
Chapter 1808 Elders

Chapter 1808 Elders
Nearly 50 years have passed since the Yan Peigong Rebellion, and to the long-lived demon cultivator, it just seemed like it happened yesterday.

Although the entire Ten Thousand Monsters City has been re-planned and rebuilt under the supervision of Mengluan Yaozun, the patriarch of the Fire Phoenix Clan, the scenes left by the great battle are still vivid in his memory.At least many of the native demon cultivators in Ten Thousand Demon City would chat with the foreign cultivators about the great war from time to time.

It seems that these Yaoxiu were all facing Yan Peigong on the front line back then, but this place has become a window-shaped city for communicating with the outside world.Many monks from different races who came here through the boundary gate chose to settle in Wan Yao City, and at the same time they all became the first batch of spectators.

Regardless of whether these descriptions are true or not, the deeds of Yan Peigong's rebellion in Wan Yao City have already begun to spread to other realms.

While suppressing his cultivation base in the early stage of Yuanying, Yi Tian was walking in the streets and alleys.Walking all the way from the east gate of Wanyao City, they found many merchants gathered by monks of different races, among them there were even official merchants from the Asura world.

Needless to say, it was under the instruction of Empress Luo Ziyan that the strategy of closing the closed world was gradually changed, and she began to constantly seek communication with the outside world.

As for the Qingfeng sub-station of Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, it is located in the west of the city, and Yi Tian only found the location of the shop after crossing the entire Ten Thousand Monsters City.

Judging from the location, this place was originally very close to the place where the Dingxin Lake battle was held. After a little attention, you can find that Qinglianyun is really a good way to set down the boundary coefficients from the shops along the street to Dingxin Lake.Although Dingxin Lake covers an area of ​​about a hundred miles, it seems that the Taiqing Pavilion completely occupies the entire southwest corner of the coast.

Needless to say, he must have followed Mengluan's path, plus he has his own relationship.When rebuilding Wan Yao City, the planning party naturally turned a blind eye and let the Qingfeng sub-station enclose the land at will.

When I came to the Qingfeng sub-station, I saw the Golden Retriever King sitting here, and there was such an eighth-level mid-level demon cultivator in the lobby, and the guys who worked in the shop naturally didn't dare to be lazy.Coupled with the fact that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the Golden Retriever King's body spread out without restraint, many monks who originally came in for the transaction were taken aback.

In Ten Thousand Monsters City, there are not many companies that can let the eighth-level demon cultivator sit on the surface. Naturally, the safety factor of Qingfeng Company has been improved invisibly.

When Yi Tian walked into the hall of the company, the Golden Retriever King naturally discovered his existence immediately, which inevitably caused commotion. Yi Tian then quietly said: "Where is Qinglianyun, I can go find her myself. "

"The mistress is meditating in the backyard, the suzerain can just go straight there," the Golden Retriever King hurriedly replied via voice transmission.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian's figure quietly disappeared in the lobby without attracting anyone's attention.Later, after going through several restrictions in succession, they came to the promenade on the edge of Dingxin Lake in the depths of the inner courtyard.Yi Tian's divine sense scanned slightly and found that if he continued to walk along the promenade here, he could go straight to the small island by the lake.

Unexpectedly, Qing Lianyun would really find a place, and found such a good place to find a quiet place in the city of Wan Yao.However, there are a lot of formation restrictions along the way, but in front of him, these are like paper.If you want to break in by force, it doesn't take much time, but Yi Tian doesn't want to make a big noise when he comes, and he also wants to see how strong Qinglianyun's formation is.

Therefore, Yi Tian skillfully broke through the barriers one after another step by step, and finally came to the outer edge of the elegant residence on the small island by the lake.Just as he was about to break the last restriction, a gap was suddenly opened in the light film, and a voice came from it: "I don't know which fellow Taoist is coming, Zhong is far away, please come in quickly."

Yi Tian immediately frowned slightly, the voice was obviously a male cultivator, but he didn't know that there would be a male cultivator appearing in Qing Lianyun's private residence, so he was naturally a little unhappy.

Since the other party calls him that, it seems that he is also a monk in the integration period, and Yi Tian certainly doesn't want to lose his status.After walking in slowly, he saw a [-]-year-old monk sitting there in the gazebo in the other courtyard, while Qing Lianyun disappeared.

After seeing Yi Tian, ​​this person gave a light salute at first, and then blurted out after looking at him: "The middle stage of fusion."

Yi Tian is also staring at the other party from time to time to observe, the strength of the person sitting in the courtyard is roughly in the early stage of fusion.From the aura inadvertently exuded from him, it can be found that he is a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, and it is estimated that he should be someone like Qing Lianyun's elders.

Yi Tian didn't want to offend the other party either, although his own cultivation base was slightly stronger, but if he really wanted to talk about the seniority of the sect, he might still be lower than the other party.What's more, I don't know if Qing Lianyun has confessed his details, if not, that's the best way to save a lot of trouble.

Later, the man stood up and cupped his hands in a salute, saying, "Zhong Liangsu of the Taiqing Pavilion met Daoyou Yi."

With a slight smile on his face, Yi Tian clasped his hands and replied: "We all belong to the same sect. Naturally, we don't need to be too polite to meet each other. In terms of cultivation, we can be friends of the same generation. But I am on good terms with Senior Sister Qing. I don't know how to call you Zhong Daoyou because of my seniority. "

"We cultivators should naturally talk about cultivation. It is not uncommon for sects to change from nephew to uncle." Zhong Liangsu replied with a smile, and then changed the subject. : "If you are in the mortal world, I am Lianyun's grandfather."

Speaking of this, he glanced at him meaningfully, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.Yi Tian was amused in his heart, in terms of cultivation, he was able to defeat Zhong Liangsu in the early stage of the fusion, but now he uses the mortal family relationship to involve himself, it seems that he still wants to win back.

Walking up to Yi Tian, ​​he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. After the two of them were seated, he said, "So it's Lianyun's grandfather, so it's a family." After saying that, he reached out and took out an exquisite jade bottle Passed it over, and then said: "A small thing is not a respect, and I invite grandpa to accept it."

From the beginning to the end, Yi Tian still adhered to the policy of putting peace first, and it is better to win over the direct disciples who are also Taiqing Pavilion.And with Qing Lianyun's relationship, it would be a great thing for everyone to reach a tacit understanding invisibly and become an offensive and defensive alliance.

Zhong Liangsu reached out to take the jade bottle, gently opened it, and then used his spiritual sense to investigate deeply.Later, his complexion changed slightly and he blurted out: "What a pure spiritual liquid, I have never seen such a high-level one, and fellow Daoist Yi spent a lot of money."

Hearing that the other party's name has changed and he no longer relies on the old to sell the old, Yi Tian also showed a satisfied smile on his face. It is quite effective against his "silver bullet" attack.

 Thanks for the support of Taoist 20180311170519689

(End of this chapter)

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