
Chapter 1785 The Chaos of Ten Thousand Demon City 3

Chapter 1785 The Chaos of Ten Thousand Demon City III Recovered
Although the "Huntian Appearance Wheel" is refined in the style of the "Qiankun Demon Reflecting Mirror", Yi Tian can divide it into two-level models.In the first stage, the prototype of the monster clan can usually be directly photographed, and after the advanced stage, the position of the primordial spirit of the monster beast can be photographed.The third stage is to directly force the monster to show its original shape and then fix the primordial spirit.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't engrave this part of the pattern, after all, if the function of "Demon Mirror of Heaven and Kun" is fully moved, it will cause the fear of other monster clan patriarchs.Now that he can do this step, it is not too long to reach the psychological limit of everyone present, after all, even De Xuanjizi has some scruples about it.If Yan Peigong hadn't shown his original shape and was about to explode, and Taoist Qingxin had stated in advance that he must get the soul-controlling flag, there would be no need to reveal the second-stage function of the spiritual weapon.

Under the irradiance of the white light, the positions of the primordial spirits on Yan Peigong's nine heads were locked. Unexpectedly, these nine-headed worms are different from ordinary monsters with one main soul and nine sub-souls.

Taoist Qingxin saw it, but Yun Gong opened his mouth to inform him: "Everyone, kill the sub-souls quickly, and leave the main soul to me."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had found their target. Now, no matter what, it was the business to settle Yan Peigong, and it would not be too late to talk about the matter of the 'Huntian Appearing Wheel' after the event.

But Yan Peigong's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, he clearly felt that the white light shot from above his head could frighten his demon soul.Although the Nine-Headed Insect has nine divine souls with extraordinary talents, even if the main soul is injured, it can absorb a part of the soul to replenish itself.After all, even if the main soul has fallen, one can still find one of the remaining eight souls to become the main soul.

It was because of such talent and supernatural powers that Yan Peigong was able to continuously survive the previous fights, but today is different.

The person who came was the same descendant of the Nine-headed Insect of the Primordial Alien Species, and the "Huantian Appearance Wheel" above his head locked all his souls tightly, so he was exposed in full view and had nowhere to hide.

"You guys will die badly. Even if I die here today, I will be buried with you in the city of Ten Thousand Monsters." After speaking, the nine heads showed a miserable smile at the same time.

A green mist oozes from his skin, and after the mist is dispersed by the wind, it immediately sweeps a range of thirty miles around Dingxin Lake.

Wherever it went, the creatures were immediately melted away by the poison, the trees were withered and the water source was polluted, and even the rocks were covered with a layer of green liquid, and many places collapsed directly.

When Yishun saw it, his face sank and he said: "He wants to jump over the wall in a hurry, be careful not to give him a chance to explode himself as a demon spirit." After speaking, a powerful spiritual force suddenly gushed out of his throat, and immediately spit out several scorching dragons Yehuo, the dragon's breath is different from before, with a little green fire in it.Yi Tian, ​​who was in the empty formation, could see clearly that the Burning Dragon Karmic Fire had already reported the Nanming Lihuo that he had left in his body.

In the meantime, the Burning Dragon Yehuo attacked Yan Peigong's Huojiao's head, although the oncoming Huojiao also breathed out, but facing the strengthened Burning Dragon Yehuo, it was assimilated by just a collision. After a few sounds of 'coaxing coaxing', the fire dragon's head finally couldn't hold back under the repeated attacks of Zhuolong Yehuo.

After the flames dissipated, the entire dragon head on the head of the fire dragon was covered in blood and flesh, and the entire capital of the fire dragon drooped powerlessly.On the forehead where the demon spirit is, there is a strange green flame burning continuously, which is about to burn through the entire Niwan Palace.

Princess Yan Pei let out a scream above her head, turned her head to stare at Yishun and said, "I didn't expect that you lost the blood of the real dragon but it was a blessing in disguise. Such supernatural powers are definitely not something you can easily cultivate."

"So what, it's all thanks to you," Yishun said without any timidity on his face, "Today I will take back the true dragon blood that you took from me."

After speaking, under the seal of both hands, he shot a spiritual light at the ray of Nanming Lihuo.In an instant, the green flame grew bigger and bigger, washing away the blood in the dragon's head and entering it, and then it turned into a drop of blood wrapped in a drop of blood and flew back to Yishun.Opening his mouth, Yishun swallowed Nanming Lihuo and the drop of blood into his stomach. Immediately, one of the spiritual powers in his body, Sheng Xiu, seemed to be showing signs of skyrocketing and directly passed the ninth-level intermediate level.

After three breaths, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body returned to the initial state, but at this time the degree of condensed true energy was already three points stronger than before.After a gleam flashed in his eyes, Yishun shouted: "Now that I have recovered half of the real dragon's blood, Yan Peigong, you will be defeated soon."

Under the ebb and flow, the aura on Yan Peigong's body is one of slump, and he could barely support it for a while, but now, Yishun has regained more than [-]% of the blood of the real dragon and lost the cooperation of the deputy leader, Huolongshou. The combat power has dropped by more than [-]%.

Mengluan couldn't sit still seeing Yishun succeeding in one blow while dealing with the ice dragon's head. She was always eager to win but was unwilling to show her weakness in front of the person she liked, and the skills in her hands were even more urgent. .But the breath of the ice dragon seems to be designed to restrain the supernatural powers of the fire phoenix clan. If it weren't for being restrained by many parties, Meng Luan might not be able to deal with it.

But judging from the current situation, they can only maintain a well-matched situation. This is how she can bear this tone.Suddenly there was a 'huhu' sound from behind, and Mengluan launched a spiritual investigation and found that it was Yishun who shot again. This time, his scorching dragon breath was obviously three points stronger than before.The ice bullet spit out from the mouth of the ice dragon head can completely overwhelm, even if the attribute is suppressed, it can completely push back the opponent's offensive.

"I didn't expect my true dragon blood to contain ice dragon attributes. This time, Yan Peigong, you helped me to stimulate all the true dragon blood." Two dragon claws.

After flashing several times in the air, he actually bullied him, a blue light flew towards him, and a bone-piercing ice dragon's breath blew over his whole body.In an instant, Yishun's figure was trapped in the ice, but before the ice dragon's head made another move, a red and green flame flashed in the ice. After the crisp 'click' sound, Yishun's figure escaped from it and rushed towards the ice dragon's head.

The next moment, the two flame-wrapped dragon claws grabbed the forehead of Jiaolongshou, and after the flames flashed, they rushed up directly.

The old trick was repeated, the head of the blue ice dragon was surrounded by green flames, and after a while, only the sound of 'Zi Zi' was heard, and the icy air was directly burned away by Nanming Lihuo.The ice dragon demon spirit in the Niwan Palace was directly burned before it could escape, and then Yishun refined its true dragon blood into pure blood beads and took them back and swallowed them in the mouth.

This time, there was no surge in spiritual power, but the attributes of Yishun's body had changed, and a little bit of blue light appeared faintly on the originally red skin.

Needless to say, after assimilating the blood of the real dragon, the attributes of the ice dragon were also inherited.

(End of this chapter)

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