
Chapter 1812 Promise

Chapter 1812 Promise
Unexpectedly, the matter of the pure psychic liquid would involve the gambling of the monks in the integration stage, so Yi Tian naturally sneered at these things.However, the 'Returning to Heaven Pill' and 'Dream Reincarnation Pill' aroused my interest.Needless to say, this thing is useful for Zhong Liangsu and others, and it must be effective for himself.

I remember that when I was in the lower realm, I used the dream-returning method to enter the illusion and temper my Taoism. The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is for monks to try this method to practice again.And the growth of mental state and cultivation level are complementary to each other. If it can be slightly higher than the cultivation level, then there is no need to worry about the chaos caused by the demons during the tribulation.

In short, it is as effective as Qing Lianyun at the current stage, so when Yi Tian listened to Zhong Liangsu's narration, he knew the problem.The point is that this old guy had tricked himself once before, so no matter what, he had to bleed a little this time.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Since this is the case, why must I make a move?"

"In terms of numbers, we are on par with the opponent, but we are two early stages and one middle stage, and the other party is the opposite, two middle stages and one early stage," Zhong Liangsu said. If you really match up, you will definitely lose."

"What conditions did the other party propose?" Yi Tian asked.

"A total of three bottles of Huitian Pills have been refined, a total of nine pieces, and the other party wants six pieces," Zhong Liangsu said, "The things they exchanged are considered rare, but compared to the usefulness of Huitian Pills, they are a little far behind .”

"So the two sides disagree, and they want to buy and sell by force, but you don't want to suffer?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's natural. Although our strength is slightly inferior, we didn't follow them to flatten and round," Zhong Liangsu said: "Because everyone is in a foreign land, we don't want to provoke the unpleasantness of the master here. About, they also found a monster master as a witness."

"Looking for the Yaozu to witness, who will come forward?" Yi Tian asked.

"Changshanhu from the Tiger Clan and Hou Yuan from the Lion Clan, the two ninth-level demon venerables came forward," Zhong Liangsu thought for a while before saying, "I don't know where these two are going, so I came here in such a hurry You helped me."

"It turned out to be the two of them," Yi Tian said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth: "Then it's no problem, I have a little intersection with these two, and they shouldn't be biased."

"Really," Zhong Liangsu said with a smile on his face, "That's good, please grandson-in-law and me to hurry up without delay, they are all waiting."

"Wait a minute, it's one thing to help with fists, but there is no one in the world who doesn't get paid for his efforts," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "helping you out of the siege and making favors with those two demon venerables, that's amazing." It’s not something that can be done with a simple sentence.”

Seeing that he was sitting on the ground and raising the price, Zhong Liangsu also showed embarrassment, then turned to look at Qing Lianyun and said with a smile: "Lianyun, grandpa has always loved you the most, please help me Busy, how about I ask the medicine man to order some good pills as compensation afterwards?"

Qing Lianyun's face was a little moved, but looking at Yi Tian's face, he didn't dare to persuade directly, so he could only reply: "Everything is your own opinion, I think this matter will be handled properly."

She also cuts tofu with two sides, and besides, she will not easily go against her own will when she just committed herself to herself.Yi Tian laughed dumbly when he heard the words: "Grandpa, why bother to see others, just talk to me about some small things directly, don't embarrass Lianyun." At the end, his tone changed slightly, as if expressing his dissatisfaction .

Seeing that things turned around, Zhong Liangsu hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "That's right, that's right, how can you make things difficult for Lianyun. So, grandson and son-in-law, you agreed to take action."

"I can take over the gambling for you, and even Zhanshanhu and Houyuan once owed me a lot of favors. With me here, I will guarantee that you will not suffer." Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "It's just that I want two 'Awakening Dream Reincarnation Pills' as a reward, and I have to pay first."

"The two 'Xingmeng Reincarnation Pills' have to be paid first. It seems that they are prepared for you and Lianyun." Zhong Liangsu asked: "I can't directly make the decision at this time, but I have to ask the medicine man what he means. All the pills are in his hands."

"Then ask quickly, time waits for no one," Yi Tian joked.

Zhong Liangsu immediately took out the Jade Talisman of Communication, wrote down the content, then activated it and sent it out. After a short while, the Jade Talisman of Communication pierced through the forbidden barrier of the courtyard and flew in.Zhong Liangsu took it and checked it in his palm, and nodded after three breaths: "Okay, the medicine man said it's okay, if you can get some exotic treasures from them to trade with us, we can do it again." Let's move on."

"Then it's settled," Yi Tian said casually, then turned his head and said to Qing Lianyun, "I'll go back as soon as I go, and we'll have a chat later."

Qing Lianyun, on the other hand, blushed and spat angrily back: "No one is serious, hurry up and settle the matter," his eyes were full of infinite attachment.

Zhong Liangsu also hurriedly said: "Lianyun, wait here for a while, don't worry about it when we go back."

Shaoqing and the others flew high above the sky after leaving the elegant residence on the island in the middle of the lake, and then led by Zhong Liangsu and galloped towards the northwest of Wan Yao City.After flying for half a quarter of an hour along the way, about ten thousand miles away from Wan Yao City, Yi Tian's divine sense locked on to the front, surrounded by several spiritual pressure fluctuations.Two of them are still more familiar to me, needless to say, they should be the two monsters, Chuangshanhu and Houyuan.

As for the other five paths, they are the protagonists of this dispute, among which the breath of the abyss old devil himself is extremely sensitive to it.I think that when I was in the demon world, when the army of the flame prison demons and the abyss demons confronted each other, I had already met the old abyss demon face to face.

It's just that I don't know if the other party will recognize my appearance, after all, now I have recovered the state of spiritual cultivation, and my strength has suddenly become deeper and deeper into the middle stage of fusion.However, I didn't expect that Abyss Old Demon's cultivation base would also be raised to that of the mid-term during this period of time. This time it was a good show.

Not long after, the two of them came down and stayed on the top of the mountain. When their spiritual thoughts swept across, they saw three monks of different races standing in the air one mile away.Among them, the fit monk of the Manjiao tribe was in the early stage of strength, and the man of the Huangquan tribe was in the middle stage.As for the old ghost Yi Tian who swept through the abyss with his divine sense, he smiled slightly. Unexpectedly, his aura was not very stable. It seemed that he had just entered the stage not long ago.

And the third party in the air is the two Yaozu Yaozun, Zhanshanhu and Houyuan. When they saw him, they were slightly stunned, and the next moment they looked at each other, they could see the strangeness in each other's eyes.Presumably, his reputation had already spread among the high-ranking monster clan after the Battle of Ten Thousand Monster City, how could they still not know how to judge this gambling fight at this time.It's just that I couldn't reprimand the two people in the hell world because of face, and I also secretly complained in my heart when I encountered this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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