cave mansion, there are two volumes of jade slips atlas, and another blank jade slip is taken out in his left hand, and a rune pen is held on his right hand to continue engraving.In fact, Yi Tian also has private thoughts in his heart. This "demon mirror of heaven and earth" cannot easily appear in the world of demons, but it is not the same in the world of spirits.

Moreover, according to the "Golden Script" pattern map that I have studied, the patterns on the original "Qiankun Demon Mirror" are the most suitable for mirror treasures.I made this bad move to deceive people. In fact, I had long intended to re-engrave a spirit treasure and refine it into a two-sided mirror. It is not only effective for monster races, but also useful for spiritual cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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