
Chapter 1803 Edgeless Mountain 5 Repelling

Chapter 1803
Facing the madness and the sudden attack, Yi Tian fought back vigorously and refused to give up an inch, even if his own cultivation was slightly inferior, he would not be outdone at all.

On the other hand, after occupying a certain position, Luan Kuang directly ingested the fairy magic liquid on the ground to fill his own spiritual power.At the beginning, Yi Tian felt pressured, and suddenly found that the opponent's magical powers were more than [-]% stronger.

Seeing that he was suppressed to the end, he could only defend with all his strength, but he didn't expect that at this juncture, Rage would lose his strength.

After the pupil in the eye technique was performed again, the purple light flashed and found that the madness seemed to have changed at this time, and the whole body soared three feet.Through the magic pupil, it can be seen that there are countless lines of black demonic force in his body, which is why he rampages unscrupulously and counterattacks his own ghost power.

Originally, all the kung fu performed by Luan Kuang needed to use the power of the netherworld accumulated in the body, and the original power of Mo Sha could be transformed into the power of the nether world through refining.But what he didn't expect was that he still underestimated the energy contained in the Mosha origin force on Wuleng Mountain. Those Mosha origin forces that had been sucked into his body were devouring the original ghost power crazily without being refined.

Only in this way did Yi Tian pick up a bargain, and he pushed the opponent's Nether Light away without mercy, and then quickly formed a seal with his hands on his chest, spit out a ball of black magic fire, and attached to the Rakshasa Double Blades.

The two combination sharp blades mixed with a large amount of black flame roared towards Luan Kuang's body, hit him in the face with a 'coax' sound, and knocked him flying hundreds of meters away.

Luankuang forcibly stabilized his figure in the air, but there was a deep wound on his chest where the bones could be seen.For the monks in the fit period, such injuries are harmless, and Daya can recover by spending a little more spiritual power.

But Luankuang couldn't stop the injury immediately, but turned his head and said angrily: "I didn't expect your flame hell demon fire to have the effect of corroding wounds."

But at the next moment, joy suddenly appeared on the violent face, and a large amount of black devilish energy gushed out from the wound.Unexpectedly, he would help the other party unintentionally, and Yi Tian also showed helplessness on his face at this time.

After a large amount of demonic power ingested into his body was expelled from his body, his ferocious figure returned to normal, but at this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body seemed to be more than [-]% weaker than before.Obviously, the evil force has hindered him a lot, so that even after being excreted from the body, there are still many hidden diseases.

The madness at this time was far from being comparable to the normal state, and his complexion changed slightly, showing a look of unwillingness on his face.Before he could react, several flashes of light appeared in the air one after another, and Yi Tian's figure suddenly appeared not far from him.The next moment a bright red light flashed, this time it was mixed with the sound waves of the Cursing Heaven Demon Bell and turned into circles of red fire rings, darting towards Luan Kuang's body.

The gray ghost light lit up again and hit the circle of fire, but this time it was obviously not the opponent.Once the two spells intersected, they were directly counterpressed.Yi Tian saw that he had the upper hand from a distance, of course he wanted to take advantage of his illness to kill him.After taking the Rakshasa double blades, he sacrificed again and turned into two balls of flames to hit the opponent.

Luankuang knew that there was nothing he could do, and he also knew that he had fallen today. Although this was just a clone, it would be a big loss if it was folded here.After sighing, he stretched his hands and forcibly opened a crack in the space, and then said in a cold voice: "Boy, you have gone far, but I remember that your spiritual pressure has fluctuated, don't fall into my hands next time, or I will let you go!" You regret coming into this world."

"Don't be afraid of flashing your tongue when the wind is strong, it's your own fault," Yi Tian said in an inhumane manner: "Others will definitely come to the Netherworld to meet your real deity if I achieve Mahayana."

At this time, a deep voice came from the space crack: "I hope you don't break your promise, I will wait for you."

Unexpectedly, the voice coming from the gap was the ferocious body, but Yi Tian was not afraid of the opponent rushing out at this time.I was lucky today, otherwise he would have spent a little more energy in fighting him with his own power.

But the matter has come to this point, both sides also let go of some harsh words, and later Yi Tian watched as Luan Kuang jumped into the gap of time and space and slipped away under his nose.Speaking of which, this is also a helpless move, of course, Yi Tian is also eagerly looking forward to the other party leaving early, so that he can sit back and enjoy the success and put away all the remaining treasures of the fairy world in Wuleng Mountain.

After a while, Yi Tian was relieved when the savage figure disappeared in front of him, turned around and flew slowly towards the top of Wuleng Mountain.

After landing, Yi Tian first took out three gas-collecting bottles, then opened his mouth one by one and slowly inhaled them towards the fairy liquid.The gas bottle didn't break directly like the raging jade bottle before, but there were faint signs of instability.Yi Tian only filled one-third of the bottle and then stopped. As a result, the three gas-collecting bottles only collected nearly half of the fairy liquid.

After standing up and looking around, the gray mist seems to be much thinner than before. It seems that the environment here has begun to improve as the source of the fairy magic liquid has decreased.

It's just that I looked at the remaining ordinary fairy liquid in a blink of an eye, but I didn't know what to do with it.There is no good solution in his mind for the time being, Yi Tian doesn't want to inhale too much spiritual power and show a violent backlash.

Suddenly, in his spiritual sense, he found that there was a light in the distance flying towards him, and the strength of the person who came was also in the middle of the fusion.Needless to say, it should be Dugu Lonely, the Demon Ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Clan. At this time, the other party's divine sense has detected the position of the top of Wuleng Mountain and locked himself.

Yi Tian secretly felt that it was extremely troublesome, the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuan Hao was forcibly swallowed by him before.Originally, I thought it would take some time to refine it, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

However, I am not a fearful person, if I retreat from the battle, I will naturally be stared at by Dugu Lonely's doppelgänger.Fortunately, I am now showing the appearance of a demon cultivator, and there is still some room for maneuver when I try to communicate with the other party.

What's more, it didn't mean that the two people agreed to meet here to explore Wuleng Mountain together before, and it's the same if they change people now.

Shaoqing saw a black ray of light streaking across the sky, and after a while, he came to the top of Wuleng Mountain.After falling from the clouds, Dugu's lonely true self appeared, and he turned out to be a 30-year-old young man.It's just that there are two long horns growing on his forehead, so he looks like a member of the Tianmo clan.

"Which clan of demon cultivators are you, why have I never seen your face before," Dugu Lonely shouted.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the madness is gone," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

"Why did you meet him?" Dugu Lonely exclaimed, then turned his eyes to the ground and changed the topic: "The fairy magic liquid, it turns out to be something from the fairy world."

(End of this chapter)

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