
Chapter 1802 Ridgeless Mountain 4 Stalemate

Chapter 1802
The seal in Yitian's Niwan Palace on the top of Wuling Mountain accidentally put away the stone cup on the ground, and then he felt that the pressure on his body was greatly reduced, and he didn't feel as uncomfortable as before.

It's just that in this way, I feel relaxed, and the madness at the bottom of the mountain road will also feel the same way.And his cultivation base is slightly higher, and he will naturally react faster.Sure enough, Furen suddenly appeared and made a sneak attack from behind. Fortunately, Yi Tian was prepared and sacrificed the dragon tortoise armor shield to block the fatal blow.

After the two failed to negotiate, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and struck with a black magic light. The target this time was not the madness but the puddle of spiritual liquid on the ground.Presumably Luan Kuang also realized that the source of the demonic wind and gray mist formed around here was this pool of pure fairy magic liquid. Now Yi Tian simply smashed the jar, but he couldn't see the meat in his mouth and just slipped away like this.

As expected, with a ferocious face and furious fury, he hurriedly dodged the gray aura that was sacrificed in the hand in front of him, and shot it out before he could fully gather his momentum.

A 'bang' sounded from the top of the edgeless mountain, and at the same time, a flash of light pierced the gray sky, which seemed incompatible with the silent environment around.

After the supernatural power attack, the air wave generated by the strong fluctuation of spiritual pressure pushed Yi Tian directly to a distance of several feet before he stabilized his figure.As for the madness in front of him, it seemed that he wanted to forcibly protect the fairy liquid on the ground, so he punched it hard.

Akatsuki was his powerful clone who was also a monk in the Mahayana period, and his complexion turned pale when he forcibly resisted the attack of such a powerful supernatural power at such a close range.In the next moment, he reached out and took out a jade bottle to perform the object-tending technique to collect the pool of fairy liquid on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the jade bottle burst open with a 'click' just after the black spirit liquid was put in, and Luan Kuang's face showed embarrassment at this time, he didn't expect that the things on the ground are not so easy to get along with.

On the contrary, Yi Tian looked in the center of his eyes and secretly calculated that the stone jade cup in his Niwan Palace should be regarded as an outcast from the fairy world.It was originally filled with these spirit liquids of immortals and demons, how could it be that Luan Kuang could just use ordinary spirit world containers to load them casually.

Such a great stress carried by things in the fairy world is definitely not something that can be easily absorbed.After thinking about it, he raised his head and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that you are also a layman. After staying in the Netherworld for a long time, you don't even understand these difficult truths."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Luan Kuang's face when he heard the words, and then he shouted sharply: "Don't be crazy, boy, after I clean up you, the gas cylinder on your body is still at my disposal."

After speaking, he put his hands together and raised ten gray lights of the nether world, and then waved his hand towards Yi Tian.

Seeing the hot trick coming, Yi Tian was not polite, spit out a ball of flaming prison demon fire and covered himself all over, and the next moment he used the signature move of the flaming prison demon clan, the flaming prison demon body.At the same time, he took out a three-inch black copper bell, held it in his left hand, and shook it quickly.

After a series of crisp bells rang, they covered the opponent's body, and Yi Tian planned to attack as soon as he made a move.I use two moves together, one attack and one defense to cooperate properly.

'Puff puff puff' several beeps came, and the gray ghost light hit the flame prison demon, and was directly stared at by the black and red flames.But Yi Tian still felt a tingling sensation on his skin. In terms of power, the defensive power of the flame prison demon body cultivated by himself was only slightly inferior to that of the original flame.But the ghost light failed to completely defend it after hitting it.

A cold feeling came from these stinging places, and at the same time, the flow of true essence in the body was condensed.Yi Tian felt that something was wrong and hurriedly exercised his kung fu to let the true energy in his body circulate quickly, completely eliminating this feeling.

Later, I saw my own magic sound of cursing the sky turned into black waves of magic sound light waves and covered Luan Kuang's body. The light waves made his body pause after passing by, and also had the effect of blocking the operation of spiritual power.

The purple light in Yi Tian's eyes flashed, and he found that there seemed to be a group of rich gray aura behind the rage on the opposite side, and all his magical powers were extracted from this group of spiritual power.It turns out that all the tricks used by Luan Kuang need to use Nether Qi, and it is difficult to find similar spiritual power supplements in the demon world.

As for the evil power of the evil source, it can only be transformed into the evil spirit after some sacrifices. Therefore, despite the strong strength, he is not good at fighting for a long time.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face relaxed, and then he took out two Rakshasa blades and sacrificed them in his hands.After a trace of flame spit out from the mouth and attached to it, he said in his mouth: "Go."

The two Rakshasa blades fused into one and then turned into a flywheel to attack the opponent.

"The exclusive weapon of the Raksha clan, there are too many doubts about your identity, boy," he said in a cold voice. He put his hands together and combined the ghost light on his ten fingers into one.Immediately, a thin aura as thick as the mouth of a bowl shone from his palm, and then hit the Rakshasa Flywheel rushing toward him.

There was a 'bang' sound, one red and one gray two supernatural powers attacking each other together into a stalemate.Yi Tian also tried his best to compare with his opponents, and under the continuous input of spiritual energy in his hands, the Raksha Double Blades more than doubled in size.

But even if he fought hard in front of Netherlight, he couldn't make any progress, but Yi Tian didn't have the slightest wave on his face anyway, anyway, he made up his mind to hold on to the stalemate.

As for the fury on the other side, he also felt extremely troublesome at this time. Obviously, the opponent was only a demon cultivator in the early stage of integration, but his power was not weak.The key is that the moves displayed are not only the supernatural powers of the Sky Demon Clan, but also the defensive body skills of the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the attack methods of the Rakshasa Clan.

However, behind him was the pool of fairy liquid. In the situation of stalemate, he turned his head and opened his mouth to directly suck up the fairy liquid on the ground.

In the next moment, a surge of spiritual power poured directly into Luan Kuang's body, and it was just a simple sip that caused the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body to skyrocket.

Yi Tian's face turned pale, and he still didn't expect that the other party could use such a method to forcibly ingest the fairy liquid for his own use.The next moment, he felt that the pressure of the opposite spell had already appeared.The original stalemate had begun to tilt towards madness, and the gray aura gradually overwhelmed them.Yi Tian felt that it was difficult to ride a tiger, and saw that his supernatural powers were being suppressed by the opponent little by little, and then they continued to devour them.

Now that things are up to now, I can only bite the bullet and hold on. After ten breaths, when the opponent's gray aura is about to press on him, Yi Tian suddenly finds that the opponent's spiritual power is showing signs of instability.At first I thought I was wrong, but after a breath, I really found that the spiritual power in Luan Kuang's body was extremely unstable at this time, and his face was distorted as if there were different degrees of backlash in his body.

 Thanks for the support of Daoist Yunfeiying

(End of this chapter)

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