
Chapter 1783 The Chaos of Ten Thousand Demon City 1 Find Out

Chapter 1783 Find out the chaos in the city of ten thousand demons
The surrounding area of ​​Wan Yao City has been calm recently, but that is only what the low-level monks have seen.Since Yan Peigong's rebellion, several groups of ninth-level demon masters have come here, plowing the boundary of the original city lord's mansion of Wanyao city.

In the end, a snake nest was found under the city lord's mansion, and several snake eggs emerged from it.But now those eighth-level monsters in the city have faintly noticed the tense atmosphere in the air in recent days.Many big monster clans stationed in this branch were empty overnight, such as the fire phoenix, fire dragon, and even those big beast clans all evacuated their people and horses in advance.

Needless to say, something must have happened here, but those casual cultivators of the Monster Race heard the news, and immediately prepared to evacuate in secret.

But outside the four gates of Wan Yao City, there have been patrol teams from various clans to guard against death, but anyone except the monks of the Yao clan can come in and out at will.The little demons in the demon clan who have not yet transformed can also be included in this list.As for the big demon in form, they were directly persuaded to retreat. In the words of those inspection teams, they received orders from Shangfeng to implement a one-month martial law in Wan Yao City, and any big monster in form was allowed to enter and not allowed to leave.

Seven days later, a passage was opened in the south of Wanyao City, and the allied forces of the demon clan who had been ready for a long time filed in and went door to door, calling up all the monks and going out through the south gate.

Those monks who went out of the city found that there was a light curtain set up at the exit of the south gate, but all the monster monks could not help but tense up after passing through the light curtain, as if they had been stripped naked to see through it.

In fact, during this period, there were dozens of ninth-level demon masters gathered in a cluster, looking at the round wheel controlled by Xuanjizi.This object is exactly the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel' refined by Yi Tian. It was originally only the size of a palm, but under the control of Xuanjizi, it became a giant with a radius of one zhang.The round wheel was placed flat in the center, but the golden light shot out fell directly to the exit of the south gate of Wan Yao City.All the demon cultivators who pass by must pass through this light curtain, and a phantom light curtain is realized above the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel', but all the demon clans that pass by show their original forms.

In this way, all the demon masters saw it, although everyone had some thoughts in their hearts, but Xuanjizi also said hello in advance, and everyone understood it.

Half an hour later, almost all the people who were willing to leave in the Ten Thousand Monster City below were gone, and the rest of the Monster Race inspection teams also withdrew out of the city in time according to the established plan.

When Taoist Qingxin saw it, he nodded to Xuanjizi, and the latter raised up the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel' and said: "Brother, please give me a drop of spiritual blood, I'm going to activate the spiritual weapon to perform the bloodline tracking technique."

A drop of blood came out of Taoist Qingxin's fingertips, and slowly flew to the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel', which was bound by a golden beam of light.On the top of the spirit weapon, there appeared a nine-headed worm, but when everyone saw the colorful auspicious lights on the nine heads of the demon spirit, it seemed that it came from the Taoist sect.

Xuanjizi stretched out his hands and quickly formed a seal, and then said: "Wanyuan Guiliu, go and find the person with the same blood for me."

The 'Huntian Appearance Wheel' flew towards the city slowly under the infusion of spiritual power, as if sensing the power of the bloodline, it flew faster and faster, and finally stopped at the Baizhang above Dingxin Lake in Wanyao City.

A ray of golden light shone down and divided the lake below into two halves. When the lake water receded, a film of light appeared in the middle of the bottom of the lake, which seemed to be the setting of a magic circle.The person sitting cross-legged in the magic circle was Yan Peigong who had absconded here, unexpectedly he even had a hiding place here.

After seeing the person coming, Yan Peigong stood up slowly, raised his head and roared angrily.Immediately, three dragon powers aroused from him and scattered in all directions.

Obviously, since the last time we met, he had only practiced two fire dragon heads, and the change in just a few days could be due to the use of some mysterious magic powers.

All the people in the air were terrified of this. They did not expect Yan Peigong to be so strong. From the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body, it can be seen that his cultivation has reached the level of the ninth level.

Only Yi Tian, ​​Yishun, and Taoist Qingxin looked at each other without changing their expressions, and it was Yishun who spoke first: "He used the secret magic power to combine some demonic power or the power of the nether world."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw eight heads protruding from the back of Yan Peigong's neck, four of them had turned into dragons, one red and one blue were cultivated in the first place.There are also two dragon heads, one black and one gray, exuding a strong evil force and ghostly aura.

Taoist Qingxin said with a serious face, "Yan Peigong, you actually forcibly poured the evil force and the spirit of the nether world, but the body you cultivated will be repelled by the true essence in your original body, and in the end the body can't stand the real essence. He will definitely explode and die."

"That's better than being caught by you hypocritical guys," Yan Peigong said with a grim look on his face: "I didn't expect that I activated the ancient magic circle of 'covering the sky and covering the sun' so carefully that you could find your whereabouts. Is it the legendary 'Qiankun Demon Reflecting Mirror', without this material, you wouldn't be able to find my hiding place so easily."

As soon as this remark was made, it was obviously delaying him. Fortunately, Xuanji greeted everyone present early in the morning.Although the patriarchs kept their expressions on their faces, there was still a grudge in their hearts.

Seeing such a mystery, he laughed loudly and said: "Yan Peigong, you are old and stubborn, you only know one thing and don't know the other. The one I am controlling is the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel'. But it will not force it to show itself."

A few words dispelled the doubts in the hearts of those monster patriarchs, and then Taoist Qingxin showed approval in his eyes, and turned his head to Yan Peigong: "The grievances between you and me should be settled today. Although you belong to the same kind, you stand on the independent side, which is a great misfortune, and I will not make the same mistake again, and today I will definitely punish you on the spot."

After speaking, the colorful rays of light all over his body suddenly appeared on his neck, and eight faces appeared behind his neck. He opened his mouth and nine rays of rays converged into a three-pronged colorful light ball that shone down on Yan Peigong below.

This kind of trick seems to be the unique talent of Nine-Headed Insect, and Taoist Qingxin has integrated it into the magical power of Jiuxian Mountain.As for Yan Peigong, the three dragon heads behind his face changed slightly and opened their mouths at the same time, spitting out three auras of ice and fire demons, which gathered into a light ball and greeted him in front of him.

The surrounding people also dispersed one after another to the sky over Dingxin Lake and surrounded the area. Those demon cultivators far away in the city who have not left have seen such a battle before.Dozens of ninth-level demon cultivators gathered in a certain place and attacked at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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