
Chapter 1800 Edgeless Mountain 2 Fooling

Chapter 1800
After entering the depths of the demon world, Yi Tian inadvertently went deep into the gray thick fog area, but he did not expect to find himself in a land with extremely strong magic power after passing through the fog area.It is reasonable to say that such an existence should not appear in the demon world, but in his eyes, he found that there seemed to be a source of dao and evil power on the top of the mountain thousands of miles away, from which there was a steady stream of magic power flowing out.

Now that we have all come here, Yi Tian naturally wants to find out, and just after flying thousands of miles towards that place, a voice came from his ears: "Why did fellow Daoist Demon Ancestor come so late, the old man is here Been waiting for a long time."

Shocked, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, it was obvious that he had inadvertently interfered with the affairs of the Mahayana monks.At this time, he didn't dare to show the slightest hesitation, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if the other party saw through his intentions.

However, Yi Tian inadvertently noticed some clues from the other party's words.The other party claimed to be the Demon Ancestor rather than the Demon Saint, which means that the person who conspired with him was not the original Mahayana monk in the Demon Realm, but the newly promoted Mahayana monk in the Heavenly Demon Clan.

When he fought against Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul before, he was directly taken away by this person in the end.Now I can't pretend to be his clone, but the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Race can be imitated vividly.

With his heart in mind, Yi Tian accelerated his speed and flew straight towards the mountain top under the strong demonic energy all over his body.

A short while later, when Yi Tianfei arrived not far from the top of the mountain, he found a strong demonic aura emanating from it, rushing towards him, forcing him to pull back a certain distance.The purity of the magic source power above can only be seen in the abyss of the demon world.No wonder that Mahayana cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race would look at this place. If he can absorb all his cultivation bases, he can at least be promoted to the late stage of Mahayana and even the ascension stage.

There was a figure halfway up the mountain looking at him with a serious face at this time, but his face was pale, but his body exuded a strong ghostly aura.Later, he heard him shouting: "Why did Dugu Lonely send you, a junior, where is his avatar right now?"

Unexpectedly, the other party is also a clone of a Mahayana monk, and the aura on his body should be a monk from the Netherworld.Yi Tian cupped his hands and said: "The ancestor of Tianmo recently absorbed the soul-dividing power of Emperor Yuanhao from the demon world, and is currently retreating to refine it. The ancestor knows that this place is of great importance, so he sent me here to help .”

"Why is he able to absorb the power of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul?" the man's eyes froze and he cried out.

It seems that the other party has been bluffed for the time being, but I don't know how long it can be fooled.But now that the situation is unclear, let's take it one step at a time. Yi Tian dropped his cloud head to the front of the man and looked at the other party's strength in a blink of an eye.The power of the underworld in this person's hands is extremely strong, needless to say, he should be the master of the underworld.It is said that hundreds of races coexist in the hell world and there is only one Nether Emperor in the Netherworld, so the identity of the person in front of him is also very obviously the crazy clone of the Nether Emperor.

As for his strength, it should be in the middle of the fusion, which is slightly higher than his current cultivation level.It is estimated that his body cannot cross the interface to descend, so he can only send a clone to come.

This is like Dugu Lonely, the demon ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Clan, who can only act as a clone.Or, once his main body came to this world, it would be noticed by the tenth-level demon masters of the same level. This would openly provoke an interface war. This is also a situation that they don't want to face directly.

So whenever there is something to do, act as a clone, even if you miss it, it will be a big deal to make up for the lost soul in a few days. As for the main body hiding in the Nether Spring in the Nether Realm, no one can do anything to him.

Shaoqing only listened to Luan Kuang asking: "Did Fellow Daoist Dugu tell you anything?"

Yi Tian knew in his heart that the other party had become suspicious, and if he couldn't dispel his doubts, he was afraid that they would meet each other soon.After a pause, he opened his mouth and said, "The Demon Ancestor wants me to find out the source of the evil force here and bring it back to the Demon Realm."

"It's such a big tone, it's very beautiful for Dugu Lonely to think about it," Emperor Youming said disdainfully: "The treasures that were left in the Wuleng Mountain were originally left in the upper fairy world, so he really planned to prepare a pot."

'Wu-Lengshan' Yi Tian was overjoyed. He didn't expect to bump into the target he was looking for in the map by mistake. It seems that the situation of Wu-Lengshan Mountain has a long history.It existed at least 7 to [-] years ago, and Emperor Yuanhao also came here back then, so he should have been closer to the source above before being affected by its demonization.

In this way, you have to be careful. Visually, the clone of Emperor Youming and the great demon Dugu Lonely who are on the side should have accidentally discovered this place later.At this time, Dugu Lonely was absorbing and refining the evil spirit energy in the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul, so he couldn't do it for a while, so he broke in by himself in troubled waters.

In a blink of an eye, thinking about the behavior of the Heavenly Demon Clan, Yi Tian decided to take a gamble, the more domineering and stronger he behaved, the opponent would dispel his doubts.

Then he replied in a deep voice: "These demonic origin powers are the source of strength that our Heavenly Demons rely on for cultivation. Now that we see them, we must do our part. Even with the strength of the predecessors, even if you absorb a large amount of demonic origin powers and practice to transform them into ghosts It's not an easy task, besides, the ancestor and you have already made an agreement, didn't you just ignore it?"

"Old Ghost Dugu actually clarified our agreement with you. It seems that your status in the Heavenly Demon Clan is not low, but you don't seem to be a pure Heavenly Demon Clan member," Luan Kuang asked tentatively.

"It's true that I have the bloodlines of both the Heavenly Demon Clan and the Flame Hell Demon Clan. It's just that the clan can't accommodate me so I can only hide in the dark. But if I have enough demon power, I can fully stimulate the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon Clan. It's justifiable to return to the clan," Yi Tian said angrily with a slightly changed expression.

After hearing this, Luan Kuang said in a slightly slower tone: "Speaking of which, the power of the magic source on the top of the mountain has been speeding up, and the surrounding areas affected are getting wider and wider. Since Old Demon Dugu asked you to come, it should be There is a way to deal with it."

Although he barely passed the test, the Nether Emperor in front of him is definitely a fine person, one trick after another, if there is any mistake in what he knows, he will definitely be defeated immediately.Fortunately, I still have some experience in dealing with these demonic forces. I remember that when I broke through the fragments of the fairy world, I had a gas cylinder on my body, and after killing many people in the same industry, I got several more.In the end, all the celestial vitality in it was collected in the spirit purification bottle, and it seemed that these things on the body could be used.

But Yi Tian wouldn't be so stupid as to really take out the spirit purification bottle, that is, he would not call himself.But those gas cylinders can make do with it, so he took out three and handed them over, saying, "This thing is considered to be a high-level spirit treasure that can be used to store the original power of evil spirits."

 Thanks for the support of Daoist Yunfeiying

(End of this chapter)

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