
Chapter 1799 Edgeless Mountain 1 Discovery

Chapter 1799 Discovery of Wulin Mountain
Flying alone in the air, after leaving Jiuxian Mountain, Yi Tian first sent a message to Qing Lianyun to ask if there was any Xiaguang Stone in the store.It didn't take long to get the answer that this object is a treasure in the hands of a monk at the fusion stage, and it was originally only produced in the depths of the demon world.But this item has a price but no market, and the Yaozun will not have any stock in his hands.

So Yi Tian changed his mind and thought that in the entire Jiuxian Mountain, only Taoist Qingxin had used this supernatural power, and even Xuanjizi had never had the opportunity to practice it.It seems that I still think of this matter too simply, and it is a pity that I can't practice it when I have mystic powers.

But I can't help myself in this matter, so let's take everything lightly.Recently, the turmoil in the demon world has gradually calmed down, and Yan Peigong's chaos almost affected the entire demon world.One side of Wan Yao City has become a hard-hit area. After the war, it needs to be quickly rebuilt, and many monks of different races are aiming at this opportunity to buy a nail in Wan Yao City.

As for the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, it has also ordered its own business name to develop its influence into Wanyao City and cooperate with the reconstruction at the same time.And it was Qing Lianyun who presided over the overall situation in the demon world, so this matter fell directly on her head.

It seems that the Taiqing Pavilion wants to establish a complete business route system in the demon world to obtain the unique resources of the demon world, and at the same time, it can continuously transport treasures from the spirit world to obtain the greatest benefits for the sect.

Yi Tian didn't care about it at all, anyway, he had never received any instructions from the sect.Besides, I have never been restrained by the Taiqing Pavilion, as for Qing Lianyun, it is easy to handle.With my relationship like this, and the fact that Fairy Mengluan of the Fire Phoenix Clan is in charge of the reconstruction of Wan Yao City, everything can be opened to convenience.

Before leaving Jiuxian Mountain, Yi Tian also specifically asked Xia Xuanjizi about the location of Wuleng Mountain, but he couldn't tell clearly.In the entire demon world, only senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape had been there, and in the end he only got a copy of the jade slip of the map.

Looking at this map, Yu Jiantian found that only one-third of the places on it seemed to be clearly marked.There is even a third of the writing is extremely vague, and the rest of the dots are blank.

In Xuanjizi's words, he has never traveled through the entire demon world, and it is estimated that there are still many undiscovered land boundaries or unknown dangerous places.

In his mind, he is naturally willing to go together to explore the depths of the demon world, but now thanks to the identity he has given him, he has become the master of a sect.Therefore, there are a lot of things on his body that need to be dealt with, and he has no time to clone, so he can only reluctantly refuse Yi Tian's proposal.

After embarking on the journey again, Yi Tian headed towards the unmarked areas on the jade slip map, restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body all the way and galloping through the air.However, the divine sense quietly opened up the land boundary of thousands of miles around the exploration period, and I didn't want to startle the snake. It would not be a good thing to open up the divine sense thousands of miles away and startle some old monsters in the deep mountains to make things difficult for me.

After flying like this for several months, he finally flew out of the proven area marked on the Yujian map.After coming to the unknown land, Yi Tian found that the environment on the ground was worse than before, but the spiritual energy was stronger.These uncultivated fertile fields are naturally an excellent place for the Yaozu to inhabit and develop.

Yi Tian flew forward along the direction of the spiritual veins, and suddenly found that the spiritual power in the spiritual veins here became more and more turbid.I was secretly surprised in my heart, logically speaking, the spiritual power in these undeveloped spiritual veins should be extremely clear.

The slight change in complexion must have hidden a huge problem, Yi Tian slowed down the flight speed along the underground spiritual vein, and probed the depths of the divine sense towards the distance.About [-] miles away, the divine sense was blocked by an invisible force and it was difficult to penetrate.

After a sudden flash of inspiration on his body, Yi Tian chose a direction and galloped towards that place, and it didn't take long to see the overwhelming gray mist.It was these fogs that isolated his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian didn't dare to enter rashly, but first stopped at the outer layer of the fog and looked at it.

After opening his divine sense, he found that the gray mist shrouded the land in front of him had exceeded the limit of what he could detect.And in the gray mist, you can feel spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from inside from time to time, needless to say, there must be something wrong inside.What surprised me the most was that the seal on the top of Yuanying in Niwan Palace seemed to have a slight reaction, and the purple arc on it returned to its original state.

Speaking of which, the situation here is far beyond his imagination, and after a short pause in the air, Yi Tian sacrificed his body protection mask and sneaked into the gray mist.

After lowering the altitude in the air, Yi Tian maintained the altitude and flew forward, and suddenly noticed that the surrounding gray mist contained a large amount of evil spirit and ghost energy.Suspicious in his heart, Yi Tian immediately cheered up 12 points, it is expected that such a situation should not happen here.And the atmosphere here seems to have met before.

After quickly filtering in his mind, he blurted out: "The body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul real body." Unexpectedly, the breath here is very close to the evil spirit and ghost spirit emanating from that body.

In this way, the body of the clone was originally refined by Emperor Yuan Hao, and it was not expected that it would be used as the temporary body of the clone.After flying for thousands of miles following the concentration of evil spirit energy and ghost power in the air, Yi Tian suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual pressure fluctuating wind coming from the front.

The strength of that force made him sway in the air and he almost couldn't maintain the height in the air, and he stabilized his figure only after the movement and true energy in his body circulated rapidly.

After the spiritual pressure fluctuated, there was a loud "boom" sound, Yi Tian's face changed suddenly and he thought something happened.Regardless of other people's spiritual light, the whole person's flying speed increased to the fastest speed and galloped forward.

At this time, the evil spirit around him was getting stronger and stronger, and it was extremely difficult to maintain the state of spiritual cultivation.Not only is it necessary to maintain the flying speed, but also to resist the evil spirit around it, which seriously affects the display of its own strength.Thinking of the sudden appearance of the black spiritual power in Niwan Palace, he directly used the skill of integrating spirit and demon, converting his own spiritual power into demonic spiritual power.

At this time, Yi Tian turned into a full-fledged demon cultivator like he was in the demon world, and the evil evil spirit that made him feel very uncomfortable in the surrounding gray mist has now become a great tonic.

Not long after passing through the thick layer of gray mist, he came to an open place, with a strange purple flash in his eyes, Yi Tian cast the magic pupil and looked around, and found that he was on the top of a mountain thousands of miles away Black evil spirits continuously gushed out.And the surrounding gray mist is obviously produced by weakening and mixing with the aura of the demon world.

(End of this chapter)

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