
Chapter 1790 Returning to the Beast King’s Cave 1 Obstruction

Chapter 1790 Revisiting the Beast King's Cave
After arriving at the Beast King Cave, a group of five people wanted to take advantage of the full moon night to break through the restriction and sneak into it. After all, the ultimate goal of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao is also here.Moreover, we have negotiated with Huolian in advance, and everyone agreed to cooperate with each other.

But before the full moon in the middle of the night, the restriction barrier in front of him began to shake rapidly.Needless to say, this must be the result of being forced to break the ban elsewhere.The faces of all the people present were very different, and such a situation could show that things had changed.Taoist Qingxin was the first to discover the situation, and then hurriedly asked the red bearded spirit ape.

He only heard him reply in a deep voice, "The other party can't wait to do it. If it doesn't work, we can't wait any longer." After speaking, he took out three talisman offerings and poured spiritual power into his hands, and said, "Go."

"嗖嗖嗖" three sounds pierced the void and stuck to the restriction in the shape of a character, but a gap of one foot in size was forcibly opened in the middle.It's just that the gap can only be maintained at such a size, no matter how much the red bearded spirit ape casts spells, it can't open the gap an inch.

He sighed and said: "The power of Taiyin is not at its peak so that my taboo breaking talisman can't exert its due effect."

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the rest of the people, and they found that the one-foot-sized gap was shrinking rapidly.Needless to say, it is impossible for five people to pass through in such a situation. In this way, the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao will definitely get there first.

At the time of helplessness, a magic talisman suddenly flew forward and submerged into the gap space, and then the hole stopped shrinking, but it grew bigger and bigger.Turning around, I saw Yi Tian was casting a seal with both hands, and said in his mouth: "You go in quickly, I can maintain the size of the exit for about thirty breaths at most."

Daoist Qingxin was overjoyed, and when he turned his head, he saw that the gap had grown to a foot and a half, and then stabilized.All the people present were not fools, and immediately one by one filed in through the gap.

In the end, Yi Tian jumped into the space gap with his front feet and quickly closed it until it disappeared completely.The red-bearded spirit ape turned his head to look at Yi Tian with approval on his face and said, "My boy, I owe you a favor no matter what this time."

"The younger generation understands the words of the senior, let's deal with the matter in front of us before we talk," Yi Tian said with a cupped hand.

The red-bearded spirit ape nodded, and then told Taoist Qingxin: "You lead the way, and you must arrive as soon as possible."

Just as he was talking, there was a loud noise that soared to the sky from a distance, and then there was a terrifying wave of spiritual pressure.After three breaths, he restrained himself again, and the red bearded spirit ape's expression changed suddenly: "There are changes in Shenshi Prison, let's go."

After speaking, the figures of the five people immediately disappeared in place, and the next moment, the five rays of light in the air flew towards the imperial palace in the hinterland of the Yuanhao Dynasty.

When they came to the ruins of the imperial palace, they found several flames flashing from the sky above Shenshi Prison. From the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure, it could be seen that the chains of fire were fighting with people.

The red-bearded spirit ape's complexion changed again and he said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul to be so fast. It seems that he released the two-headed crocodile dragon that was guarding the gate. Everyone be careful later. Fellow Daoist Yi please You can help and shoot directly."

Understanding what he meant, Yi Tian just nodded slightly, and then took out a one-foot mirror and offered it in his hands. Meng Luan, who was standing by the side, never saw this thing, but only saw it from the expressions of Taoist Qingxin and the red-bearded spirit ape. But the key to victory is to stop talking later and fly behind everyone towards the source of the spiritual pressure fluctuation in Shenshi Prison.

When Shao Qing came there, he found Huo Lian and Zeng Shun fighting a huge two-headed crocodile.The double-headed crocodile has black skin all over its body, and its body is about ten feet in size, with two black heads.After the two mouths on the head opened, a black light bullet protruded out. Those magic spells exploded in the air and directly caused space distortion, forcing the chain of fire in the air and Zeng Shun to dodge continuously.

The location of the two-headed crocodile directly blocked the passage leading to the corpse prison.Visually, he should not be sealed below, but hidden elsewhere.The avatar of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul had long reserved a hand to know where to find a helper. After entering, he found it first and ordered it to guard the passage door to delay him.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is watching you," Lord Qingxin shouted with the seven-colored aura in his hand.

"Okay, be safe and don't be impatient," Yi Tian raised the 'Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth' in his hand after returning, and held his hands in front of his chest.A beam of white light shone directly on the body of the two-headed crocodile, and in an instant it stopped moving in a spirited figure.There are two young demon spirits on the two foreheads respectively, shivering and trembling under the illumination of the aura of the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror'.

The two-headed crocodile dragon's true energy stopped flowing, and suddenly those unsent light bullets were contained in its mouth, and the whole monster body froze.

Taoist Qingxin missed the good opportunity after seeing it, and the seven-color aura that had been sacrificed on his hands turned into a light ball and hit the two-headed crocodile.At the same time, Yishun and Mengluan also both shot to assist from the side, and the two flames shot out respectively and hit the two-headed crocodile on both sides of the abdomen.

With a sound of "coax", the two-headed crocodile was instantly sent flying out, and after the light of the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror' irradiated, the whole body returned to normal.It's just that at this time its left head has been blown away by the colorful aura.Only the head on the other side was left to control the whole body. Under the attack of the two raging fires, the side abdomen had been split open, and a large amount of blood flowed out from it.

The two-headed crocodile raised its head and looked at the "demon mirror of heaven and earth" in Yi Tian's hand with fear, and then turned around and ran away.At this time, Huo Lian and Zeng Shun caught up with the spirit sword flying out in their hands, and the Yanlong Aojian turned into Dao Huaguang and directly pierced into the Niwan Palace on the head of the two-headed crocodile dragon.As for the ignorant flame in Zeng Shun's hand, it engulfed the body of the two-headed crocodile in an instant, and after ten breaths, only a pair of black coke remained.

After everyone worked together to clean up the obstacles in front of them, there was no joy on their faces. At this moment, they only felt that there was a violent vibration coming from the ground.The red-bearded ape jumped into the bottomless abyss passage first, and shouted: "Follow quickly, the situation below has changed."

Then Taoist Qingxin followed closely behind, Yi Tian walked in the third place and fell towards the cave below, and the four behind him followed one after another.

After the belt fell to nearly two-thirds of the depth, there was a sudden sound of Tianlan from below, which immediately made Yi Tian stunned.Secretly practiced to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and only heard the voice of the red-bearded spirit ape in front of him: "It's Xuanyinhu's innate supernatural powers that seduce the soul. We only have Mengluan here as a female cultivator. I will leave this old fox to you." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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