
Chapter 1797

Chapter 1797
As the most powerful and only sect in the demon world, Jiuxian Mountain has gathered a large number of demon genius youths.Here, there is a full-time ninth-level demon master who is responsible for teaching the disciples, and within the sect, it is not easy to show the true form of the demon body.

This can be regarded as preventing disciples from relying on racial talents to distinguish their respective abilities, and practicing and competing in a state of spiritual cultivation.

When Yi Tian was walking alone through the corridor of the Zongmen, he often attracted the attention of those demon cultivators around him.The root cause is that there is no trace of monster energy left in him, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations have been restrained, making him look like an ordinary mortal to them.

But the more this is the case, the more attention will be attracted. Needless to say, the strength of the monks who can enter Jiuxian Mountain.And those who can mess around like this unscrupulously are people with a lot of background.

The faces of the disciples who came and went showed suspicion, but none of them dared to go forward and ask.It wasn't until the elders of the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall came forward to stop the coming people, and after a while, he respectfully led the way to the location of the scripture building in the hinterland of the Zongmen.

Although many disciples had doubts in their hearts, seeing that even the elders of the law enforcement hall were more respectful to the visitors, they naturally knew the depth, and then turned their heads away and pretended to ignore them, but in fact they still secretly poked out their spiritual thoughts to check them out. How divine is man.

After entering the main entrance of the scripture building, the elder who had his own place came forward to inquire, saw that the color behind the token changed slightly, and then personally led the way to the high place of the scripture building.After reaching the top floor, there were only a few people here, but seeing the elders of the Jinglou coming up in person, followed by an ordinary mortal, a little strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Yi Tian glanced over and instantly saw that their cultivation bases were all in the eighth-level elementary to intermediate level, which was slightly inferior to the one in front of him.There are only seven ninth-level demon masters in the entire Jiuxian Mountain. Except for Xuanjizi who went out to get acquainted with him, the rest have never met.But according to Taoist Qingxin, they are all slightly inferior in strength, and some of them have just stepped into the ninth level, and are currently retreating to consolidate their cultivation.

Follow the guide until you reach the small room at the right rear of the top floor, reach out to unlock the lock on the door, and then just listen to the elder who is in charge of guarding the scripture building turn around and bow his hands and say, "Seniors, please, the records included here They are all the copywriting of my ancient books in Jiuxian Mountain."

"Is it even recorded before the Yuanhao Dynasty?" Yi Tian asked lightly.

"A small part is included in the 'Chronicle of the Yuanhao Dynasty'," the elder replied.

"Is there any information about Luo Tianxian Palace in Wuling Realm? Xuanjizi once mentioned to me that it should be a document from the same period as the Yuanhao Dynasty," Yi Tian continued.

"Beside the 'Yuanhao Dynasty Chronicle', there are other records of the same period in the Eight Realms of the Upper Spirit, and seniors can look them up at will."

"If I want to expand, can I engrave it?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's all there is to it, the senior is the distinguished guest of the ancestors, everything is done according to the senior's wishes," Elder Jinglou replied.

Yi Tian nodded and walked in. When he came to Neizhong, he found that it was a small private library, which seemed to be specially used by high-ranking monks to look up the history of the demon world.

The space in the room is about twenty feet in radius, and a circle of bookcases are neatly placed around it.There are more than ten rows of bookcases in the middle, each with a label.Yi Tian stepped forward to scan with his divine sense and found that the chronicle recorded here is nearly 8 to [-] years from now.

The most recent one seemed to have just been engraved and put in. I walked up to take the jade slip and glanced at the forbidden place on the jade slip. It said, "Yan Peigong's rebellion, the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao came back to life." .

Opened the tab and looked it up carefully, only to find that it recorded all the events that happened before, including from Ten Thousand Monsters City to the Beast King’s Cave, followed by the great battle of Taiyou Junling. .Of course, many of the details were vaguely written, but the main causes and difficulties of Yishun were recorded.

Turning to the back, I found that even my own name appeared on it, but it was marked as a disciple of Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world.In the final description of the whereabouts of the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao, there was a tail left, and it was written that the Mahayana monks of the Heavenly Demon Race in the Demon Realm also participated in it.

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian turned his eyes to the back of the bookshelf, and soon found the 'Chronicles of the Yuanhao Dynasty' on the bookshelf at the end.Next to it is a jade slip titled 'The Biography of Luo Tianxian Palace'.As soon as Yi Tian thought about it, he flew to take off the two jade slips and looked at them.

Speaking of which, it is not easy to find such documents in the demon world. I am afraid that other than Jiuxian Mountain, there is no other place with such detailed records.

After picking up the jade slips, Yi Tian found a space next to him and sat down on the floor. He untied the restrictions on the two jade slips and began to read them carefully.

From Chapter 1 of "Chronicle of the Yuanhao Dynasty", Yi Tian was attracted by the content. It turns out that the dynasty established by Emperor Yuanhao imitated the system of the palace in the fairy world.And he was originally a fairy beast who was demoted to the spirit world.

I didn't expect Emperor Yuanhao's backstage to be so strong. No wonder Queen Shenfeng didn't dare to kill him even if she suppressed him.If people in the fairy world knew about this, the consequences would be unpredictable, so suppressing it would be a good strategy.

This also confirmed from the side the reason why the senior red bearded spirit ape in Shen Corpse Prison finally just used the dragon-binding rope and dragon-suppressing order to re-squeeze his body and soul.

However, it is also mentioned in the literature that Emperor Yuanhao also managed the demon world in an orderly manner before the turmoil, and stabilized the chaotic situation of fighting each other all day long.Then register and compile the framework of the dynasty formed by the elites of various races.

This process lasted for nearly 5000 years. During this period, the demon world got enough time to recuperate, so that after a leap in strength, it became the existence second only to the Asura world in the nine worlds of the upper spirit.

It was hard to believe that Emperor Yuan Hao would self-destruct his future and destroy the excellent situation that he had painstakingly built. There must be some key things happening in it.

After reading it down, Yi Tian found a description at the end of the document record, which clearly stated: "Every ten thousand years, there will be a gap in the interface after the interface collides. Emperor Yuanhao went to the edgeless mountain deep in the demon world Try to close the cracks to prevent the devilish energy from overflowing and endangering the descendants of the Yaozu."

It seems that something happened on the side of Wuleng Mountain. After taking out the map in his hand, Yi Tian couldn't find such a mark on it.Suddenly he thought to himself: "It seems that there are still many unknown things in the demon world. If necessary, I should go to Wuleng Mountain for a trip. Maybe I can find some clues."

(End of this chapter)

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