
Chapter 1798 Inquiry

Chapter 1798 Inquiry
Yi Tian searched for clues in the depths of the Jinglou in Jiuxian Mountain, which records that Emperor Yuanhao's behavior changed after he lost Wuleng Mountain.In other words, something must have happened there.

Yi Tian restrained his impulsive will and thought secretly in his heart, "It stands to reason that Senior Chibeard Spirit Ape, Xuanjizi and others should have read these documents as well.Presumably they must have gone to investigate, but they don't know the result. '

The trip to Wuleng Mountain is not imminent, but you can also book the next trip.Before that, I still have to chat with Xuanjizi about the situation there, maybe I can learn some useful information from him.

After engraving the "Yuanhao Dynasty Chronicle" onto the blank jade slip, Yi Tianyou double-checked it back and forth, and after confirming that there was no information left behind, he reopened the restriction on the jade slip.

Then he flicked open the jade slip of 'Luo Tian Xian Gong Biography' and began to study it carefully in his palm.This jade slip is written in exceptional detail, describing the situation of Luotian Xiangong 6 years ago very clearly.

Originally, there were many sects in the spiritual world. The predecessor of this Luotian Xiangong was called the Xunyang School, and 8 years ago, there was a monk named 'Feng Lingzi' who was a genius and amazing generation.He originally ascended from the lower realm, and later joined the Xunyang School.Overcoming obstacles all the way to improve his cultivation to the initial stage of integration, which is the state he is in now.

Then, by chance, he participated in the trip to the fragmented space of Luo Tian's Immortal Realm.There were about five people who went to explore together that time.But after entering, he lost his trace. After 3000 years, Feng Lingzi suddenly broke out from the fragments of the fairy world. At this time, his cultivation base had already jumped to the early stage of Mahayana.

In the spiritual world in the Middle Ages, even Mahayana monks were rare, not to mention that there had never been a Mahayana monk in the Xunyang School.When Feng Lingzi was not in the sect, there were only two monks in the Xunyang faction who had suffered a great loss in strength, and one of them was already twilight and stuck in the middle stage of fusion for 6000 years without making any progress.

If Feng Lingzi didn't return in time, the Xunyang Sect would only be reduced to a second-rate sect.Fortunately, the appearance of monks in the Mahayana period directly shocked people from all walks of life in the spiritual world.

In the next few thousand years, the Time Sect vigorously developed and expanded its territory everywhere, suppressing those sects that had originally peeped at the Xunyang Sect until they couldn't breathe.But Feng Lingzi changed the name of the sect to 'Luo Tianxian Sect', and the original blessed land of the sect was rebuilt and expanded by more than ten times.

The location of the sect of the 'Luo Tian Xian Sect' is the old city of Qingfeng in the Taiqing Pavilion today. As for the monks in the spiritual world in the Middle Ages and for thousands of years in the future, they simply called it the 'Luo Tian Xian Palace'.

There are a large number of talents in this sect, and Feng Lingzi deliberately recruits ascension monks as his foundation, and looks for children with good spiritual roots in the world to train them.In less than 5000 years, only the "Luo Tian Xian Gong" family is left in the entire spiritual world, and it is divided into two factions within the sect. The descendant faction with Ascension monks as the main force occupies most of the head resources .

However, their number is very small, and even counting the number of disciples under their command, they are less than a thousand.But this group of monks is indeed the elite of the sect, and the lowest level of cultivation is like that of the distraction period. As for the monks of the integration period, there are nearly 20 monks.

It's a pity that only one person can reach the Mahayana stage of cultivation until 1 years later, Feng Lingzi's cultivation reaches the Mahayana stage and ascends to the fairy world.The entire sect remained in its original state. As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head. There were no powerful figures in Luo Tianxian Palace, and these monks at the fusion stage united to form the Council of Elders to jointly control the government affairs of the spirit world.

In this way, the disaster was hidden, and those sects that were suppressed had already begun to be assimilated into the 'Luotian Immortal Palace'.However, unlike the direct lineage disciples, most of them practice in the branch line.

Out of a thousand disciples, there are always a few who will stand out. From the three branches, there are three first disciples with strong strength, faintly forming a new pattern in the 'Luotian Immortal Palace'.

Afterwards, the three of them joined forces to re-explore the secret realm of the Fragment of the Luotian Immortal Realm. Coincidentally, as soon as they left the Demon Realm, the subversive war of the Yuanhao Dynasty broke out.The monks of Luo Tianxian Palace were invited to fight and sent a large number of elite forces to come, but unfortunately more than half of them were killed or injured in this battle.

After they returned to the spirit world, the strength of the elder group dropped by three quarters, and it was no longer possible to maintain the huge situation in the spirit world.

At this moment, the three monks who had returned from the fragmented secret realm of the 'Luotian Immortal Realm' stood out, taking advantage of the fact that the strength of the Zongmen's elders was greatly weakened, they seized the real power of the Zongmen in one fell swoop.

From then on, the three of them took turns to preside over the affairs of the sect until the catastrophe broke out 8000 years later, and the three of them broke through the limit of the integration period and became Mahayana monks.

After the catastrophe subsided, the pattern of the spiritual world changed again. The original "Luo Tianxian Palace" was no longer suitable for the pattern at that time. Qing Pavilion, Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and Lihuo Palace'.

These three Mahayana monks carefully cultivated their disciples for the next 2 years, and they took turns ascending to the fairy world when a newcomer emerged to achieve Mahayana.

As for his own master, Patriarch Wuye, he is considered to be the second-generation disciple of Lihuo Palace, while Ji Xuanyuan, Zeng Shun, Han Liu, and Huolian are all three-generation disciples.

Among them, the fire chain should be the elder brother, and Ji Xuanyuan is in the second place.As for myself, I first learned art from the elder brother, and then became a junior apprentice through the entrance wall.

Closing the jade in his hands, Jian Jian Tianchang sighed, and then said to himself: "It seems that the general trend of separation and reunion is unstoppable, thinking that the 'Luotian Immortal Palace' was so strong back then, and after the ancestor ascended, But it fell apart. Forcibly integrating with one's own strength can only be overbearing, and if things go on like this, you have to do kingly things."

After taking out a blank jade slip, Yi Tian engraved the details of "The Biography of Luotian Fairy Palace".Then put away the rubbings and put back the original two biographies.

I knew almost everything I wanted to know, and then Yi Tian stood up and was about to leave directly.Suddenly, with a thought, I remembered that there are some mysteries in the exercises performed by Taoist Qingxin.His method is not like the monster clan's kungfu, but more like some great supernatural power of spiritual cultivation.With a thought, he directly sacrificed his spiritual thoughts and scanned the classics on the bookshelves around him.Soon, his brows were slightly relaxed, and he found a magic spell labeled 'Colorful Rays' on the bookcase at the other end.

After a teleportation, he walked to the bookcase, took off the secret volume and gently undid the restriction on it, and then carefully read it.It didn't take long for the forehead to wrinkle slowly. This jade slip introduced the exercises in detail, but it was not very simple to practice.

The Seven-Colored Sunlight needs to collect a certain amount of Sunshine Stones, and it can only be cultivated in a dizzy and extremely dark place.

(End of this chapter)

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