
Chapter 1791 Returning to the Beast King's Cave 2 Passage

Chapter 1791 Returning to the Second Passage of the Beast King's Cave
Unexpectedly, Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul really had two brushes. In order to block the pursuers behind him, he even set up blocking monsters on the passage leading to Shen Corpse Prison.This burst of natural sounds made everyone tremble when they heard it, and it seemed that only those old demons could possess innate magical powers.

Yi Tianshen Nian Zhang Kaifa seemed to be the only one among the seven present who was not affected by Meng Luan. It seemed that the Red Bearded Spirit Ape was really powerful and could predict the enemy's opportunities before fighting and arrange countermeasures.

Hearing this, Meng Luan's face tightened and he nodded, and replied: "It's a matter of priority, senior, feel free to go forward, I'll finish." After speaking, the speed of the figure's fall accelerated and directly surpassed Yi Tian in front, Taoist Qingxin and the red-bearded spirit ape arrived number one position.

Then I saw her throwing out two flames with both hands, aiming at a place below and hitting directly. The seductive voice in my ear stopped dumbly with a 'bang', and then I heard an old cry from below: "I didn't expect there to be a female demon clan here, the emperor would have miscalculated, the old man can only Do your best."

After speaking, a sound wave suddenly hit from bottom to top, making the falling figures of the six people startled.After staying in the air for a while, Meng Luan shot again. She was the only one among the crowd who was not affected by the sound wave.

At the same time, Yi Tian's divine sense locked on the source of the sound waves below, and with a flick of his hand, a spiritual light suddenly shone down.The white light finally locked onto a protruding platform somewhere in the descending passage, and there was a twenty-year-old beautiful woman standing there, looking up at everyone.

It's just that under the illumination of the white light, her movements seem to be confined within a narrow range.At the same time, she screamed and said: "This is the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe', God damn you are using this thing to deal with me again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the beauty's face collapsed instantly, her skin wrinkled, and her eyeballs turned from black to yellow.After three breaths, the beauty in front of her turned into a hunchbacked old woman, who seemed to be more than tens of thousands of years old.

Meng Luan yelled coldly: "The old fox is still pretending to be young at this age. When you were young, you often used this appearance to seduce men to attract Yuanyang. Even if I let you escape from Shenshi Prison today, I will Send you back again until you run out of lifespan."

After speaking, two flames flew out from his hands, locked on the target and attacked from both sides.However, seeing the old woman's original shape under the illumination of the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror', she was actually an old snow fox.

After she appeared, she was able to move around, although she was able to flee around under the white light of the demon mirror under the great manifestation of the spiritual power that illuminated the position of the primordial spirit and turned back to the body behind the demon.

"Fairy Mengluan, I'll leave it to you here, follow up after cleaning up," Taoist Qingxin accelerated the speed of the fall when the block in front of him was temporarily lifted, and at the same time informed Mengluan, who was slightly Nodding his head, he chased after the snow fox.

It didn't take long for the six people to fall to the bottom one after another, and in a blink of an eye, they saw that the passage in front of them had been collapsed by the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul.The red-bearded spirit ape took a step forward, and the spiritual power of his body turned rapidly away, and then his body became larger, revealing the real body of the spirit ape.He is one foot tall, and his fists are as thick as a bucket.

When the sound of "bang bang bang" came, he actually gathered two auras on his hands, and then swung his fists towards the collapsed place in the passage with all his strength.

When Yi Tian came last time, he had checked that the sinking corpse prison was built under the deep gold rock layer, and the surrounding stone walls contained a large amount of heaven-grade precious materials, gold rock and black crystal blocks.With the strength of an ordinary ninth-level demon master, it is very difficult to forcibly break through here, but these stones mixed with golden rocks and black crystal blocks were easily pulled out like tofu in front of the red bearded spirit ape. open.

The passage that was as long as a hundred feet was opened in a short time, and the red bearded ape said after a while: "Let's go", and the six people rushed out of the passage in a scrambling manner.

Yi Tian remembered that after coming out, it should be the statue that banned the true soul of Emperor Yuanhao. When he came here, he found that the head of the statue had been smashed, and only the dragon binding rope was left on it.On the belly of the statue, a hole the size of a foot was smashed open, and there was some laughter coming from the bottomless bottom.

Seeing this, Taoist Qingxin hurriedly stepped forward, after making seals with his hands, he chased after those dragon-binding ropes and clicked.After the flash of inspiration, he put the dragon-binding rope in his hand, turned his head and said to everyone: "Without the order to suppress the dragon, the dragon-binding rope may not be able to deal with Emperor Yuanhao."

"Fellow Taoist Qingxin, don't be impatient," Yi Tian explained hastily: "With the soul-controlling flag and my Jingshi Hualian imprint, the soul-divided body can't exert [-]% of its strength."

The red-bearded spirit ape said solemnly: "The back is where the prisoners are held in Shenshi Prison, and I don't know how many monsters have been released by the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao, everyone must be 12 points and not be careless. "

Seeing that everyone nodded, the red-bearded ape rushed into the passage behind the statue. After running all the way, everyone found that the passage in front of them was getting narrower and narrower. At first, the road that could accommodate two people walking side by side came to the back. Half a section can only see to let one person pass.

Suddenly there seemed to be a slight vibration in the passage of the corridor, and with Yi Tian's strength, he was naturally very keenly aware of the abnormality.Suddenly, the passageway in the corridor began to shrink slowly, and the stone walls on both sides slowly moved towards the center.

The red-bearded ape who walked first was shocked and said, "This is the ancient giant worm in the Yuanhao Dynasty. We should be in its belly at this moment."

"Why is this ancient giant worm still alive, and is it being controlled by Emperor Yuanhao?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It should have died a long time ago, but I didn't expect that Emperor Yuanhao would use its corpse to build the corpse prison. I guess this is also the origin of the name of this place," the red bearded ape replied.

"Hasn't the seniors been here before?" Yi Tian asked.

The red-bearded spirit ape turned pale and replied: "It's true that I have never been here. I only remember that Queen Shenfeng sealed Emperor Yuanhao's spirit into the statue, and then used the dragon-binding rope and the dragon-suppressing order to suppress his spirit. As for those who were suppressed outside They were all small characters, but the main missions were sent to the deepest part of the corpse prison by the Queen Shenfeng herself, and I have never been there. Today, I never thought that this statue will be like this.”

The passage in front of him is getting smaller and smaller, and the passage behind him is also the same.It seems that Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul avatar wanted to trap everyone in it in this way, but Taoist Qingxin flashed a seven-colored aura in his hand, and then hit the passage in front of him with a single blow.The stone wall on the wall stopped compressing wherever the colorful spiritual light went, and then he switched positions with the red bearded spirit ape and led everyone to fly forward.

Half a moment later, a group of six people came out of the passage and entered a huge underground palace.

 Thank you fellow Taoist 20180311170519689 for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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