
Chapter 1807 Cultivation

Chapter 1807 Cultivation
After coming out of Wuleng Mountain, he has been rushing non-stop to the Baihuajian in the beast king's lair in the demon world, and he also encountered the latest full moon night.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he opened the ban again and sneaked in, and then flew straight in the direction of Baihuajian.

Yi Tian has been deeply aware of the benefits of this Xumi space since he practiced retreat in Baihuajian once.If you can practice well in it for 500 years, it is equivalent to one-tenth of the time in the outside world.

Hiding alone in the temporary cave opened deep in the space, Yi Tian looked at the four bottles and a stone cup in front of him with a look of relief on his face.

Leaving aside whether these 'immortal spirit liquid' can be used by oneself, the cup alone does not know its purpose.After thinking about it, Yi Tian took the quilt and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully. Judging from the patterns on it, they were all inscribed with 'golden seal characters'.I have never seen such a pattern before, but I don't know what its purpose is.

He took a gas bottle and poured all the 'fairy magic liquid' into the cup, and the scene in front of him immediately made Yi Tian feel a little different.It was obvious that there was a lot of spiritual liquid in the gas bottle, but when it was poured into the cup, it could only cover the thin layer at the bottom of the cup.

"Is it just an ordinary Heiner cup," Yi Tian said to himself, and then stared at the cup in a daze.It didn't take a moment to see a flash of spiritual light on the stone cup, instantly activating all the lines engraved on it.

The next moment, the stele slowly turned into an emerald green color, until it completely transformed into a crystal clear jade cup.When Yi Tian saw it, he was overjoyed and hurriedly took out the other bottles containing the 'Fairy Magic Liquid' one by one, and poured out all the spiritual liquid in them.

After pouring everything out, Yi Tian found that only about three-quarters of the volume had been filled, and when he thought of the quarter that was taken away by Dugu Lonely, he also had a look of helplessness on his face.Given the circumstances at that time, it was already very difficult to divide the ectoplasmic fluid equally, which was equivalent to taking food from a tiger's mouth, which was extremely dangerous.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that the emerald jade cup was filled with black spiritual liquid. Although it exuded a strong evil spirit, if he drank even half of the cup, he would explode and die.

Now that I maintain the appearance of demonic cultivation, it would be unwise to take in too much demonic power to maintain the balance of spiritual power of both spiritual and demonic cultivation.

After putting down the cup, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to make a seal on his chest, and after three breaths, he recovered his spiritual body.Then he stretched out his hand and picked up the emerald cup again and looked at it carefully.

The next moment, suddenly the spirit patterns around the cup shone, and the originally black spiritual liquid in the cup gradually became crystal clear.Yi Tian's eyelids jumped and he thought in his heart, "Could it be that this cup has the function of the spiritual power attribute of the person controlled by Zheng Ce, and then the psychic liquid in the cup can be turned into a corresponding usable attribute." '

After thinking about it, Yi Tian decided to do an experiment. After putting down the jade cup in his hand, the aura on his body dimmed again, and he appeared in the form of a demon cultivator.The moment my fingers touched the emerald jade cup, a wave of demonic force emerged from the cup.

After understanding the function of the jade cup, Yi Tian still recovered first, then gently used his spiritual thoughts to take out a drop of spiritual purification liquid and slowly put it into his mouth.After slowly swallowing it into his stomach, Yi Tian found a surge of spiritual power erupting from his body, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly practiced exercises to refine it.

After an unknown amount of time, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes, looked around the coronal clock for timekeeping, and realized that he had been practicing meditation for several months.Looking at the jade cup in front of him, Yi Tian didn't intend to put it in the Niwan Palace to avoid trouble.However, it is very remarkable that a drop of psychic liquid can improve one's cultivation by an inch.

Then he showed the appearance of Asura with three heads and six arms, and at the same time, he took out the precious material containing the accompanying glow stone and began to practice separately.

Another harvest from this trip to Wuleng Mountain is the companion glow stone of this golden marrow diamond.Although it is only an accompanying treasure material, the original ore contains a lot of content, except for the core part taken out of it, the rest can be used.

Yi Tian took out the rubbings of the jade slips with colorful rays of light, then penetrated the spiritual thoughts into it, and carefully deduced the exercises in his mind.

At the same time, for the other two songs, each took a drop of spiritual liquid from the cup and put it in his mouth to slowly refine it.With such a single mind and three functions, it is possible to take into account the improvement of cultivation base and the cultivation of supernatural powers at the same time.

In the middle of the cave, one day has been in the world for thousands of years, after continuous practice in a place like Baihuajian, until one day a ray of light pierced the sky and rushed straight to the entrance.After leaving Baihuajian, Yi Tian rushed to the vicinity of the forbidden node, and took advantage of the night to break through the forbidden node.

At this time, Yi Tian's eyes were introverted, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body seemed indistinct, and the aura of the whole person had improved a bit compared to before, and now his cultivation base has already solidified the strength of the middle-level refining body.

Originally in Baihuajian, he wanted to refine all the spirit liquid in the jade cup, but after nearly 200 years of effort, he only managed to use about half of it.And because of the skills, Yi Tian found that it would be best for him to find the spiritual liquid with the fire attribute to absorb spiritual power and improve his cultivation.

In this way, it is better to save the remaining spiritual liquid first, even if you can't use it yourself, the people around you can use it.

The total time spent in Baihuajian is less than 500 years, and the time converted to the outside world is less than 50 years.

In such a short period of time, my cultivation base has skyrocketed to the middle stage of integration, and now I urgently need to find someone to practice my hands to consolidate my cultivation base.During the period of practicing retreat, I have practiced all the seventh-level exercises of the natal exercise Lihuo Nine Changes.Except for Yanlong Aojian, Liyan and Wuminghuo have cultivated back and forth to the level of Dacheng.

There is also Zixiao Zhan in his hand, and the cultivation of the Lihuo Nine Transformations technique also complements each other.In addition, with the support of a large number of Xiaguang stones, I have cultivated the colorful Xiaguang to the level of Xiaocheng, if I use it, I can use it.

After the restriction was released, Yi Tian hurried back to Fengming City, only to find that Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling were not at home after returning to the mansion.After asking the disciples who stayed behind, they learned that they had already gone to Wan Yao City at this time. After the rebuilding of Wan Yao City in recent years, it has taken on a completely new look.It is said that there will be a large-scale auction to be held not long after this moment, and large-scale merchants from other planes will be invited during the period.

Of course, among them, there are also individual masters who come to this world to travel. If you want to understand the exotic customs, you might as well go to the newly built Wan Yao City.

After making arrangements in the mansion, Yi Tian sent out a jade talisman to contact Qing Lianyun in advance, and then he went straight out of the talisman and flew towards the location of Wan Yao City.

(End of this chapter)

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