
Chapter 1786 The Chaos of Ten Thousand Demon City 4 Accident

Chapter 1786 The Four Accidents of Chaos in Ten Thousand Demon City
After the ice and fire twin dragon heads were broken by Yishun one after another, Yan Peigong's strength was reduced to less than [-]%, but he was still unwilling to be captured without a fight, and still fought back vigorously.The skills and supernatural powers in his hands are also attacking the patriarchs of many monster clans in a desperate way, regardless of his own situation.

Being so maddened, the group of demon cultivators seemed a bit wary. They were invited to encircle Yan Peigong, but there was no point in risking their lives.

Obviously, this gave Yan Peigong a chance to breathe, and he laughed wildly: "If you want my life, I'm afraid you are not qualified. Didn't the chain of fire say that I want to die under the ignorance of the flames?" .Today you want my life without Zeng Shun is just wishful thinking."

Xuanjizi, who was in charge of the spirit weapon in the sky, turned his head and looked at Yi Tian beside him when he heard the words, hesitant to speak.

Knowing that he had something to say in his heart, Yi Tian turned sullen and said: "This time I have promised Senior Chibeard of Jiuxian Mountain that he will not interfere in the chaos of the demon clan. Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi, please don't look at me like this. Follow me."

Sighing, Xuanjizi replied via voice transmission: "It has become a great favor to ask fellow Yi Daoist to help me at Jiuxian Mountain before, not to mention that I won the Master's Talisman when I was in the sect, so I don't need to bother Yi Dao anymore." Friends, it’s just that the longer everyone can’t attack for a long time, the more damage it will do to Wan Yao City, and I’m afraid there will be a big trouble if the battle changes and Yan Peigong escapes.”

"That's also God's will. Since senior red beard didn't let me make a move, there must be some deep meaning. Fellow Daoist Xuanjizi, don't make it difficult for me. If it's just to deal with that evil black dragon head, I can lend you something." After speaking, he reached out and took out the Brahma Golden Bell and threw it down.

The five-inch Brahma golden bell turned into a golden light and flew directly to Yishun's hand. The latter took it from his hand and shook it gently.After the golden light spread out from it, it shone on the head of the black demon dragon on Yan Peigong's body.Wherever the golden light went, everyone was shocked, but the Mosha black flood dragon's head became less flexible after the golden light swept over its head.

There was a lot of black demonic energy emanating from the demonic dragon's head, and Yan Peigong screamed: "The spiritual weapon of the Buddhist sect, Yishun, you also practice the Buddhist sect's kung fu."

"That's natural. It's not all thanks to you. I simply got the blessing of chanting scriptures from the Buddhist monks of the Daleiguang Temple. The magic essence and the power of the netherworld that you absorb in your body are firmly restrained by me. Don't think about it today. What kind of tricks are coming?" After speaking, he shook the Brahma golden bell even more anxiously, chanting words in his mouth, and actually revealed Yi Tian's unique skill of Tianlei eight-tone kung fu.

The Mosha dragon's head became more and more sluggish after being swept by the golden light waves again and again. Although it was fused with the Mosha original force and its strength was extremely powerful, people could take advantage of its slow movements.

In addition, the Yaozun who participated in the siege all left after Yishun's orders, relying on the advantage of flexibility and maneuvering, they kept leaving scars on the head of Mosha Jiaolong.

A tragic dragon chant soared into the sky, and Yan Peigong seemed to be gradually unable to support him under the siege.His body was tightly entangled by Taoist Qingxin, and if he was careless, seven-colored spiritual light would cut through the void and hit the main head.

Moreover, the seven-color aura was so powerful that it repeatedly suppressed Yan Peigong's leader, so that he could not help him and could only watch helplessly as deputy leaders were selected by Yishun one by one.

After the golden halo gathered and shrouded the head of the demonic dragon, black demonic energy was continuously released from its skin, and after struggling for a while, it was attacked by everyone and soon became depressed.

All of a sudden, layers of ghostly energy appeared on the gray dragon's head on one side, but it was obvious that Yan Peigong didn't have time to cultivate it home.The strength is much worse than the other three heads, and they can't pose any threat to the attacking crowd around them.

All of a sudden, Lord Yan Peigong's aura of the leader's head sank, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the remaining four snake heads also changed accordingly.A large amount of spiritual power poured into the head of the gray dragon, and suddenly the spirit of darkness surged, even Yi Tian and others who were firmly above the sky could feel the biting chill on the battlefield below.

"Why does he want to do?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Xuanjizi was also at a loss, it was the first time he had seen such a situation.On the scene, only Taoist Qingxin's face changed slightly and he hastily shouted loudly: "Be careful that Yan Peigong is about to escape, this is a precursor to preparing to separate the spirits."

It seems that Yan Peigong concentrated his spiritual power on the head of the ghost dragon because he knew that there was no hope for the leader to escape, so abandoning the car to protect the leader is also an act of survival.

Seeing this, everyone present was about to attack the demon spirit on the gray dragon head's forehead, only to see a gray ghostly aura spread out from the gray dragon head's mouth, hundreds of gray dragon's breath light bullets burst one after another around.

"No, he still wants to keep the head, the Nether Flood Dragon head is the abandoned son," Yi Tian shouted coldly.

The so-called authorities who were fascinated by the field were shocked by the sudden change, and everyone dodged away one after another.Even Taoist Qingxin put up seven-colored aura to protect himself, and suddenly a blood shadow appeared and Yan Peigong returned to his human form.

At this time, his body was completely shattered, and blood was gushing out everywhere. Four of the eight heads on the back of his neck had drooped, and the two capitals, Binghuo, had disappeared.

It's just that he took advantage of the chaotic bridge's opportunity to escape, and ran into Fairy Mengluan head-on.He opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of poisonous gas, rushing towards her, and at the same time, a black magic light appeared in his hand and hit her face.

Yi Tian, ​​who was holding the formation in the air, saw that he was about to make a move, when suddenly a white flame flew out of the beast control bag on his waist.A juvenile fire phoenix chick flew out of it and turned into a white light and flew towards Yan Peigong. It was when her disciple Meng Qi felt that her aunt was in trouble and rushed out.

After a short distance and a short distance away, Meng Qi uttered a crisp phoenix cry, and the white figure and Yan Peigong missed each other, leaving a trail of flames on him.

With a sound of "coaxing", the raging fire directly ignited Yan Peigong's body. The ignorant fire did not directly attack his body, but burned the divine sense, and ignited seven clay pellets directly upstream along the divine sense. The demon spirit in the palace.

"This is ignorance fire," Yan Peigong screamed and left the last sentence, his soul was quickly burned out, and then ignorance fire wrapped in a drop of refined blood and flew straight back to Meng Qi's body.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly summoned Meng Qi back and put it in the beast-controlling bag, then turned his head and looked at Xuanjizi with embarrassment.The latter said knowingly in a deep voice: "You go back, I will help you deal with the aftermath of this matter."

When everyone came back to their senses on the scene, they saw that Yan Peigong's body had lost control of his soul and slowly fell from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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