
Chapter 1784 The Rebellion of Ten Thousand Demon City 2 Encirclement and Suppression

Chapter 1784
"Boom boom boom" several violent sounds spread out around Dingxin Lake in Ten Thousand Monster City, and the sound was mixed with spiritual pressure fluctuations and radiated romantically from the dancing target.

After the wave of spiritual pressure that gathered several ninth-level demon masters shot at the same time dispersed, all the houses within [-] miles around Dingxin Lake were instantly destroyed. All of a sudden, they were overturned to the ground, and the whole person immediately lost their airs, and those who were slightly weaker were instantly reduced to ashes under the attack of this wave of spiritual pressure.

As a result, the entire Ten Thousand Monsters City was completely in chaos, and those who had been living in the city swarmed towards the south exit of the city.

At this time, more than a dozen people surrounded Yan Peigong in the air above Dingxin Lake, and all of their magical powers hit him at the same position.The Dingxin Lake in the depths of Yan Peigong covered the sky and the sun, and the formation quickly turned far away and formed a Daoguang film to protect it.Later, at least ten supernatural spells hit the light film, and there was a "click" in an instant, and several cracks appeared on the pillars around the formation at the same time.

Even if it is built here to rely on the extraction of the spiritual power of the earth veins to maintain the operation of the large formation, it is not easy for dozens of ninth-level demon masters to attack at the same time.As the strength of the formation became stronger and stronger, the pillars that maintained the formation's enchantment all shattered into pieces.

Losing the blessing of the formation, Yan Peigong's face darkened, the gray dragon head behind him suddenly spit out a puff of gray gas to protect it, and then Yan Peigong's figure flashed sharply and wanted to forcefully rush out of it.

Taoist Qingxin saw the right moment and shot again after the colorful rays of light in the sky flashed again, only to see a third eye appeared in the middle of his forehead after his hands were knotted on his chest.Yi Tian saw it clearly from the side, and couldn't help blurting out: "Destroy the Dharma Eye?"

"No, this is the supernatural and secret technique Shura Xuetong practiced by senior brother," Xuanjizi explained: "The biggest effect of this technique can stimulate its own infinite fighting spirit, and it is the same as the 'wisdom eye' of Buddha Sect and the 'eye of wisdom' of Luo Tianxian Palace. Mie Shen Tong' is equally famous."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was slightly stunned and secretly said in his heart: "The pupil skills I have practiced over the years are all low-level magical powers. Except for breaking illusions or finding formation nodes, these auxiliary functions are completely useless in actual combat. any effect'.

Seeing Taoist Qingxin's 'Sura Blood Pupil' flashing a bewitching red light, Yi Tian felt his blood churn, even though he was thousands of feet away, he was still affected.The surrounding monsters also all pushed away to a safe range before using their kung fu to suppress the tumbling blood in their bodies.

Xuanjizi's voice came from next to his ear: "Brother, we are going to attack with all our strength. Let's tighten the encirclement so that Yan Peigong will not wait for the opportunity to escape." After speaking, he flew up into the sky with the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel', and a ray of golden light shot down Cover Yan Peigong and Taoist Qingxin.

I saw that Yan Peigong was in a trance and looked up at the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel', but said in his mouth: "He is full of benevolence and morality, but he still has hypocrisy in his bones. You know how much difference this thing has from the 'Mirror of the Universe'."

After finishing speaking, several dragon breaths spit out again, and at the same time, the heads of the other four untransformed dragons spit out poisonous mist and attacked the surrounding people.

Among all the besiegers, apart from Taoist Qingxin, Yishun was the most violent. Seeing such a move, his hands turned into two dragon claws.Cutting two golden lights in the air immediately dispelled the poisonous mist in front of him. After the poison fell, the water of Dingxin Lake was dyed green.Many fishes and shrimps were even poisoned to the level [-] monsters in the lake and floated up immediately, it can be seen that their toxicity is far stronger than the situation in the last battle.

"Be careful of these poisons," Yi Shun kindly reminded Meng Luan beside him, then turned over and rolled in the air, revealing the prototype of a scorching dragon, about three feet long.Flying forward, the scorching dragon karma all over his body burst into flames, spewing out flames all over the sky, and immediately dispersed most of the poisonous mist.

Facing Yan Peigong, Yishun reappeared in human form and shouted loudly: "Yan Peigong, when you plotted against me in Wan Yao City, that was the beginning. How long ago did you think you would end it here?"

"Ignorant child, the true dragon's bloodline is really a waste of money on you. Only I am worthy of this pure bloodline," Yan Peigong cried almost crazily: "If it wasn't for the short time, I would not have time to activate all the true dragon's bloodlines and turn them into legends. My nine-headed dragon, why be afraid of you idiots."

There was a trace of sadness in his last words, but he did not move slowly, and after the four-color auras all over his body appeared at the same time, his body size skyrocketed. With a sound of 'Zla', his body broke through his clothes, and Yan Peigong showed his true form, and suddenly a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

Yi Tian took a closer look at Yan Peigong from a distance. The prototype that appeared at this time was about [-] feet high and more than [-] feet long.At seven inches from the body, the neck is divided into nine parts. Except for the head in the middle that has completely evolved into a dragon head, there are four dragon heads in red, blue, black and gray and four green snake heads.

Compared with him, Yishun's body looks like an insignificant insignificance, so in comparison, his strength is still a lot worse than that of Yan Peigong.I only heard Yishun sneered and said: "Fellow Taoist Qingxin is indeed right. You have integrated multiple spiritual powers in your body by virtue of your talent. It's a pity that these spiritual powers did not bring you benefits, but instead made your soul Become extremely violent, it will be a matter of time before you look like you are nothing more than a strong outsider and a weaker opponent."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the red dragon's head opened its mouth and spit out several red dragon's breaths to shine on Yishun's head.But Yishun is not very skilled, he can stand up to Lord Yan Peigong alone, let alone just a fire dragon head.Opening his mouth is also spitting out the dragon's breath to meet him head-on.

"Bang bang" two loud bangs, the dragon's breath from both sides intersected in the air, and Yishun's spell was able to counterpress it.

Taoist Qingxin also made a move at this time, his divine sense has been locked on the head of Princess Yan Pei, and this time not only to deal with Yan Peigong, the most important thing is to get the soul control flag.At the mobilization meeting beforehand, I also made this matter clear to all the monks who participated in the war.

I saw Taoist Qingxin's spiritual power rapidly rising to the peak of the ninth-level middle-level, and then his body turned into a colorful glow and flew towards Yan Peigong's main dragon head.At the same time, several colorful balls of light flew out of his hands and aimed at Yan Peigong's head and jaw.

The others also knew in their hearts that this kind of attack directly saw that Yan Peigong was huge and not as flexible as his human form.Immediately, everyone's supernatural powers also attacked the jaws of the dragon heads and snake heads in the same way.

For a while, flowers blossomed everywhere on the scene, enclosing Yan Peigong and continuously compressing his activity space.

At this time, Yi Tian flew to Xuanjizi and said, "Fellow Daoist, you can activate the spirit weapon and start the second-order mode."

Xuanjizi nodded after a little hesitation, and then made a seal with both hands, facing the 'Huntian Appearance Wheel' and cast out the Taoist formula.In an instant, the spiritual light emitted from the spiritual weapon turned white, and at the same time, the positions of the demon spirits on Yan Peigong's nine heads were all revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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