
Chapter 1801 Ridgeless Mountain 3 Dagger Appearance

Chapter 1801
Unexpectedly, after going deep into the demon world, Yi Tian actually found Wuleng Mountain by mistake, and also met the clone of Emperor Youming.It further probed into the activities between him and the big demon Dugu Lonely.Fortunately, at this time, Dugu Lonely had just absorbed the evil power of the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao, and had not had time to fully refine it in the future.

On the other hand, I can take this opportunity to play tricks with Emperor Youming.After all, there should be immortal treasures left on the Wuleng Mountain that can make even the monks of the Mahayana period move their hearts. How can they give up at will when the opportunity is in front of them.

After explaining, Luankuang reached a consensus with himself for the time being, and was going to try to go to the mountain top to collect the original power of Mosha.Yi Tian took out the storage gas cylinder in the storage ring and handed it over, explaining its purpose.

Luan Kuang took it and played with it in his hand, but his face showed disdain and said: "How much can this thing hold? Is it enough to collect all the evil force on it?"

"This thing has the effect of collecting gas and transforming liquid. The magic power can be transformed into pure magic liquid through this bottle," Yi Tian explained: "I don't know how many juniors can be collected, but with the current amount Let’s see, filling a bottle of qi-gathering liquid is at least enough for me to cultivate to the later stage.”

"That's the way," Luan Kuang replied, handing over the gas cylinder and saying, "I'll open the way ahead, and you follow us and try to walk up."

After speaking, he turned around and walked slowly towards the mountain road. Yi Tian looked up and found that the two of them were halfway up the mountain.The higher you go up, the stronger the concentration of the evil force. At this time, Luankuang has already opened the protective shield on his body and walked up. Yi Tian is behind him at a distance of ten feet.

After walking for half a moment, the two of them almost reached the position close to the top of the mountain, but the evil force in front of them was blowing towards them like a howling wind.Fortunately, Yi Tian's current Mosha avatar can unscrupulously absorb the surrounding Mosha's original power, and secretly began to refine it secretly.

Although his ferocious cultivation base is strong, he can't stare at the erosion of Mosha's original force for a long time. After all, his innate attributes still have some conflicts with Mosha's original force.Even if a large amount of magic power is absorbed, it will take time to refine it.

Until he reached a position about a hundred feet away from the top of the mountain, Yi Tian felt a sudden burst of pressure, and the bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations from the top of the mountain suddenly intensified several times.The protective cover on Luan Kuang's body immediately began to shake, and as the fluctuations in his spiritual power continued to increase, he struggled to move, and it took him a long time to move away.

After feeling the pressure, Luan Kuang asked, "How is your current state, kid? The above seems to have a strong suppressing force on me, and it is difficult to move forward."

"I guess it's okay, maybe it's a matter of talent attributes, the power of evil spirits doesn't suppress me as strongly as my predecessors," Yi Tian replied.

"Then you can continue to go up, I'll be waiting for you here," said Luan Kuang.

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt nervous that he could go up, but Luan Kuang waited behind him, but he didn't know what would happen when he returned.However, the situation in front of him was stronger than others, and Yi Tian couldn't directly refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and walk forward step by step.After missing it, Yi Tian opened the protective cover on his body to the maximum, and secretly guarded against the sudden violence behind him.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no movement from the other party after walking all the way, but even so, Yi Tian secretly raised his heart.Although I don't know if he is really what he said, but the tense nerves in Yi Tian's heart have never been relaxed.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Yi Tian found a puddle of black spiritual liquid on the ground in front of him, and the strong demonic energy emanated from this ball of black spiritual liquid.

The spiritual liquid covers an area of ​​about one foot, but there is a simple stone cup scattered on the ground beside it, about five inches in size.Yi Tian has never seen such a pure magic liquid with demonic spirit power. Needless to say, the spiritual power contained in the magic liquid found in the abyss of the demon world is more than twice as strong. Obviously, these things are not like this Objects that should exist in the world.

At this time, the seal in the Niwan Palace suddenly trembled as if it had a connection with the cup. Needless to say, the cup must have been the container that originally contained the magic spirit liquid. product.

Immediately, he stepped forward and walked slowly towards the spiritual liquid, but the demonic aura emanating from it was too strong to force him to approach it easily.Walking to the stone cup with difficult steps, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and was about to pick it up, when suddenly the seal in Niwan Palace erupted with extremely dazzling purple awns.Then a ray of light shot out from his forehead and directly put the cup into the hand of his own Nascent Soul Spirit Body in Niwan Palace.

Just after doing this, I suddenly felt that the pressure on my body was reduced, but suddenly there was a weak spiritual pressure fluctuation behind me.

Yi Tian was startled and said to himself: "I was deceived by this old fox, I didn't expect him to be so good at acting."

With a "bang", a gray light appeared out of thin air and hit Yi Tian's back directly, and then pushed him forward several feet away alive.With a thump, Yi Tian fell to the ground and rolled around twice before a red halo appeared on his body.

"Get up, boy, this kind of attack will definitely not cause fatal damage to you," a cold voice shouted after seeing a ferocious figure appear.

Staring at the spiritual pressure fluctuations and slowly standing up, Yi Tian looked on coldly for a while before asking, "I don't know what you mean, senior."

Fortunately, I am always on guard against holding all the spiritual weapons in my hands for emergencies. Just now, Luan Kuang suddenly let himself go forward and realized that there was a problem.I didn't expect him to be so impatient that he would attack so quickly, but then again, it's only natural for Chongbao to be a little intentional about testing.

He only heard Luan Kuang stretch out his hand and said: "You are not from Dugu Old Ghost at all, you are just a demon cultivator who strayed into this place. Do you really think I will cooperate with you foolishly? I just want you Just check out what's going on here."

"Having said that, it's not like you're pretending what you did just now," Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It's true, I found that the pressure on my body has instantly weakened, and I know what you have done on it." Luan Kuang said with a ferocious face: "What good things did you get, take it out. Maybe I can still get it when I am in a good mood. Let your soul enter reincarnation."

"Old ghost You Ming, you finally showed your true colors," Yi Tian said with an unprecedented seriousness on his face, "It's useless to say what I say now, so it's better to see the real chapter under your hands. Now that you know me If you have an identity, then you don’t have to pretend anymore.”

(End of this chapter)

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