
Chapter 1796 Enlightenment

Chapter 1796 Enlightenment

Hearing from the mouth of the red-bearded spirit ape that it was the secret of the Three Sects of the Spirit World and the Luotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian was full of doubts.It is reasonable to say that his sect was born out of Luotian Immortal Palace, but how could he obtain the legacy of Immortal Palace.

After thinking about it, I still asked: "I don't know where my master has gone at this time? And where are the ancestors of the two major sects, Taiqing Pavilion and Feiyu Sword Sect?"

"They have already ascended to the fairy world," the red-bearded ape mentioned, but his face showed incomparable envy. After thinking for a while, he realized that he had lost his composure, and then he smiled and said, "Actually, the pursuit of the Dao of Longevity It is the ultimate goal of our practice, even advanced Mahayana cannot be said to have endless longevity."

"I also know this. I think that since I entered the Tao, I have always aimed to obtain the longevity position, and all my actions are based on this," Yi Tian said solemnly.

"That's good. Not losing one's heart is what cultivators of my generation should have. Speaking of which, the orthodoxy of Nine Immortal Mountain also partly originated from the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spirit world," the red-bearded ape explained.

"That's right, in this way, the senior can be regarded as my uncle," Yi Tian bowed his hands and said.

"It can only be that we have a connection in the orthodox tradition. In terms of seniority, I really don't dare to be an uncle," said the red bearded ape.

"Senior, you are being polite, but I don't know what you mean?" Yi Tian asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Actually, we were all born out of Luotian Immortal Palace, and it is the orthodoxy left over from the fairy world," said the red bearded ape, "It's just that the owner of Luotian Immortal Palace made a mistake of sticking to the old rules."

"Why did senior say that?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.

"Actually, the legacy of the fairy world is the same for you and him, mainly depends on how to use it," said the red-bearded ape, "your ancestor and the ancestors of the other two factions were originally disciples of the Luotian Immortal Palace. It was a coincidence Following the path that the Palace Master walked in the early years, I found a secret realm of fragments of the fairy world, from which I found the secret treasure of the original Luotian Immortal Palace."

"In this way, why didn't the Great Palace Master reveal all the secret treasures in the original fragments of the fairy world, but gave the three patriarchs a chance instead," Yi Tian asked.

"Time and fate are also destiny. Thinking about it, the Luotian Immortal Palace was originally a collapsed fragment of the Upper Immortal Realm, but it is also full of dangers inside." The red-bearded ape said with a look of distress: "Do you know that the fallen in the fragments of the Immortal Realm How many monks are there, and how many people can come out safely."

"Aren't the only ones who can come out are the Grand Palace Master and the three Patriarchs?" Yi Tian thought for a while and replied: "As for the number of people who go in, it must be at least ten times more."

"That's right, but do you know the level of cultivation these people had when they entered the fragments of the fairy world," the red-bearded ape asked meaningfully, blinking.

After hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly fell into silence, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Could it be that it's all about the fusion period?"

"At least there are monks in the early stage of fusion, and there are also late stage distraction, but I have never seen them come out," the red bearded spirit ape said: "except for your master Lihuo who was only cultivated in the late stage of distraction back then, and when he went in, he followed two fusion The senior brother in the early stage. But when he came out, he passed the natural moat of the fusion stage and reached the middle stage of the fusion. However, he has always respected the senior brother of the Taiqing Pavilion. I think it must have happened in the fragments of the fairy world .”

This is in line with the original structure of the spirit world. Before the last catastrophe, Taiqing Pavilion was still the largest sect in the spirit world.As for Lihuo Palace, although it is powerful, it always gives way to the other two sects, and will not stand out when things happen.

But in the end, when facing the devil prince Qiu Yu, Patriarch Wu Ye was still allowed to come forward, which is enough to see what the strength division of the three spiritual sects was like at that time.

"I don't know if the ancestors of the other two factions have also ascended to the fairy world?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's natural. The orthodoxy they left behind has now become the structure of the three factions in the spiritual world. Speaking of which, Wu Ye and the other two Mahayana monks are brothers of the same generation, and the relationship is of course very close. As his In terms of seniority as an apprentice, many people in the spirit world will call you the master," said the red-bearded ape.

"I don't know how Luo Tianxian Palace was subverted back then, or how it disintegrated into three factions?" Yi Tian asked the biggest question in his heart.

"Actually, it's not a disintegration. It's just that when the Grand Palace Master ascended to the Upper Realm Sect, there were no successors in the lineage, and then three branch disciples stepped forward to inherit the main lineage of Luotian Immortal Palace. Among them was the Taiqing Pavilion. Obtained the orthodox status, as for the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and the Lihuo Palace, they were differentiated from the Law Enforcing Hall and the Artifact Refining Hall," explained the Red Bearded Spirit Ape.

"That's a peaceful evolution. I'm afraid that at that time, the disciples of the original main line were all unwilling. Didn't they recognize it and object?" Yi Tian asked.

"Actually, those who could come out to oppose all fell in the battle of the Yuanhao royal family in the demon world. If it weren't for this, with the abilities of your three patriarchs, at most they would just establish sects elsewhere in the spirit world," the red bearded spirit ape sighed. : "This is what I call fortune. Just because you have the ability doesn't mean you can succeed. If you want to rule a world, you have to have the right opportunity."

"It seems that the ancestors also got a huge advantage by picking up leaks back then, and the Yuanhao Dynasty war in the demon world also gave them help invisibly to achieve success," Yi Tian also sighed.

"That's why Daoist Yi, you must not underestimate yourself. I see that there are many capable people in the spirit world, but none of them can surpass you," the red-bearded ape changed his subject.

Yi Tian heard that his face blushed and replied: "Senior, you are absurd. In terms of strength, there are a few senior brothers in the Taiqing Pavilion who are not inferior to me. And Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan, the lord of Lihuo Palace, is even stronger than me. Many, when I was in the lower realm, I was guided by him to embark on the path I am now on."

"I'm not talking about cultivation, but Dao heart and perseverance." The red bearded ape shook his head and said: "Yi Daoyou, you are the strongest in these two aspects among the monks I have seen. People, even your senior brother Ji Xuanyuan is much worse than you. What you lack is the precipitation of time."

"Thank you senior for your praise, but I will meet my senior brother sooner or later, and I still have some fetters in my heart due to emotion and reason," Yi Tian frowned slightly, expressing the distress in his heart.

"I don't think it's necessarily a fetter, you're just a fan of the authorities," the red-bearded ape said with a smile, "Think about the relationship and maybe you'll make new discoveries."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian's face turned serious when he heard the words, it seems that the red-bearded spirit ape also knows a lot about Lihuo Palace.It is normal to say that, as a tenth-level monster who is the master of a world and is equal to a Mahayana monk, there are naturally some things that cannot be hidden.

"After you figure it out, you can leave," the red-bearded ape handed over a palm-sized token and said, "With this token, you can go to the restricted area in Jiuxian Mountain to look up all the information you want."

 Thank you fellow Taoist 20180311170519689 for your strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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